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  1. Yes, it did work in 3.5. We found that the getPrincipalAuthorities() function called in the AuthorizeTag class is now pulling TenantAwareGrantedAuthorities instead of just GrantedAuthorities. This is appending the tenant id to the role/ authority. We were able to accomodate this in the jsp pages by using a dynamic string in ifAnyGranted="", but we are unable to do the same thing for the role configuration in JI-menu.xml. Ideas? If this is a bug any idea of work arounds or available patches? Thanks, Andrea
  2. We just upgraded to 3.7 and are having problems with our authorize tags. They work fine for the root roles but for any external roles that are specific to organization they no longer work. We are not getting an error message, but the pages act as if the user is not assigned a role with that name. For example, in homeForNonAdmin.jsp (code below), If the user has a role with this name defined at the root they are able to see the button, but if they have one defined for the organization they are not. Thanks, Andrea Code:<%@ taglib uri="http://www.springframework.org/security/tags" prefix="authz"%><authz:authorize ifAnyGranted="ROLE_REPORT_CREATOR"><tr><td width="100%" ><table class=homebuttonselector border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 id='createReport' onmouseover=buttonOver(this) onmouseout=buttonOut(this) onmousedown=buttonDown(this) onmouseup=buttonUp()><tr ><td width="125"> </td><td width="125"><img src="images/create.gif"></td><td colspan="2" id="createReportText" class="homemenutext" valign="middle"><span id="createReportKeyword" class="homemenukeyword"><spring:message code="NAV_103_HOME_CREATE_KEY"/></span> <spring:message code="NAV_104_HOME_CREATE_TEXT"/></td></tr></table></td></tr></authz:authorize>
  3. We have a multi-site integration that creates a new tenant if the user passing through has a new tenant. This was working in 3.5, but after upgrading we are getting a transaction rollback error. After investigating we found that the new field tenantAlias is not getting populated. We followed the code through to com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.multipleTenancy.MultiTenancyFacadeService.createTenant(ExecutionContext, Tenant, boolean) and there is no code in there related to the alias field. Looking at the database the alias field is required, but we were unable to find any code that sets it upon creation. Thanks for your help!
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