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Everything posted by dnvsrikanth

  1. Can you post the full stacktrace so that it will be easy to find the problem.... DNV Srikanth
  2. In the statement mentioned u r passing null as one of the parameters. Dont you to pass parameters to the report??? Code:jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, null, jdbcConnection);
  3. Hi, Using JasperReports we can export a report to RTF format. But we can't export the report to plain text format. DNV Srikanth
  4. Hi We are generating reports using JasperReports and we are customising the charts in all the reports using JFreeChart. We are showing the reports in the generic report framework which shows the report normally and showing only graph in the dashboard. We have a requirement in which we need to remove the legend in the graph when we are showing the graph in dashboard. When we run the report normally we need to get legend for the graph in the report. Can anyone tell me whether there is a way to achieve this dynamically? Thanks in advance, DNV Srikanth.
  5. hi maxpog23 Can you post the query you are using... DNV Srikanth.
  6. Hi I am using JRFileVirtualizer to generate a report in which huge data is being retrieved. When I try to export the report in HTML along with Virtualizer being implemented I am getting the following exception. But when I try to export the report in pdf format the report is being exported without any exception but all the pages except the last 2 pages are empty. Can anyone please suggest me resolution for this. Thanks, DNV Srikanth. Code: Post Edited by Srikanth DNV at 12/03/08 10:18
  7. Hi I have applied this inserted page breaks. But I encountered one problem in which the last record in some pages is being rendered with excess heigt. I mean to say when the page has excess space to render the rows, the last row is getting adjusted so that its height is getting increased which is awkward. Can anyone suggest me the way to resolve this issue... DNV Srikanth
  8. Hi migr If you are using iReport tool it will be easy to do this. Go to Edit Menu and select "Insert Page/Column Break" option. Then the cursor changes to cross-heir in which you can insert page-break In the printWhenExpression expression give the following expression: Code:new Boolean($V{REPORT_COUNT}.intValue() == 15)
  9. Hi, I have a requirement in which I need to restrict the no. of rows per page in a report. For example suppose I need to display only 15 records per page. How can this be achieved? DNV Srikanth
  10. Hi vicky21, You can use JasperReports to generate reports. JasperReports can generate reports using any of the database connectivity technologies like JDBC, Hibernate, XML etc You can even use Servlets/JSP along with JasperReports along with JasperRports. DNV Srikanth.
  11. hi pnvswamy, The requirement you have mentioned is somewhat similar to the article in the below given url: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/library/techarticles/0505_olivieri/0505_olivieri.html The article explains how to create reports by selecting the fields dynamically with the help of Velocity Framework. DNV Srikanth.
  12. hi rbojja Can you be more specific about your requirements? DNV Srikanth
  13. hi jimjohn, If the text contain spaces the text can be automatically wrapped and if the text doent contain any space check the length of the text and insert a space in the text such that it can be wrapped. DNV Srikanth.
  14. hi, <parameter name="STUDENT_ID" isForPrompting="false" class="java.lang.String"></parameter> In the above line set isForPrompting to true.... SELECT * FROM usuaris WHERE USER LIKE $p{nomUsuari} and in the query above use P instead of p in mentioning parameter as $P{nomUsuari} instead of $p{nomUsuari} DNV Srikanth
  15. hi patrick24, Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: Unknown property 'name' on class 'class model.Beleg' This line says that the bean Beleg does not contain the property 'name' and its getter and setter methods. I think this is the root cause of the exception. DNV Srikanth
  16. hi prasanthi, Pass the parameters in the following way: Declare a Hashmap and put the parameters in the parameters in the map and pass the hashmap in the following way: Code:HashMap map = new HashMap();JasperPrint jasperPrint = null;Connection connection = null;map.put("p_StuID","MCA001"); jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(ClarificationSummaryReport.jasper",map,connection);
  17. hi anjana, I doesn't have much knowledge about JasperServer. You can download 'Quartz Job Scheduler' from the site www.openSymphony.com. If you want more info about it you can contact me(srikanthdnv@yahoo.co.in) as this is not the appropriate forum to discuss about. DNV Srikanth
  18. Hi Anjana, You can even use Quartz Enterprise Job Scheduler to schedule the reports. Using this you can write the code in a customizable way such that you can schedule the jobs in the way you want to. DNV Srikanth.
  19. Hi BalaKishore, Use Styles/Conditional Styles instead of printWhenExpression for achieving your task. DNV Srikanth.
  20. hi stanfox Use jtds driver instead of SQLServerDriver. Its better to use thi driver. You can get the driver from the below link: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=33291 DNV Srikanth
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