JasperReports provides some built-in parameters (they are internal to the reporting engine) that you may read but cannot modify. Some the most important are the "REPORT_CONNECTION", which holds the JDBC connection used to run the SQL query of the report (if the report is filled using a JDBC connection), the "REPORT_DATA_SOURCE" which contains, if available, the data source used to fill the report, the "REPORT_LOCALE" which contains the Locale used to fill the report and so on.
Some built-in parameters are specific of some query languages, in example when using the Hibernate query language, the reports automatically includes the parameter "HIBERNATE_SESSION" that holds the Hibernate session used to run the HQL query. As said, the built-in parameters can not be modified or deleted.
The built-in parameters are:
JasperReports Default Parameters
This is the java.util.Map passed to the fillReport method; it contains the parameter values defined by the user.
This is the JDBC connection passed to the report when the report is created through a SQL query.
This is used to limit the number of records filling a report. If no value is provided, no limit is set.
This is the data source used by the report when it is not using a JDBC connection.
This represents the scriptlet instance used during creation. If no scriptlet is specified, this parameter uses an instance of net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDefaultScriptlet.
This is used to set the locale used to fill the report. If no locale is provided, the system default is used.
This is the resource bundle loaded for this report.
This is used to set the time zone used to fill the report. If no value is provided, the system default is used.
This is an instance of a net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.FormatFactory. The user can replace the default one and specify a custom version using a parameter. Another way to use a particular format factory is by setting the report property format factory class.
This parameter can be used to set the class loader to use when filling the report.
Class used to create URL handlers. If specified, it replaces the default.
This is an instance of net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.FileResolver used to resolve resource locations that can be passed to the report in order to replace the default implementation.
This is an optional collection of styles (JRTemplate) that can be used in the report in addition to the ones defined in the report.
This defines the class for the report filler that implements the JRVirtualizer interface for filling the report.
You can switch the pagination system on and off with this parameter (it must be a Boolean object). By default, pagination is used except when exporting to HTML and Excel formats.
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