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Teodor Danciu

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Everything posted by Teodor Danciu

  1. Changed Resolution from Open to No Change Required Changed Status from Feedback Requested to Resolved
  2. Changed Resolution from Open to No Change Required Changed Status from Feedback Requested to Resolved
  3. Changed Resolution from Open to Won't Fix Changed Status from Feedback Requested to Resolved
  4. Changed Resolution from Open to Won't Fix Changed Status from Feedback Requested to Resolved Changed Assigned User from @User_306070 to @teodord Hi,Starting with JR 6.0.0 we no longer maintain and distribute a separate jasperreports-applet-x.x.x.jar. Those who need it should either use the full JR JAR or make a smaller on on their own.Thanks,Teodor
  5. Changed Status from Feedback Requested to Assigned Changed Assigned User from @User_306070 to @teodord Hi,The problem is that although the location of the image is valid and indeed delivers an image file, it cannot be loaded as an image by the JVM (invalid image file format?).The JR error handling code should be modified so that exception thrown when loading the image for determining dimension (stretchType=RealSize), be caught and invalid image be replaced at fill time with either blank or icon.Thanks,Teodor
  6. Changed Resolution from Reopened to No Change Required Changed Status from Feedback Requested to Resolved Hi,I think you can still have repeating values in your column headers, as long as you use a hidden value in your query/dataset to make sure you group by it and avoid the aggregation engine collapse it into one.You could have hidden column grouping in your crosstab and this way you could have value 1 repeat, as long as it is in a separate higher level dummy/hidden group occurence.I hope this helps.Teodor
  7. Changed Resolution from Open to Suspended Changed Status from Feedback Requested to Resolved
  8. Changed Resolution from Open to Suspended Changed Status from Feedback Requested to Resolved
  9. Changed Resolution from Open to Suspended Changed Status from Feedback Requested to Resolved
  10. Changed Resolution from Open to Suspended Changed Status from Feedback Requested to Resolved
  11. Changed Resolution from Open to Suspended Changed Status from Feedback Requested to Resolved
  12. Changed Resolution from Open to Won't Fix Changed Status from Feedback Requested to Resolved Hi,We no longer deliver the jasperreports-applet-x.x.x.jar as part of the JR releases.Those who need applet functionality would have to either use the entire JR JAR or make a smaller applet JAR on their own.Thanks,Teodor
  13. Changed Resolution from Open to Fixed Changed Status from Feedback Requested to Resolved Changed Assigned User from @narcism to @teodord Hi,I think what you wanted was to have a reliable way to catch the specific exception raised by the interruption of an export.So I introduced a new ExportInterruptedException, which is a checked exception and used it everywhere the JRException with the interruption message was used in exporters.Thank you,TeodorP.S. This is committed on Git and will be part of the next JR release.
  14. Changed Status from Feedback Requested to Acknowledged
  15. Hi, It would help more if you would upload the JRXML report template and not the generated report exported to XML. But I can tell you already that you make extensive use of rectangles, which is not recommended for exporting to grid formats as rectangles are usually susceptible of overlapping with some other content. Massimo already pointed you to the guidelines article explaining how to create grid-friendly report templates. Attach the source JRXML, if you want the problems you see explained. Thanks, Teodor
  16. Changed Resolution from Open to No Change Required Changed Status from Feedback Requested to Resolved Hi,Szilvia,As long as you rely on generic fonts such as "SansSerif", which are not real fonts and get replaced with different defaults depending on the operating system or depending on the document format (PDF in your case), you cannot pretend pixel perfectness from a report.On one hand, you want the text to fit perfectly, but on the other hand you do not make use of any specific font and just go with whatever there will be on the machine, which for sure will not match the metrics of the Helvetica font, which is the default in PDF.You need to make sure you use a font that is available on the machine that fills the report and produces the PDF. Futhermore, in the PDF, you should embed this font, to make sure when viewed it renders exactly like it was when designed.I suggest you use fonts from JR font extensions, and if you do not have a preference yet, you could simply go with the DejaVu Sans font from the font extension that we ship with the library and the Jaspersoft products (jasperreports-fonts-x.x.x.jar file).Rakesh,You did not provide any JRXML template to look at, so I'm closing this tracker now.Thank you,Teodor
  17. Changed Resolution from Open to No Change Required Changed Status from Feedback Requested to Resolved Hi,No matter what the solution for detecting infinite loops would be, it will always be about raising an exception and stopping the report from exhausting JVM resources.Having said that, I think the above mentioned governors, which are configurable, or any other more refined governor implementation that would be configured on a per report basis, are a good enoug solution for protecting parent application from report infinite loops.I'm closing this tracker.Thank you,Teodor
  18. Changed Resolution from Open to Won't Fix Changed Status from Acknowledged to Resolved Hi, DanUnfortunately, we did not have time to look into this and now it is rather old.So I'm closing because we did not see other similar requests for functionality in this area of our product, and the chances of such feature being adopted into the core product are very low.Thank you,Teodor
  19. Changed Assigned User from @teodord to @lucianc
  20. Hi, Cem Your assumption about the cause of infinite loops is wrong: "AFAIK, infinite loop checks can not be done because of "pagecount" dependent variables." No, infinite loops like the one described in this case have nothing to do with page count variable and its display in the report. So I think all your proposal around page count display is not applicable to this problem. Still open for other proposals! :-) Thanks, Teodor
  21. Changed Status from New to Feedback Requested Changed Assigned User from - to @teodord Hi,It is about the fonts you use in the report.If you designed the report on Windows and used some fonts that only exist in Windows, such as Arial, Calibri, etc, and then you deployed the reports in a JRS instance running on a Linux/Unix machine where these donts do not exist, then they get replaced with some other default fonts, with different font metrics.This usually results in either the text being cut or on the contrary, unused white space in the document.The solution is to make sure the fonts you use in reports are available on the machine that actually runs those reports and this is done by using fonts from JR font extensions. We ship our products with a default font extension wrapping the DejaVu open source fonts. Use those, in case you do not want to create your own font extensions using the JSS font wizard.Also check samples about font extensions in /demo/samples/fonts and /demo/samples/unicode folders of the JR Library distro.I hope this helps,Teodor
  22. Changed Assigned User from @User_306070 to @mrabbi
  23. Changed Status from New to Feedback Requested Changed Assigned User from @User_306070 to @teodord Hi,Can we see some files showing this problem?Thanks,Teodor
  24. Changed Status from New to Feedback Requested Changed Assigned User from - to @teodord Hi,Can you attach here some files showing the problem? Do you see any erros in the browser or in the server logs?Thank you,Teodor
  25. Changed Assigned User from @anonymous to @teodord System Message
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