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Everything posted by dnvsrikanth

  1. hi jliog It will be better if the report gets printed in landscape orientation according to your requirements. Whats the problem when your report gets printed in landscape orientation??? DNV Srikanth
  2. hi seemap123, There is no need to add the barbecue-1.0.6b.jar file to classpath. Remove that from CLASSPATH n moreover dont add the ant's path to CLASSPATH. Instead add Ant's bin folder to path. I've executed the sample so many times. I didnt get any proble Hope this will solve your problem. DNV Srikanth
  3. hi floulou You are referring to older version of JasperReports/iReport. I think we cant find the jar files of older versions Its better you follow the sample given in newer version. DNV Srikanth
  4. padmajadav wrote : String st=reportname.getText(); Check whether the name of the input control is correct or not...you might be accessing the control with name(case-sensitive). If you are getting any error, post the stacktrace, it will be easy to track the error. DNV Srikanth
  5. hi seemap123 Before running any sample, its better you clean the folder by using ant clean command and then continue the steps given by Lucian. I am giving you the order of execution of commands: 1. ant clean 2. ant javac 3. ant compile 4. ant fill 5. ant view You need to start HSQL database first to fill most jrxml templates given in the samples DNV Srikanth
  6. giulio can u please help me in this regard Thanks in advance, DNV Srikanth
  7. hi karuna, You can do this by using styles in iReport. Go to Format->Styles. Refer to the sample demosamplesstyledtext in the build of JasperReports. DNV Srikanth
  8. Hi all, I am using JasperReports to generate reports in my application. In my application I have a requirement in which summary of the report is to be displayed on the first page of the report and on click of any row in the summary, we need to navigate to the details of that particular group. To display the summary I'm using subreport. I want to know how we'll create hyperlinks from subreports to master report Thanks & Regards, DNV Srikanth.
  9. No one tried to use hyperlinks from subreport to master report???
  10. hi jacoviza Use conditional styles for this. Its pretty easy... DNV Srikanth
  11. Hi friends I have a subreport in the first page of a report. I have a requirement in which if a text field in the sureport is clicked the details related to that text field which are in master report are to be displayed. Can anyone tell me how to achieve this Thanks in advance DNV Srikanth
  12. Hi neha, Using JasperReports API itself you cant provide the user the flexibility to select the fields to be displayed. But by using Velocity Framework we can provide that flexibility so that fields can be added/deleted dynamically by the user. DNV Srikanth
  13. hi neha For adding/deleting the field dynamically you need to use Velocity framework. Check the following link: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/library/techarticles/0505_olivieri/0505_olivieri.html DNV Srikanth
  14. hi satyr, For client side printing I think you need to use client-side scripting as there is no way of filling the report on the server and printing the report client side DNV Srikanth
  15. hi neha I dont know about the code given above, but for adding the field dynamically you need to use Velocity framework. Check the following link: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/library/techarticles/0505_olivieri/0505_olivieri.html DNV Srikanth
  16. hi satyr Silent Printing???What does that mean??? DNV Srikanth
  17. hi SORABH You can retrieve data from any noumber of tables provided that you should provide only one query to iReport. Use joins in your query. DNV Srikanth
  18. hi starous, Include latest version of commons-logging.jar file. DNV Srikanth
  19. hi arun.shrma, Include commons-logging.jar to your classpath. From the stack-trace its understood that commons-logging.jar is not included in classpath DNV Srikanth
  20. hi taborda Look into the samples provided in the jasperreports build. There are plenty of samples which can demonstrate you how to calculate the taken to fill and print a report. In the same way you can calculate the time taken to compile the report/subreport. DNV Srikanth
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