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  1. I have downloaded JasperReports Server (community) and now I need to install on a remote box ( linux CentOS ), how do I do this? I cannot run a graphical installer. I have searched documentation and the installation guide and have not found what I need. --- 0 replies to this question I was told by sales that some of the top developers frequently monitor the forum and answer questions. This has not been my experience. The lack of overall help on the forums really makes me question the decision as to whether to use/recommend Jasper for future projects that require reporting needs. There is no community support = there is no Jasper community. There simply is no community support here and a very noticeable difference between Jasper and other hybrid open source/commercial models like this. If you look at the answers posted to each and every question you will mostly see a 0 answer by it. clunk.
  2. The Jasper community is dead. I have never seen a more inactive forum.
  3. I have read the administrators guide but have not found an answer. Is there a way to disable the login screen and go straight to the server? or provide a URL to users that will take them to the server and automatically authenticate as 'jasperadmin' bypassing the login screen?
  4. Does anyone at Jaspersoft monitor or assist with this forum?
  5. I have a maven build and am attempting to upgrade from Jasper 421 to 520 and when I include the 52 jars as dependencies in the pom and compile I get : org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParser is not found, where did they go? This is a third part dependency, I could search but there must be a technical article on this somewhere or a manual for an upgrade path.
  6. When shutting down tomcat, I get this in the logs: SEVERE: The web application [/jasperserver] appears to have started a thread named [Thread-2] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak.Jul 9, 2013 4:01:33 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader clearReferencesThreadsSEVERE: The web application [/jasperserver] appears to have started a thread named [CascadeCacheCleaner] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. ---Some of my tomcat ports are still listening and I have to kill Java process to shut it down. I am on Jasper 4.5.0, is there any remedy to this JasperSoft? ---I was told by sales that some of the top developers frequently monitor the forum and answer questions. This has not been my experience. The lack of overall help on the forums really makes me question the decision as to whether to use/recommend Jasper for future projects that require reporting needs. There simply is no community support here and a very noticeable difference between Jasper and other hybrid open source/commercial models. If you look at the answers posted to each and every question you will mostly see a 0 answer by it. clunk.
  7. We are running Jasper Server 4.5.0, where can I find documentation online for this version? ( server, iReport etc). thanks
  8. We have Jasper server running under tomcat, users login and can see reports. We would like to integrate the reports so they are available on another site. What options do we have for single sign on to Jasper server so users do not need to login once they have authenticated some other way ( ldap for example ).
  9. We have Jasper running under tomcat with reportson one server. We have another application where we want to access only some of the reports. What is the best way to integrate these reports into the secondary site? When a user clicks we would like for the report to display of course, but seamlessly, not redirecting to the other site but within the same page/site etc. Any examples would be appreciated.
  10. Jasper Version: 4.5.1 Build tool: Maven 2.x Running under JDK 1.6/Linux --- When I run Jasper, I am getting the following error and not sure why: ERROR org.apache.commons.digester.Digester - Parse Error at line 13 column 209: cvc-complex-type.3.2.2: 141 org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-complex-type.3.2.2: Attribute 'isItalickkkkkkkkkk' is not allowed to appear in element 'style'. I have opened the .jrxml file and there are only two entries that refer to "isItalic", and no style element in the document has the attribute listed above. Any help or ideas would be appreciated. Below is a snippet from the .jrxml file showing well formatted xml: <staticText> <reportElement x="580" y="86" width="268" height="30" forecolor="#FFFFFF" /> <textElement textAlignment="Justified"> <font fontName="Arial" size="16" isBold="true" isItalic="false" /> </textElement> <text> <![CDATA[Monday - Friday 8 AM - 5 PM MT]]> </text></staticText>
  11. When I changed the version in my pom.xml file from 4.5.1 to 5.1.2, I get multiple compile errors: package org.codehaus.jackson does not exist. Any ideas?ccannot find symbol : class JsonParsercannot find symbol : class DeserializationContextcannot find symbol : class JsonProcessingExceptionpackage org.codehaus.jackson.map does not existcannot find symbol : variable JsonTokencannot find symbol : class Version method does not override or implement a method from a supertype What do I need to do to make this a smoother upgrade transition? Why so many errors by simply upgrading? I want to move forward, not get stuck in the past but with so many errors this really makes my day suck more than it really should. I want to go home at 5:00 PM.
  12. I inherited a Jasper reports project, There is a line item in the report that is not being printed. The text item is wrapped by <printWhenExpression> like so: <staticText><reportElement x="0" y="20" width="207" height="20"><printWhenExpression><![CDATA[$V{v_valid_offers} > 0]]></printWhenExpression></reportElement><textElement><paragraph leftIndent="5"/></textElement><text><![CDATA[Valid Offers]]></text></staticText> ---How do I inspect the variable $V{v_valid_offers} when the report is running in my IDE (IntelliJ)? They query is knarly and not something I can simply cut and paste into pgadmin and run. I want to inspect this at runtime or output the variable to a log file. Where are the log files when Jasper runs? As for debugging existing reports, not sure the best approach. Nothing intuitive here. J.V.
  13. When running a report, how would one output the value of a varible (set by a DB query) defined in the report?
  14. Is there a PDF or JRXML reference? I am finding it cumbersome to use iReport especially on Ubuntu; I have a previously existing form that I do not know how to edit. I have some fixed text that I want displayed based on if the database field is null or not; and all I want to do is to put a conditional around this text in the .jrxml to check for the existing or null of a field, and am needed some help editing the JRXML directly. thanks J.V.
  15. Has parsing of .jrxml been done before using XPath? Is there simply something funny with the .jrxml file? I tried other methods validating against the .xsd - using JAXB and that failed as well.
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