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Everything posted by szaharia

  1. Could you post the JRXML file here? It would help us to reproduce the issue locally. Thanks.
  2. Use the $V{CITY_COUNT} built-in variable to retrieve the number of rows in the CITY group
  3. Try to set the following property for the text element: <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.auto.fit.row" value="true"/>
  4. Something similar could be obtained in JasperReports using the 'printOrder' attribute of the report, along with a specific column count setting. See for reference: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/v64-v640/jasperreports-library-ultimate-guide?page=33 http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/horizontal/index.html#horizontal
  5. Try ((ArrayList) $P{REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP}.get( "P_CENTER" )).contains($F{Cardholder Identifier}.toString()) && ($F{TXTYPE} == null || !($F{TXTYPE}.startsWith("R-")))
  6. The following steps should work in this case: in your report set the following properties:<property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.one.page.per.sheet" value="false"/><property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.remove.empty.space.between.rows" value="true"/> for the first element in the group header band set this property:<property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.break.before.row" value="true"/>
  7. Since the elements are not transparent, the other possibility is that the Excel exporter was set to ignore cells background. To override this setting, add the following property in your JRXML file: <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.ignore.cell.background" value="false"/>
  8. Make sure your element has the 'Transparent' checkbox unchecked in JasperStudio Properties --> Appearance tab. If this doesn't help, then please post your jrxml file here, if possible.
  9. You could use a filter expression in your dataset, like the following: <filterExpression><![CDATA[$F{LOCATION}.equals($P{P_LOCATION})]]></filterExpression>
  10. In both PPTX and Excel there is no available option to set the highlight color for portions of text. This is why the backcolor style of markup elements does not apply for these 2 formats. You need to use the element's backcolor attribute instead.
  11. You need to create a JasperPrint object using the JasperReports API. Here is a howto example: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/noreport/index.html
  12. If no printer name is provided, the print service lookup mechanism will be triggered, in order to find the available printers. The exporter uses the first print service in the list returned by this mechanism.
  13. Since this is a custom JFreeChart object, you need to write either a chart customizer class or a chart theme implementation in order to properly handle this chart. The chart customizer (or the chart theme) should be placed into app classpath in order to make them available at runtime. See http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/charts/index.html#chartcustomizers Also see http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/chartthemes/index.html
  14. Also, make sure when you run the report that "chart" data adapter is selected in the data adapters tab (see attached)
  15. Usually this issue occurs when you set the queryString language="XLS" without having a XLS file related to it. In your example, the queryString language is "XLS" for both subdataset and main dataset. Make sure there is a XLS file associated with both "chart" and "crosstab" data adapters.
  16. Try to adjust the table y and height values. For instance: table 1: y = 0, height = 1table 2: y = 1, height = 1, position type = "Float"table 3: y = 2, height = 1, position type = "Float"
  17. You also need to remove isResetPageNumber="true" from myGroup2. Mixing page numbering between groups mai cause unexpected results.
  18. This is possible for the group named "myGroup", using evaluationTime="Now" for the current page number, and evaluationTime="Group" evaluationGroup="myGroup" for the total number of pages.
  19. You should modify the query, in order to get a single row per each name. For instance: select Fname, Lname, max(Event1) as evt1, max(Event2) as evt2 from my_table group by Fname, Lname
  20. Please post your JRXML here, if possible, in order to let us reproduce the behavior. Also, let us know which JasperReports version are you using. Do you run the report in JSS or in JasperServer? Thanks
  21. Maybe using a DECODE expression will help. http://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/dg/r_DECODE_expression.html
  22. In the master report you used a JREmptyDataSource() as datasource expression for the subreport. The subreport will come with no data, so it is nothing to be displayed. Set an appropriate expression for the subreport datasource. Another solution: remove the datasource expression from the subreport in the master report. In the subreport set the net.sf.jasperreports.data.adapter property with the appropriate data adapter xml file.
  23. You could use the built-in DATERANGE() function in an expression like this: DATERANGE("DAY-n").getStart() where n is the number of days to be substracted. To make this work, you need to place the jasperreports-functions.jar in your app classpath.
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