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Everything posted by dnvsrikanth

  1. Hi, Place the crosstab in the group footer and set the reset type of the crosstab to the Group in which the crosstab is placed. DNV Srikanth
  2. Hi Friends, I want to use a condition in the expression of a variable. To use a condition we can use only ternary operator which has two options. But I want a condition which has only one option. For example: $F{Is_Moderator}.equals( "Y" ) ? $F{total_score} : new Integer(-1) In this operator we have two options in which when the condition returns true, one value else another value. But I want only one option in which the condition has only one option without else part. Thanks in Advance, DNV Srikanth.
  3. Hi Netbeans with a web server/application server is enough for running JasperReports. No need to download JasperReports unless and until you have some special requirements. DNV Srikanth
  4. Hi The samples are under demo/samples/crosstabs folder. DNV Srikanth
  5. Hi You need to use ImageServlet for exporting reports in HTML format DNV Srikanth
  6. Hi, Can any one tell me how to achieve this Thanks in Advance, DNV Srikanth
  7. Hi, iReport is a graphical report designer tool that uses JasperReports API. Designing the reports become easy if we use iReport. On the other hand, JasperReports API is the build that was/is being released by Jasper Team(JasperSoft) that provide necessary jar files that are helpfull in creating reports. DNV Srikanth.
  8. Hi I am unable to reply any of the topics/threads in the forum. Why is this happening?? Is it that corresponding permissions are not granted or what. Hope that this will be resolved soon. Thanks & Regards, DNV Srikanth
  9. Hi, Use latest jar files for all the Apache Commons jar files you are using in your application. This may solve the problem. DNV Srikanth
  10. hi rbojja There is a good sample given by JasperReport guys. Check out the subreport folder under demo/samples folder. DNV Srikanth
  11. Hi sukirtha, If I am not wrong, a single JRXML doesn't contain two queries as JR can process only one ResultSet at a time. DNV Srikanth
  12. Hi ashvini81 It is not possible to post the entire code here. If you clearly say about your requirements, I can suggest you how that can be achieved. Thanks & regards, DNV Srikanth.
  13. Hi Geovanni, iReport is a reporting tool that creates reports using JasperReports API. The JasperReports build you have downloaded contains all the jar files that are useful in developing reports either in a Web Application or a stand-alone application or an enterprise application. Thanks & Regards, DNV Srikanth
  14. Hi sammy, I also faced the same problem, I think its better to use Javascript for this. DNV Srikanth
  15. Hi bhanulakshmi, Pass the parameter to the subreport. You can generate the subreport based on that parameter. DNV Srikanth
  16. Hi Anand Raj, You can implement pagination in the reports. If you have jasperreports build with you check the webapp folder in the demo/samples folder in the build. There is a good example demonstating pagination in that folder. DNV Srikanth
  17. Hi Sukirtha, Did you observe this type of wierd display of buttons in the case when you use <f:verbatim>???? DNV Srikanth
  18. Hi Sukirtha, Even this link is also helpful to you. http://developers.sun.com/jscreator/learning/tutorials/2/reports.html DNV Srikanth
  19. Hi Sukirtha, Refer this link, Its will be helpful to you....there is an excellent pdf abt JR. http://www.infoap.utcluj.ro/bdate/jreports.pdf DNV Srikanth
  20. Hey mouna, Refer this link....There is an excellent pdf which explains about JasperReports and integration of JR with all other famous Java based frameworks http://www.infoap.utcluj.ro/bdate/jreports.pdf Sukirtha, It will be helpful to you also, DNV Srikanth
  21. Hi sukirtha, We can even display the content of the report to an output text and set escape attribute to true. DNV Srikanth
  22. hi sukirtha I appreciate your willingness to help others by posting a feature request regarding password security in all the other formats. Coming to your question, I dont think that JasperReports provides such a functionality to zip the report output files. DNV Srikanth.
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