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  1. same problem was 1,5 year ago. i cant open page http://jasperforge.org/plugins/mantis/view.php?id=5281
  2. Changed Resolution from No Change Required to Reopened Changed Status from Closed to Feedback Requested Hi, friends.I want to reopen issue, because we forced stay in old JR (3.6.0) version.In my opinion, problem is not in ordering (table contain one row and columns have value 1,2,3,4 accordingly).Problem appears when column header have same (repeated) value.
  3. hi all. i need help. use crosstab with DataPresorter=true. I think, that crosstab header can has same value in different colums. JR 3.6.1 works fine (in my opinion), but 3.6.2 was change calculation crosstab header. datasoure: select '' gr, 'a' attr1, 'c1' h1, 'h1' h2, '1' val from dual union all select '' gr, 'a' attr1, 'c2' h1, 'h2' h2, '2' val from dual union all select '' gr, 'a' attr1, 'c1' h1, 'h1' h2, '3' val from dual union all select '' gr, 'a' attr1, 'c2' h1, 'h2' h2, '4' val from dual attach result 3.6.1 and 4.0.0 version
  4. I want to do as similarly table example in JR. There textfiled (value cell) lying at the detail band. But in my report I have one group field and then textfiled can't lying at detail and must lying at groupfooter band (???). I get one last row in group in report. What i can do wrong(I want to get all rows for each grouping value)? problem resolved Post edited by: blosser, at: 2006/11/30 09:33
  5. I want to set one component (e.g. crosstab) above another component at one band without inflicted one on another. How can i do it?
  6. Hi, all. My report contains two elements: 1. Group (lay at groupHeader) 2. Crosstab in this Group (lay at groupFooter). Consider two elements as one "Object" One page may be contain more than one "Object". I want, if my "Object" can not place in one page purely then start it at new page. Can i do it?
  7. Hi, all. Can i determine different color for each cell by condition in crosstab. If not, can you will be able to do this feature.
  8. lucianc wrote: Code: JRProperties.setProperty(JRViewer.VIEWER_RENDER_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE, "1000000000000000000"«»); I can't find JRViewer.VIEWER_RENDER_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE property in JR 1.2.7 release.:(
  9. Thanks for answer, lucianc. I try to set property in my application, but result the same Code: System.setProperty("net.sf.jasperreports.viewer.render.buffer.max.size","10000000000000000000"«») What I do wrong?
  10. My result report contain crosstab which had about 100.000 cells. When I use scrolling in JRViewer all report works slow. One of the decision is generate report into pdf, but I want to use JRViewer. I consider, JRViewer represent all cell as java components. I want to try represent report in JRViewer as Image and think it will be works faster in lagre report. How can I do it?
  11. Hi!!! Can i hide this message or replace it on own?
  12. teodord wrote: Hi, In JR, there is no such thing as cell h11 and h21. They are the same cell which corresponds to a level 1 column bucket header. What you need is to merge header cells that belong to column buckets on different levels, which has nothing to do with the existing crosstab behavior. And what exactly do you mean when you say h11 is equal to h12? Just because they display the same value? Is that enough? What if they have different background colors? Are they still equal? Thank you, Teodor Thanks for answer, teodord Yes. I want to merge column on different levels, which has the same value (independence background colors) and situated one under other (h11 and h12). I believe, it will be option in column group. In resume, i will wish to use complex multiline column group in crosstab, similar colspan and rowspan tags in html. Post edited by: blosser, at: 2006/10/13 07:17 Post edited by: blosser, at: 2006/10/13 07:18
  13. blosser wrote: Hi, consider following example: I have column group in crosstab: h11 | h21 | h12 | h22 | and h11 equal h12. I want to merge both this cells in one. Can i do it? Now in JR, if h11 equal h21 then both this cells merge in one (horizontal merge). I hope that vertical merge (h11 equal h12) will be implementing too in future.
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