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Everything posted by dnvsrikanth

  1. hi sushant1shah1, Go through these below given links. It will be helpful for you: http://www.hibernate.org/79.html http://jdj.sys-con.com/read/171467_2.htm DNV Srikanth
  2. The version you are using is latest one only. But I think in your application you are referring to older version of common-collections.jar.....check it...... DNV Srikanth
  3. hi fulan888, Use styles for this. DNV Srikanth
  4. hi mcc_gagan_jasper The problem is commons-collections jar file only. Use latest jar file and delete old jar file from classpath. I've faced the same problem a couple of times, later I resolved this problem by replacing the old jar file with new jar file. DNV Srikanth
  5. hi mcc_gagan_jasper, I think some commons jar files are not included in classpath. I cant say this is the exact reason, but this may be one of the reasons DNV Srikanth
  6. hi prasadece_85 Did you notice any error in error log in Netbeans??? DNV Srikanth
  7. gusamasan, What version of iReport are you using??? DNV Srikanth
  8. Hi neha, You can find a good sample given in JasperReports build. If you didn't download the build, download it and see the sample. Its there in demo/samples/webapp DNV Srikanth
  9. Hi neha, Yep, you can display the content generated by JasperReport in a JSP page along with other stuff in the page. Thebest way to do this is use an iFrame to display the report. Set src of iFrame as the Java class that compiles and fills the jrxml file DNV Srikanth.
  10. Hi Sure, I'll send you the details about that today night as I'm busy at my work DNV Srikanth
  11. Hi Neha, This is some-what complex task that cannot be done with JasperReports API itself. I am implementing this by passing sort parameter from UI in a map object. If you want details abt it u can contact me: srikanthdnv@yahoo.co.in DNV Srikanth
  12. Hi arun.shrma We can easily integrate JasperReports in Struts. Go through this article: http://www.adcworks.com/blog/dynamic-pdf-generation-with-jasperreports-struts-and-a-database DNV Srikanth
  13. hi gusamasan, Previously I also faced the same problem. But later I solved the problem. See that no two elements in your report overlap. Align the elements correctly. If the elements overlap you will face this problem . DNV Srikanth
  14. Hi all, In the JasperReports API I've found a class named JRPrinterAWT. Can any one tell me the usage of this class. Is this useful in client-side printing??? Thanks & Regards DNV Srikanth
  15. hi erer, I think one of the fields you are retrieving may be of String type in database. Check whether all the fields are of String type or of Double type in database
  16. hi prasad.phmd I think you need to pass EMPCODE as a parameter to all the subreports in map Object. Dont know wheter this works or not, but i am sure that in your case you are not passing the parameter required for subreports DNV Srikanth
  17. hi tejeshwar, Did you mention any default value for the parameter in iReport? If so remove the default value. When you are passing the value of parameter through some input control, you dont need to mention the default value for the parameter Thanks & Regards DNV Srikanth
  18. Hi ireportDev, Why do you want to go to older version when newer versions are available which provides so many bug fixes??? I think some of the jrxml tags that were produced in iReport 2.0.4 are not being supported by the older version you are using. Thanks & Regards DNV Srikanth
  19. Hi second_comet, If you want the graph in multiple pages dont keep the chart in summary section. Keep the chart on page header or any other band Thanks & Regards, DNV Srikanth
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