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Everything posted by dnvsrikanth

  1. Hey darelatlexon, As jawwadfarooq1 said earlier, its better to have compiled report files in your workspace and also if report data is huge Virtualizer. Thanks, DNV Srikanth
  2. Hey norhidayah, you need to keep all the jar files in you classpath. Set those classpath setting in your IDE. Thanks, DNV Srikanth
  3. Hi Chetan, Yes you can pass parameters to the report and customize the report. JasperReports Distribution provides samples in which you caan understand how to get this done. Samples will be available in demo/samples folder of the distribution. DNV Srikanth
  4. Oops! sorry, Set it programmatically as given below: I am using JRHtmlExporter below good luck... Code:htmlexporter.set(JRHTMLExporter.IS_IGNORE_PAGE_MARGINS, BOOLEAN.TRUE);
  5. Hi nirvanb, Use isIgnorePageMargins attribute of JasperReport element, set it to true. DNV Srikanth. Post Edited by dnvsrikanth at 05/20/2010 14:57
  6. Hi me_vsoundar, Create an environment variable pointing to the location of all jasper files and use that environment variable in your application to get the location of the jasper file. DNV Srikath Post Edited by dnvsrikanth at 05/01/2010 05:21
  7. Hi sugita, Have both the headers displayed on the page header section(Overlapped on each other). Pass an appropriate parameter to the report and toggle the header according to the parameter. DNV Srikanth.
  8. hi mahesh, Yes you can use iReport as web based report designer. JasperReports provide a tool called JRViewer to view the reports in an applet. DNV Srikanth.
  9. hi zakaria2105, You need to set the appropriate pattern of the date field. You dont need to know the source code of the calander component. DNV Srikanth.
  10. My dear friend brygrove, We are already using that attribute in the report. Without using anything and knowing, I wont suggest others, anyway you need to be more clear on what you are using ant what you want to accomplish... DNV Srikanth.
  11. Hi, Use styles for this purpose.Refer to the example given in <JasperReports-version>\demo\samples\styledtext Thanks, DNV Srikanth.
  12. Hi brygrove, You can print the group header on every page in a report. Set isReprintHeaderOnEachPage attribute of group element to true Code:isReprintHeaderOnEachPage="true"
  13. I think it be beneficial to upgrade to 1.6 to use the new features that were introduced in Java 1.6. It will provide us a chance to use the new features introduced in jdk 1.6
  14. Hi rajuchacha007, Some examples were provided in the samples provided by JasperForge team which were in <JasperReportsFolder>\demo\samples location. DNV Srikanth.
  15. Hi cooperbry, No need to have counters and all the other stuff. Simply set whenNoDataType attribute to "allSectionsNoDetail" and in the Summary band Have a Text Field that displays "No Data Found" and in its printWhenExpression use the following expression: DNV Srikanth Code:new java.lang.Boolean($V{REPORT_COUNT}.intValue()==0)
  16. Hi Peter, You can do that using styles in the report. Use the following expression in style and set isStrikeThrough to TRUE in the style. DNV Srikanth. Code:$F{Telephone}.indexOf( "!" ) == 0 ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSEisStrikeThrough="true"
  17. Hi Rakesh, This IMAGE_SERVLET comes into picture when I use JasperPrint object. When I use jrprint instead of JasperPrint Image_Servlet won't work. I already mentioned that I am using jrprint object instead of JasperPrint object in my application. Thanks, DNV Srikanth. Post Edited by dnvsrikanth at 04/05/2010 10:32
  18. Hi rajuchacha007, You can also use JREmptyDataSource as you don't want to use any database connection. This will display whatever static content you have in your report without any databse connection. DNV Srikanth.
  19. Hi, I am using jrprint file to fill the report and display the filled in report in our web application. Using the jrprint there is no problem in exporting the report to all the formats except HTML format. I am facing problem in displaying images in HTML export by using jrprint. Previously we used to use JasperPrint object to fill a report and display the report i web application. Now we got to use jrprint object instead of JasperPrint object. Please suggest me in resolving this problem. Thanks, DNV Srikanth
  20. Hi, Use Quartz Job Scheduler that has the functinality of generating mails per person at the specified time. DNV Srikanth.
  21. Hi, Use JRXmlExporter to export the report to xml file. DNV Srikanth
  22. Hi, Download JasperReports distribution provided by JasperForge guys and go through the samples provided by them. Also use iReports, a tool used to generate the reports. DNV Srikanth
  23. Hi I have found the problem. As I have said earlier some code change to implement logging creted this mess and I reverted that change by reverting that change> I haven't made changes to the exporting code snippet whatever I have posted earlier in this thread. Thanks, DNV Srikanth.
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