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  1. Right click the default2 folder in the repository tree and select "Set as Active Theme" this dosn't appear if it's alread set as the active theme. Also you don't have to download and install all the files as the new theme. just the ones you have changed. so in my theme folder I have the new logo in the Images directory, a new theme.css and PageSpecific.css and thats about it Finally, this forum is purely for help regarding creating jrxml report file. there is a forum for asking questions about JasperReports Server here: http://jasperforge.org/projects/jasperserver/forum/ Post Edited by baggypants at 03/18/2011 10:23
  2. it could be down to having slightly diferent font renderers or fonts on each system. Have a look at this page and maybe try forcing your own fonts http://mdahlman.wordpress.com/2010/05/28/jaspersoft-v3-7-font-extensions/
  3. If you use the CrossTab element it will you do this for you.
  4. If things are in headers then you do have to play around with the evaluation time. Maybe Try setting the evaluation time to "Page" or "Auto"
  5. I just split the date into component parts using a view <Dimension type="TimeDimension" name="Period"> <Hierarchy name="" hasAll="true" primaryKey="ID"> <View alias="TIMEVIEW"> <SQL dialect="generic"> <![CDATA[sELECT TRANSACTIONS.ID AS ID, EXTRACT(YEAR FROM TRANSACTIONS.TRANS_DATE) AS YEAR, EXTRACT(MONTH FROM TRANSACTIONS.TRANS_DATE) AS MONTH, EXTRACT(DAY FROM TRANSACTIONS.TRANS_DATE) AS DAY FROM TRANSACTIONS]]> </SQL> </View> <Level name="YEAR" column="YEAR" type="String" uniqueMembers="true" levelType="TimeYears"> </Level> <Level name="MONTH" column="MONTH" type="String" uniqueMembers="false" levelType="TimeMonths"> </Level> <Level name="DAY" column="DAY" type="String" uniqueMembers="false" levelType="TimeDays"> </Level> </Hierarchy> </Dimension>
  6. I find it's down to type casting. by putting the 1 in quotes you're trying to say it's a String when you want it to be a number. Try either not having any quotes at all or casting it properly with $F {Filed_Name}.equals(new BigDecimal(1)) or $F {Filed_Name}.equals(new Integer(1))
  7. In iReport for nearly every visible element there is as "Print When Expression" property, you could have something in there using something like ( $V{currentPage}.equals(new BigDecimal(1)) || $V{currentPage}.equals($V{pages}) ? new Boolean("False") : new Boolean("True") ) Or Something
  8. try using $F{YTD}.intValue().equals( new Integer( 0 )) as the test
  9. Have you read this? http://jasperforge.org/espdocs/docsbrowse.php?id=74&type=docs&group_id=112&fid=305
  10. Have a read of this http://jasperforge.org/espdocs/docsbrowse.php?id=74&type=docs&group_id=112&fid=305
  11. This may help. Worked for me on an Oracle DB http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=83&forumid=101&topicid=14215 Post Edited by baggypants at 02/24/2011 23:40
  12. Employee, Locations and Cost should all be additional row groups, not measures. Or you could try concatenating them into one row group but you'd lose the column formatting. Post Edited by baggypants at 02/24/2011 23:22
  13. The advice on using Roles in JasperReports that I've found is cryptic and fragmented so I'm writing here how I got it working. In JasperServer 3.5 what I would do is create a parameter in the report which used com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.domain.Role)($P{LoggedInUser}.getRoles().toArray()[1])).getRoleName() Which did work but was difficult and cumbersome to use. The main step change is that in JasperReports Server 4 the LoggedInUserRole parameter isn't in the report jrxml, It's in the Input Control. You need to create either a "Single select Query" or "Multi select Query" which links to a parameter in the jrxml. At the Query stage you generate a statement somthing like SELECT column FROM table WHERE $X{IN, column, LoggedInUserRole} If we unpack this a little the $X{} part is an input control for the query. It will be expanded at runtime into column IN('ROLE_USER','CUSTOM_ROLE_1','CUSTOM_ROLE_n') as long as the ROLEs you have created match what is in column then you should see them appear in the Input Control when you run the query. If you change the query or what roles are assigned to the user you need to Log out of JasperReports Server each time as the server appears to cache the results.
  14. found the answer over here http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=112&forumid=102&topicid=83889#84090 stop tomcat and delete <tomcat>/conf/Catalina/localhost/{web-app-name}.xml restart and it's all good. Top Drawer.
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