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  1. Hi There, How to display category expression only in some interval, but I want print every data value on y -axis. Ex: if I have x- axis category values 1-100 I want display x-category values like 1,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100, is it Possible? Please help me. Thanks, Venkat.
  2. Hi there, I'm running the report by appending decorate=no to the url it is working fine. after dispalying the report (I've implemeted local anchor in the report) if I click on hyperlink it is dipslying report correcrtly but this time it is not taking decorate=no into consideration, How to pass decorate=no in case of local anchor implementation? Thanks, Venkat.
  3. Hello, I’ve Designed analysis view with default mdx query, it is working fine. When I pass the mdx query through http url, if the mdx query is correct then Analysis view working fine. But If I pass the wrong mdx query then analysis view taking the mdx query whatever I used in the design time and executing the view correctly and displaying the error in server console saying that mdx query syntax exception. My requirement is If I pass the wrong mdx query from http url then I should able to display the error message on console (UI console) instead of displaying the correct results by taking the designed time mdx query. Could anybody Please Help me. Thanks, Venkat.
  4. Hello, I've designed analysis view schema and wrote the mdx query, view is running successfully but my question how to write the where condition in analysis views. My table design is: Property_Id, Property_code Brand, Region. MDX query: SELECT {[Measures].[Accom Under Maint]} ON COLUMNS , {[brand].[brand]} ON ROWS FROM [Test] For mdx query I want add where condition like “where Property_code=’H2’” and here is the schema design: <Schema name="JasperIntelligence Profiling"> <Cube name="Test" cache="false" enabled="true"> <Table name="Vw_Total_Attributes"/> <Dimension name="Brand"> <Hierarchy hasAll="true" allMemberName="Brand1" primaryKey="Property_ID"> <Table name="Vw_Total_Attributes"/> <Level name="BrandName" column="Brand" uniqueMembers="true"/> <Level name="RegionName" column="Region" uniqueMembers="true"/> </Hierarchy> </Dimension> <Measure name="Accom Under Maint" column="Property_ID" aggregator="sum" formatString="#,##0"/> </Cube> </Schema> Please suggest me. Find the attached schema design.
  5. Hello, I need to modify existing JRJdbcQueryExecuter. without touching the base class how to extend the JRJdbcQueryExecuter class. Thanks, Venkat.
  6. Hello, I need to modify existing JRJdbcQueryExecuter. without touching the base class how to extend the JRJdbcQueryExecuter class. Thanks, Venkat.
  7. Thanks Gaby, I’ve upgraded my jasperreports.jar still getting some exceptions. Could you please let me know what are the jar files needs to be modified? Thanks, Venkat.
  8. Thanks Ramnik Kaur. is there any way I can use this feature in js-3.7.0? Thanks, Venkat.
  9. To achieve the solution you have to modify jasperreport.jar file. In each Report pass a parameter it should contain the information related to connection. example:JNDI_NAME JRJdbcQueryExecuter.java modify this class(you can find this file in jasperreport.jar/ net/sf/jasperreports/engine/query) Here is the code needs to be modified. public JRJdbcQueryExecuter(JRDataset dataset, Map parameters) { super(dataset, parameters); connection = (Connection ) getParameterValue(JRParameter.REPORT_CONNECTION); /*Custom Code Start*/ if(connection==null){ JRFillParameter JNDI_NAME = getParameter("JNDI_NAME");(get the parameter whatever you’re passing from report) Class clazz = JNDI_NAME.getValueClass(); Object JNDI_NAME_Value = JNDI_NAME.getValue(); Context ctx = null; DataSource ds=null; try{ initial = new InitialContext(); Context envContext = (Context)initial.lookup("java:/comp/env"); if(JNDI_NAME_Value!=null ) ds = (DataSource)envContext.lookup(JNDI_NAME_Value.toString()); connection=ds.getConnection(); System.out.println("Connection Object----------------------"+connection); } /*Custom Code End*/ catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } finally{ try{ if(ctx != null){ ctx.close(); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } Replace this class file in jasperreports.jar and copy this jar in jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/lib dir. Finally while creating the report in jasper server Please select data source none option. Venkat.
  10. Hello, I've designed Ireport with jrtable using Ireport 3.7.3 version. when I create report using above jrxml file in jasperserver-pro 3.7.0 getting exception:jr:table is not available. How to use jr:table feature in jasperserver-pro 3.7.0 ? could anybody please help me on this issue. Thanks in Advance. Venkat.
  11. How the cache is implemented in Jasper analysis Views? We need to change the base cache implementation based on our requirements. Please anybody can tell me what are the classes can I refer to change the base Cache implementation. Thanks in Advance. Venkat.
  12. How to disable the cache in Jasper Analysis Views permanently. Thanks, Venkat.
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