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  1. You can use http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/config.reference.html#net.sf.jasperreports.crosstab.column.header.sort.measure.index. Please refer to link below for explanation: https://stackoverflow.com/a/51981585 Here is a demo http://somup.com/cYV3QffRXX
  2. Issue DescriptionDuring JasperReports server start-up following error is observed: [toc]2019-12-05 13:09:17,648 ERROR CastorSerializer,main:88 - org.exolab.castor.mapping.MappingException: A mapping for class com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.export.modules.mt.beans.TenantBean already exists 2019-12-05 13:09:17,898 ERROR EhCacheImpl,main:557 - -- JasperServer: EhCacheImpl shutdown called. This normal shutdown operation. 2019-12-05 13:09:17,898 ERROR EhCacheImpl,main:560 - -- JasperServer: EhCacheImpl calling cleanerTimer.cancel(). This normal shutdown operation. 2019-12-05 13:09:17,945 ERROR ContextLoader,main:350 - Context initialization failed org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'tenantImportMergeUtil' defined in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/applicationContext-export-import-web-pro.xml]: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'multiTenancyExportConfiguration' while setting bean property 'tenantModuleConfiguration'; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'multiTenancyExportConfiguration' defined in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/applicationContext-export-import-web-pro.xml]: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'tenantSerializer' while setting bean property 'tenantSerializer'; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'tenantSerializer' defined in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/applicationContext-export-import-web.xml]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper: A mapping for class com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.export.modules.mt.beans.TenantBean already exists Arguments: at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.BeanDefinitionValueResolver.resolveReference(BeanDefinitionValueResolver.java:359) ResolutionThis is know issue running JasperServer 7.2.0 or 7.1.x on Tomcat 9.0.29 and 8.5.49. We certify up to Tomcat 9.0.17 and 8.5.39 Please downgrade to supported version of application server DockerIf you are using Docker container please change Dockerfile to pull Tomcat 9.0.17: FROM tomcat:9.0.17-jre8
  3. Issue DescriptionWe need to use MySQL database table with JSON column "json_value "in a Domain. When we add "json_value" column in Ad Hoc designer empty value is being displayed. When'd like to show JSON value as String. Resolution<property name="codeToJdbcTypeMapping"> in /WEB-INF/applicationContext-jdbc-metadata.xml is responsible for vendor-specific JDBC type mapping. JSON in MySQL is represented by "1111". However, in JasperServer 7.2.0 "1111" is cosidered TIMESTAMP WITH PRECISION OF FRANCTIONAL SECONDS in Oracle, mapped to TIMESTAMP. Please edit line 83 and restart your server: <entry key="1111" value="VARCHAR"/>
  4. Issue DescriptionWe are migrating our ETL jobs using Jaspersoft® ETL studio. We exported jobs from Jaspersoft® Studio 6.4.1 but when we try to import them into Studio 7.1.1 in log file we can see following messages: [toc]!ENTRY org.talend.platform.logging 2 0 2019-11-13 11:07:09.805 !MESSAGE 2019-11-13 11:07:09,805 WARN org.talend.commons.exception.CommonExceptionHandler - Can't find any signature !ENTRY org.talend.platform.logging 2 0 2019-11-13 11:07:09.806 !MESSAGE 2019-11-13 11:07:09,806 WARN org.talend.commons.exception.CommonExceptionHandler - The signature of item Job Designs commit_interval_CONTEXT 0.1 is invalid.ResolutionStarting from 7.0.1 version, after the installation of Talend Studio 7.0.1 customers have 90 days to import jobs created in previous version of Talend Studio. After this period, Talend Studio will not be able to validate and import project elements: https://community.talend.com/t5/Migration-Configuration-and/Migrating-to-Talend-7-0/ta-p/132017 If you have a valid ETL license we can request Talend to deliver a migration token key, allowing you to import your jobs. Please note, that the approval can take some time.
  5. Issue DescriptionWe have a requirement to separate records with odd IDs (1, 3, 5 ..) from even IDs (2, 4, 6 ..) and store them in 2 separate Excel files. ResolutionYou could utilize tMap filter expression using "row1.id % 2 == 0" for even IDs and "row1.id % 2 != 0" for odd IDs respectively. Attached ETL job demonstrates a simple use-case using random text generator and 2 resulting Excel files.
  6. dnaboka

    ETL: Lookup with tMap

    Issue DescriptionI'd like to replace/link my table "ID" field with corresponding key-value pairs from CSV file, e.g. user_id,user_type 1098,sales 1051,engineer 307,customer ResolutionYou should use Lookup connection with tMap component. Once 2 (or more) input sources are joined you can perform transformation (if necessary) and output result for further processing or storing in DB, file, buffer etc tmap_lookup.zip
  7. Issue DescriptionWe have some old Ad Hoc views that no longer work. We get NPE errors when we try to run, edit, delete them using web UI. Also, these broken views prevent us from exporting repository. ResolutionSuch broken views could be result of previous product customizations that no longer work or we not migrated to current version of JasperServer. It is possible to manually delete these Ad Hoc views from repository DB. However, you need to be very careful to not brake any dependencies! Example below demonstrated how to remove "Ad_Hoc_View" resource located in /public/Test folder with all the dependent bundles, queries, filters and hidden files: DELETE FROM "jiadhocdataviewresource" WHERE adhoc_data_view_id IN ( SELECT jiresource.id FROM jiresource JOIN jiresourcefolder ON jiresource.parent_folder = jiresourcefolder.id WHERE jiresource.parent_folder IN ( SELECT id FROM jiresourcefolder WHERE uri='/public/Test' ) AND jiresource.name='Ad_Hoc_View' ); DELETE FROM "JIAdhocDataViewInputControl" WHERE adhoc_data_view_id IN ( SELECT jiresource.id FROM jiresource JOIN jiresourcefolder ON jiresource.parent_folder = jiresourcefolder.id WHERE jiresource.parent_folder IN ( SELECT id FROM jiresourcefolder WHERE uri='/public/Test' ) AND jiresource.name='Ad_Hoc_View' ); DELETE FROM "jiadhocdataview" WHERE id IN ( SELECT jiresource.id FROM jiresource JOIN jiresourcefolder ON jiresource.parent_folder = jiresourcefolder.id WHERE jiresource.parent_folder IN ( SELECT id FROM jiresourcefolder WHERE uri='/public/Test' ) AND jiresource.name='Ad_Hoc_View' ); DELETE FROM jiresource WHERE jiresource.id IN ( SELECT jiresource.id FROM jiresource JOIN jiresourcefolder ON jiresource.parent_folder = jiresourcefolder.id WHERE jiresource.parent_folder IN ( SELECT id FROM jiresourcefolder WHERE uri='/public/Test' ) AND jiresource.name='Ad_Hoc_View' ); DELETE FROM jifileresource WHERE id IN ( SELECT jiresource.id FROM jiresource JOIN jiresourcefolder ON jiresource.parent_folder = jiresourcefolder.id WHERE jiresource.parent_folder IN ( SELECT id FROM jiresourcefolder WHERE uri like '/public/Test/Ad_Hoc_View%' ) ); DELETE FROM JIInputControlQueryColumn WHERE input_control_id IN ( SELECT jiresource.id FROM jiresource JOIN jiresourcefolder ON jiresource.parent_folder = jiresourcefolder.id WHERE jiresource.parent_folder IN ( SELECT id FROM jiresourcefolder WHERE uri like '/public/Test/Ad_Hoc_View%' ) ); DELETE FROM JIInputControl WHERE id IN ( SELECT jiresource.id FROM jiresource JOIN jiresourcefolder ON jiresource.parent_folder = jiresourcefolder.id WHERE jiresource.parent_folder IN ( SELECT id FROM jiresourcefolder WHERE uri like '/public/Test/Ad_Hoc_View%') ); DELETE FROM JIQuery WHERE id IN ( SELECT jiresource.id FROM jiresource JOIN jiresourcefolder ON jiresource.parent_folder = jiresourcefolder.id WHERE jiresource.parent_folder IN ( SELECT id FROM jiresourcefolder WHERE uri like '/public/Test/Ad_Hoc_View_files%' ) ); DELETE FROM jiresource WHERE jiresource.id IN ( SELECT jiresource.id FROM jiresource JOIN jiresourcefolder ON jiresource.parent_folder = jiresourcefolder.id WHERE jiresource.parent_folder IN ( SELECT id FROM jiresourcefolder WHERE uri like '/public/Test/Ad_Hoc_View_files%' ) ); DELETE FROM jiresourcefolder WHERE uri like '/public/Test/Ad_Hoc_View_files%' Ref. Case 01809349
  8. Issue DescriptionJasperReports Server installation (or upgrade) stopped with following errors in buildomaticlogsjs-install-pro_2019-11-01_17-04-16523.log [toc][select-sql] 1 of 1 SQL statements executed successfully [echo] Connection OK [java] Error occurred during initialization of VM [java] Could not reserve enough space for 2097152KB object heap [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Djava.vendor="New Oracle" BUILD FAILED C:\jasperreports-server-pro-7.1.1-bin\buildomatic\bin\db-common.xml:1351: The following error occurred while executing this line: C:\jasperreports-server-pro-7.1.1-bin\buildomatic\bin\import-export.xml:312: The following error occurred while executing this line: C:\jasperreports-server-pro-7.1.1-bin\buildomatic\bin\import-export.xml:196: Java returned: 1ResolutionYou are running 32-bit Java. Please install 64-bit version JRE/JDK, make sure system variables are set up correctly and restart your command line. JVM requirements are outlined in the article below: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/hardware-requirements-jasperreports-server#Hardwarerequirements-JVMHeapMemory Ref. Case 01530669
  9. Issue DescriptionA simple Ad Hoc view/report (crosstab) that returns only 10 rows takes more than 10 seconds to finish. Adding filters takes additional time as well. ResolutionAd Hoc Crosstab generates query similar to the one below: select count(`annual_revenue`) as `CountAll_annual_revenue`, `assigned_user_id` from `default`.`accounts` group by `assigned_user_id` order by `assigned_user_id` limit 200001;You could optimize Hadoop/Hive to speed up execution of queries containing ORDER BY, GROUP BY and LIMIT statements: https://support.treasuredata.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001450788-Hive-Performance-Tuning http://hadooptutorial.info/hive-performance-tuning/#3_Avoid_Global_Sorting_in_Hive https://dzone.com/articles/how-to-improve-hive-query-performance-with-hadoop However, you can make JasperServer Ad Hoc engine generate queries like this instead by disabling "Optimize Queries for Domain-based Reports": select `account_type`, `annual_revenue`, ... from `default`.`accounts` limit 200001Ref. Case 01806988
  10. Issue Description:I'd like to enable mail notifications DEBUG messages to analyze scheduled job notifications. I've enabled <prop key="mail.debug">true</prop> but messages are not being logged in Tomcat and JasperServer log files only console output. Solution: First of all make sure you enable <prop key="mail.debug">true</prop> in applicationContext-report-scheduling.xml correctly by following article below: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/gmail-smtp-report-jobs-failing-smtp-authentication-error-despite-correct-username-and-password If you would like to re-direct Tomcat console output to a file you could following suggestion below: https://stackoverflow.com/a/6864212/2569608 For example, syntax below will output "mail.debug" messages (as well messages from other Java classes) to logstomcat.log if your Tomcat root dir is C:optapache-tomcat-8.5.32: C:\opt\apache-tomcat-8.5.32\bin>catalina.bat run > C:\opt\apache-tomcat-8.5.32\logs\tomcat.log 2>&
  11. Issue Description:I'd like to modify calendar drop-down to show only current Year and next 5 years. Solution: You will need to customize JavaScript files to achieve this. In particular, file jasperserver-pro/scripts/bower_components/jquery-ui/ui/jquery.ui.datepicker.js. Lines 1833 - 1835 are responsible for this functionality. For example, by changing values "10" to "5" and removing "-" from match() method regex your calendar will dispaly current and next 5 years in the drop-down: var year = (value.match(/c[+].*/) ? drawYear + parseInt(value.substring(1), 5) : (value.match(/[+].*/) ? thisYear + parseInt(value, 5) : parseInt(value, 5)));Then, you will have to run JavaScript optimization to introduce these changes to file(s) in ./optimized-scripts folder: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-ultimate-guide/v710/customizing-javascript-files This articles helps you automate this process: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/automate-tibco-jasperreports-server-javascript-customization-linux-using-bash Please keep in mind this change will also affect Date calendar as well as Ad Hoc filters and Report input controls.
  12. Issue Description:We are trying to apply TAC license using following API call: [toc]./MetaServletCaller.sh --tac-url=http://localhost:8080/org.jasper.administrator --json-params={"actionName":"setLicenseKey","authPass":"admin","authUser":"security@company.com","licenseKeyPath":"/vagrant/license"} but facing an error: {"error":"A JSONObject text must begin with '{' at character 1","returnCode":2} Explanation: Json-params (or "-json") should be enclosed in single quotes, e.g. ./MetaServletCaller.sh --tac-url=http://localhost:8080/org.jasper.administrator --json-params='{"actionName":"setLicenseKey","authPass":"admin","authUser":"security@company.com","licenseKeyPath":"/vagrant/license"}'You can find full documentation on MetaServlet API using links below: https://help.talend.com/reader/YcEtLnE30CM8SeOxtXyHYQ/p4dbJNuFkgFs0_~GMUWdmA https://help.talend.com/reader/XKiHN_uvNCRjt1~QcNn4fw/URmRoWm7YAuFC06smWxO9g
  13. Issue Description:We can't log in to Database configuration page when accessing TAC. Defautl 'admin' password doesn't work: Explanation: Talend Talend Administration Center passwords are stored in .jacapache-tomcatwebappstacWEB-INFclassesconfiguration.properties For this setting specifically we are looking at database.config.password property. It is encrypted but we can use plain text to reset the password. For example, if we shut down Tomcat and set database.config.password=admin[/code]after restart plain text string will be automatically encoded into database.config.password=8c6976e5b5410415bde908bd4dee15df,Encrypt[/code]Now we can log in using 'admin' password.
  14. if it's still an issue please provide more details about the problem; screencast would be perfect we need to at least know what product you are referring to exactly: TAC, studio, cmdline, jobserver etc or all-in-one installer? most imoprtantly please note version 6.0.1 has reached EOF: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/jaspersoft-etl-version-retiredend-life-schedule
  15. Technical Support calls for TIBCO Jaspersoft® ETL products are accepted based on time lines established by our technical partners Talend. Please refer to the following page for these time lines: http://www.talend.com/support/support-statements VersionRetiredEnd-Of-Life6.2.1January 2018August 20196.3.1July 2018January 20206.4.1December 2018June 20207.1.1 Jaspersoft® ETL version 6.0.1 has reached End-of-life on September 1, 2018
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