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Everything posted by szaharia

  1. In case of JasperServer the time zone value in the login page acts as a default REPORT_TIME_ZONE parameter for all reports in the app. In this situation another property might be useful: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/config.reference.html#net.sf.jasperreports.pattern.timezone You'll need to set this property for each report element that depends on a timezone value. Also check this post for another possible solution: https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/815702/need-pass-local-browser-timezone-login
  2. Please post your JRXML here, if possible, to help us reproduce the problem. Thank you.
  3. Hi, I couldn't reproduce the problem using the JRXML sample. I only noticed that the $F{COLLATERAL} textfield has no stretchType attribute. Try to set the stretchType as "RelativeToTallestObject" like in the other textfields and see if the issue is gone. If the problem persists, please post a screenshot to illustrate where it occurs and for which values. Thank you.
  4. You could obtain this behavior by setting the net.sf.jasperreports.default.timezone property in JRXML. When net.sf.jasperreports.default.timezone property is set in the JRXML file, it will affect only this report, having the same effect as the REPORT_TIME_ZONE parameter.
  5. You can set the report timezone dynamically, through JasperReports API: Map params = new HashMap<String, Object>();params.put(JRParameter.REPORT_TIME_ZONE, TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));...JasperFillManager.fillReportToFile("my_jasper_file", params, new JREmptyDataSource()) Another possibility would be to use this property in the JRXML file: <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.default.timezone" value="GMT"/> See http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/config.reference.html#net.sf.jasperreports.default.timezone
  6. Try to set the detail band height to 130 px (the minimum allowed value in order to enclose both the list and the frame element) instead of 554 px. Keep the band split type as 'Stretch'. When the list contains many elements and stretches beyond limits, the detail band will also stretch accordingly.
  7. You can get this kind of layout using the CSV Metadata exporter. See http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/jasper/index.html#csvmetadataexport for reference.
  8. You can use $V{PAGE_NUMBER} and $V{PAGE_COUNT} in a report that contains no subreports and no report parts. When used within a subreport, $V{PAGE_NUMBER} will display the current page number of the subreport itself, without taking into account other possible pages generated by the master report. Also, $V{PAGE_COUNT} will display the total number of pages for that subreport. The following variables can be used in subreports or report parts to display the current page number and the total number of pages for the entire document: $V{MASTER_CURRENT_PAGE} - for the current page$V{MASTER_TOTAL_PAGES} - for the total number of pages
  9. Try to use null instead of 0: IF($F{JAN}.intValue()>0, $F{RESOURCE_NAME}, null)
  10. Use the following query string in your report: <queryString language="jsonql"> <![CDATA[item]]> </queryString>
  11. There is no need to set a special property for the group. By putting the $V{Group1_COUNT} <= 1 condition in the Group Properties --> Expression, the group will break after every individual record, each record being decorated with its own group header and footer.
  12. Your group should break every record. The group expression should be something like: $V{Group1_COUNT} <= 1 Print When Expressions: for Group Header 1: $V{REPORT_COUNT} == 0for gH 2: $V{REPORT_COUNT} == 1for gH 3: $V{REPORT_COUNT} == 2for Group Footer 1: $V{REPORT_COUNT} == 1for gF 2: $V{REPORT_COUNT} == 2for gF 3: $V{REPORT_COUNT} == 3
  13. Try to create a single group, not 3, which breaks every record. Add 3 different bands in the group header section, each one having its own Print When Expression, in order to print them only for their related record. The same way, add 3 bands with Print When Expression in the group footer section.
  14. Here is an example of creating dynamic JasperDesign objects. It also contains a dynamic group setting section. http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/noxmldesign/index.html#noxmldesign
  15. If the master report shares the JDBC connection with those 3 reports, then modify the query in the master report only, to return only a single record from DB. Don't modify the queries in the other 3 reports. With a single record in the master report main dataset, the inner reports should be printed only once, each one in its own tab.
  16. You can find some related documentation here: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-rest-api-reference/v621/inputcontrols-service-0
  17. You could set a border (right/left/bottom, depending on yor needs) for the entire crosstab report element.
  18. Try List<POJOClass> pojoDescribtions= new ArrayList<>();for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { //add some result into List}JRDataSource jrDataSource = new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(pojoDescribtions); parameterMap.put("datasource", jrDataSource);jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(report, parameterMap, jrDataSource); Also make sure your chart is placed in the detail band of the report.
  19. Could you post a screenshot of your odt export that illustrates the problem?
  20. In case your html text is stored in a parameter (for instance $P{HtmlText}), then try to use $P{HtmlText}.replaceAll(" http:","http:") in your textfield expression, instead of $P{HtmlText}. Try similar expressions if the html content is stored in field or variable.
  21. Use the 'XML document' option as explained in the wiki article and fill in the 'File/URL' textbox your remote XML file URL: http://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/rss.xml?edition=int# (see attachment). Then you could click on the 'Options' button to customize settings for this data adapter.
  22. You could place the sum elements in a group footer band and set Footer Position = 'Force at Bottom' in Jaspersoft Studio (or equivalent footerPosition="ForceAtBottom" attribute for the group element in the JRXML file)
  23. In case of JRBeanCollectionDataSource, make sure your data is properly sorted, in order to get groups as desired. If data are not already sorted in the datasource, use the following sortfields in the JRXML file: <sortField name="city"/><sortField name="job"/>
  24. The report missed any information about its datasource, so I ran the report in Jaspersoft Studio using a custom query for the built-in Sample DB datasource, and got the expected results (see attached image). In this case, I think the problem might be related to the datasource used in the report.
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