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  1. Hi everyone, I’m stuck in a problem and hope anyone could help me. I’m designing a report with iReport(last version), which I have a long text dynamically received by parameter. The problem is that there are text missing at the end of each page (variably amounts of lines missing in every page). I have found a lot of similar questions but none of them could help me since they got this problem only when exporting to pdf or another format, and I am having this situation with all formats exporting and even with the internal iReport previewer, which happens the same thing and if I keep scrolling down and up the page, some lines does appear or miss again! I have tried font extensions and changing environment, but nothing has changed. This is how the textField is setted up: <textField isStretchWithOverflow="true"> <reportElement uuid="e97e546b-ad36-44e7-bccf-52e2ff6a20a7" stretchType="RelativeToBandHeight" x="15" y="223" width="524" height="23" isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="true"/> <textElement> <font fontName="Times New Roman" size="9" pdfEncoding="Cp1250" isPdfEmbedded="true"/> </textElement> <textFieldExpression><![CDATA[$P{corpo}]]></textFieldExpression> </textField>[/code]Any help will be really apreciated. Thanks in advance.
  2. Hi fellows, I've been researching and studying for days to solve this issue, but no success. This is the problem: I need this report, with no detail band because each registry will generate a complete page. However this query will fetch child registries that i need to put in a table. Since its a mirror report (I need to print the same information twice in the same page), I have to prevent the number of registers in the table to not overflow the following fields and generate a second report with the remainder child registers. I've attached a image to help you understand what I need. Any help will be very appreciated.
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