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Everything posted by ramnik

  1. 1. Yes , export utility Export scheduling Information ..i.e. all the scheduled jobs for the reports 2. Try something like this: js-export --report-jobs /organizations/organization_1/reports/samples/AllAccounts -- output-dir myExport Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  2. As far as i know , we cannot run just the JRXML for domain report] directlly from the iReport . Even , i tried myself and i got error . It is not supported way. However, abt embedding the JRXML in ur application ..i may not be right person to answer .. Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  3. Since this is adhoc report , you should try to run it as report unit and not only the JRXML. Because there will be other resources refrenced by this report . and basically , since this is domain report , i think prefrered way is to run it as repot unit and not just as JRXML - you can run this report unit by right clicking in Jasperserver Plugin and click run report unit Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  4. 1st way :- Steps:- - Open iReport designer - Open the window Jasperserver Plugin - Eneter the properties of jasperserver [ ur jasperserver and login information ] - in the jasperserver repository browser , select the report you want to open - and right click and select -> open in editor - from here , click save , and you will be able to save the report as JRXML screen shot attached 2nd way:- - export the jasperreport unit using the Buildomatic command -> js-ant export -DexportFile = "filename.zip" -DexportArgs="--uris /organizations/organization_1/reports/etcetc" in the exported report unit , open the resources folder and you can find out the JRXML file for the rpeort .under files folder Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  5. It is not possible to directly download the JRXML file for a rpeort unit. However , if you export the resources , you can get the JRXML file too ..or You can open the report unit in iReport [ using Jasperserver Plugin ] and save the JRXML file .. Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  6. iReport 3.7.3 is not supported with Jasperserver 3.7. Please try to use save the report in iReport with comaptibility options and while saving -> save iwith comapatibility to Jasperreport 3.7. Steps:- In iReport , go to tools -> General -> Comapatibility options. - select the option -> Jasperreports 3.7.0 - save the report - and choose -> keep this version while saving. Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  7. Here are the steps which can help you :- 1. you add query input control to the report 2. You select locally defind query , select the query language and ad the query 3. then you can define the value column and visible column for the query. this is haw u defind the resultset of query which will be used .. Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  8. For jasperserver Professional , the information abt deployment to different databases is in install Guide. You can use the steps described in Install Guide to install on any supported platform and Database. Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  9. In order , different users should access different report , you can assign permissions to report for specific users in Jasperserver repository. Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  10. You should be able to use MS SQL srerver as ur DB. Mysql syntax is not embedded in code. It may be , however , samples wont work ok bcaz by default , sample reports are designed to work on Mysql For Jasperserver-Pro, you can choose the MS SQL server Db while doing deployment itself. Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  11. 1. change in /META-INF/ context.xml file 2. if you have created any data sources using the Jasperserver DB, please change those too to have right port Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  12. In the JRXML , - using the report wizard , you can add the resource -> by clicking -> Add Resources and selecting the image. this will ad dthe image resource with proper prefix ..e.g. if the image is saved under -> /oragnization_1/Image , you need to have that prefix in teh JRXML - If you are using report wizard to do it, it will be done automatically , you may not need to edit the JRXML by hand . Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  13. This is Pro Only Feature ... Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  14. Firefox 3.5.8 is supported platform for Jasperserver Pro 3.7 and above . Which version fof Jasperserver are u using ? Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  15. Please check that ports :- 8080 and 8005 are not in use .. Or try using different ports for both startup and shutdown ..e.g. 9080 and 9005 this error occurs only when ports you are trying to use are already in use . Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  16. You can achiever row level security by creating a domain using the data source and adding teh security file to the domain. This is available as part of Jasperserver Pro - domain deisgner feature. Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  17. Yes Jasperserver Pro 3.7 works ok on windows 7. Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  18. It seems the zip file you are using for import is not good ... Have u created teh zip file using winzip or so ..if so , in that case it will not work. If you have not created the zip file using the export .and it is just normal directory , you can simply try importing the data using this command ( instead of running the -> js-ant import-upgrade-ce) js-ant import -DimportFile="filename" Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  19. In Order to use the existing database, you have to create Data Source in Jasperserver repository. - Go to View -> repository, select any folder and right click to open -> Add Resource Menu - Select Add New data source - You can select JDBC Data source Or JNDI Data Source - add the details -> URL, username , password , driver class and test connection Once Data source is created successfully, you can use it in Jasperserver to create reports , domain Hope it helps, Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  20. well i myself is working in Jaspersoft and i have access to the bugs logged internally and fixed in Jasperserver thanks Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  21. iReport 3.7.3 is not supported with JS Pro 3.7 especially jr:Table component in iReport 3.7.3 is not yet supported in JS Pro 3.7 hope it helps , Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  22. This has been Bug in JS Pro 3.7 and has been fixed too in current Release which will be available as Js Pro 3.7.1 by almost end of June. If you need it ASAP, please contact Support Service Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  23. Can u please try clearing the Browser Cache and clearing the work directory under tomcat ? Also , calendar sometimes can have problem when testing in different browser. fro 3.7 -> it has been tested and worked well for these browser -> IE 7.0, IE 8.0, FF 3.0., FF 3.5 can u please confirm which browser are u using ? Ramnik Kaur Senior QA Engineer
  24. it is fixed in 3.7 and if you have any needs for existing version , you can get it through custromer support thanks Ramnik Kaur Sen. QA Engineer
  25. This was issue with JS Pro 3.5.1 which is fixed in later versions. There is hotfix available for the fix. Ramnik Kaur Sen. QA Engineer
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