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Everything posted by szaharia

  1. This occurs because in this case $P{List}.get(1) is a function argument, and it gets always evaluated, even when the list size is 1. (condition) ? true : false does not have this problem
  2. Hello Ylva, These properties have to be placed within the <reportElement /> section: <textField> <reportElement x="..." y="..." width="..." height="..." uuid="..."> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.print.keep.full.text" value="true"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.wrap.text" value="false"/> </reportElement> <textElement> <font size="14"/> </textElement> <textFieldExpression><![CDATA["Your very long text here"]]></textFieldExpression></textField>[/code]Adding properties by direct editing the JRXML source may lead to issues like you described. To avoid such troubles, just click on the element in JSS editor and go to Properties pane --> Advanced --> Edit Properties. Add these properties there and they will be automatically transfered to the element in a safe manner. Regards, Sanda
  3. Hi, Set the following property for the chart report element: <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.chart.range.axis.tick.interval" value="1"/> Regards, Sanda
  4. Hi, First of all, to get multiple tabs in an Excel file, you need to export your report as 'one page per sheet' document. To do so, you have to check the 'One Page per Sheet' export option in JSS, or, if you prefer so, you could set the 'net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.one.page.per.sheet' property as true in your JRXML main report. Now, there are several ways to obtain an output layout like the one you described here. For instance: 1. For each tab in your report create a related subreport to represent data (therefore a total of 6 subreports for the first report and a total of 2 subreports for the second report). Place them in the same band of the main report (for instance in the summary band), and separe them with <break/> elements. Don't forget about the 'one page per sheet' option that should be set to true. Export the report. An example of using subreports can be consulted here. 2. Another possibility is to generate the report as JasperReports book, based on report parts (similar to subreports, but replacing the usual <band/> structure in a report). Some guidance about using report parts is available here and here. Distinct report parts are by default exported in distinct tabs in Excel. I hope this helps, Sanda
  5. Hi, For groups you need to set 2 properties: one to indicate the band to be excluded (such as "groupHeader" or "groupFooter") and one to indicate which group is affected by this band exclusion. Try the following setting: <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xlsx.exclude.origin.band.myGroup" value="groupHeader"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xlsx.exclude.origin.group.myGroup" value="Group2"/> More information about this subject is available here. I hope this helps, Sanda
  6. Hi, Attached is an Excel file with 2 examples of a long text spanning over multiple columns: to get the layout illustrated in example (1) you need to set the following properties for the textfield:net.sf.jasperreports.print.keep.full.text = truenet.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.wrap.text = falseto get the layout illustrated in example (2) just set the texfield width wide enough to make place for the entire text on a single lineI hope this helps, Sanda
  7. Changed Status from Resolved to Closed
  8. Changed Resolution from Open to Fixed Changed Status from Assigned to Resolved Solved in JR v.4.1.3.
  9. Changed Status from Assigned to Feedback Requested Hi,Anything new on this one?Thanks,Sanda
  10. Hi, Check if the "floating" position type is also set for the subreport element. In case it is already set and the issue still occurs, please upload the JRXML samples here in order to help us figure out other possible causes. Thanks, Sanda
  11. Hi, a possibility would be to use a filter expression in your dataset, in order to exclude those records with no relevant content. I hope this helps, Sanda
  12. Hi, It depends on your report design only. If the element is not alone in its band, row and column spans are automatically generated, depending on elements size and relative position. If the element is left alone, it usually cannot span multiple rows. But you could obtain such a behavior by placing some additonal empty elements in the same band (see attachment). Regards, Sanda
  13. Hi, If possible, please post your JRXML sample here. Thanks, Sanda
  14. Hi, System requirements for iReport designer are presented in this page. Make sure Java is installed on your machine and Java executable (/bin directory) is set in the system PATH variable. More about installing Java can be read here and here. Regards, Sanda
  15. To eliminate a possible cause, try to run your query in an Oracle db client first, and see if the result actually contains more than 800 chars. If so, then please post your JRXML sample here in order to help us find out some other clues.
  16. Hi, In addition, make sure the 'Stretch With Overflow' option is checked for that textfield. Regards, Sanda
  17. Hi, Please log an ER here, to include this new feature in the upcoming releases. Thank you, Sanda
  18. Hi, Getting 200 reports at a time cannot be achieved using Studio only. You need to write some custom Java code in order to initiate a multiple export process. Instead, getting a single report with 200 similar pages (or group of pages) can be done in Studio, by using the CSV file as report data source (via data adapter) and the detail band as place for the layout elements. Regards, Sanda
  19. Hello, This feature is not yet supported. You could post an ER about it here. Regards, Sanda
  20. Hi, The following workaround will help you to get this fixed for now (see attachment): - for your selected text element go to the Properties panel and click on the Advanced tab - click on the Line Box bullet in order to open its content - click on the Line Pen bullet in order to open its content - set the Line Color, Line Style and Line Width with appropriate values - save the report and run it again; now you should see the border around the text element Please report this issue on our trackers here, in order to make it available for our open tackers list. Thanks, Sanda
  21. Hi, Working with font extensions is the recommended way to ensure that fonts will be available for generated documents (not only PDF) on any machine in any environment. Anyway, in particular situations like this one, you still could make use of style attributes such as pdfFontName, pdfEncoding and pdfEmbedded. I hope this helps, Sanda
  22. Hello, Try the following: Create a variable $V{print} of type java.lang.Integer - Variable Expression: Boolean.TRUE - Variable calculation: Count - Increment type: Group - Increment group: Value Then create a conditional style with desired background features, and set the following condition expression: $V{print}%2 == 1 Use this style for elements in detail band, instead of printing an overlapping rectangle with printWhenExpression. I hope this helps, Sanda
  23. Hi, Maybe you could find some useful information about password protection in PDF exports here. Regards, Sanda
  24. Hello, If you need to see the whole text when clicking on a cell, but excluding the multiline text option, you could set the following properties for your text element: <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.wrap.text" value="false"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.print.keep.full.text" value="true"/> Attached is an XLSX sample obtained when these properties were set for the textfield in cell B1. I hope this helps, Sanda
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