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  1. Hello, I am using iReport Professional 3.6.0 Charts Pro report element. I am having and issue with sizing the chart. I find that my chart size remain small with a PDF output no matter how much I increase the width. It occupies just a quarter of the width of the page, no matter what I do, is there a feature/property that I need to adjust? Thanks! Post Edited by nsamagond at 11/30/2009 18:47
  2. I have a main report that uses 15 subreports. Eaach subreport has a table, with unknown rows. All the subreports are in the detail band (as I understand subreports have to be there). Now, I need to get an image before each subreport, but I am unable to do so as I am restestricted by the detail band height of 750. I would appreciate any input. Thanks in advance.
  3. H. ello I have a report with 5 subreports. Can 3 of the 5 sub reports have a Landscape orientation and the other 2 have a Potrait Orientation?
  4. How to I load 5 subreport jrxml's + the main jrxml on the JS? Is it a resource or control? How does that work with subreports? Can you please tell me or point me to something that I can use? Thank you!
  5. I want to display the same resultset in multiple tables
  6. Hello, I am trying to creat a report that has two pages of text and then 5 tables with information that get pulled up by sql query. The query can pull up several row and 75colums of data but I dont display them all in one table but 5 different tables, see attachment. So table one will show all rows owith just 9 columns (of 75 --> select * from tablename will bring back 50 rows and 75 colums) table two will show all rows and another set of 9 columns (of 75) table three will show all rows and another set of 10 columns (of 75) table four will show all rows and another set of 10 columns (of 75) Thanks in Advance..
  7. Thanks Matt. I have a follow-up question. I have several tables to display and in the detail band, but the way it works, as I understand, it only displays one table. So, for example if my query returns a 100 rows which have 75 colums, I have to display 5 tables, each table have will have about 8 -13 random columns of the 75 columns and each of the 100 rows. Thanks! Post Edited by nsamagond at 05/21/2009 19:10
  8. how can I create a table where the number of rows are unknown at design time but the number of columns are fixed? I dont think crosstabs work for this. Thanks in advance Post Edited by nsamagond at 05/21/2009 00:19
  9. Hello, I have a report that includes 2 tables, each with about 255 fields. Altho the query works and displays in MySQL, iReport is only pulling up fields from one of the tables. Is there a limitation on the amount of fields that iReport can pull? ALso, the field names in both the tables are almost identical, just 4 extra in one table than the other.. Thanks in advcance fro your help.
  10. Hello, Several of my iReports Query have values hard-coded in them. I want to configure these reports and pull these out to a common place so it is easy to maintain. Any sugestions on how I cna go about doing this? Thanks in Advance
  11. Is there a way of finding out which jrxml a report is using in Jasper Repository? I am new to the company .We have several reports and I cannot tell which jrxml is associated with which report. In the wizard it only allows you to upload a new jrxml but dosent tell you what the old jrxml is. Thanks Post Edited by Neha S at 02/11/09 20:32
  12. http://jasperforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=3057&group_id=102&atid=613
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