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  1. This is jaspersoft bug. This is incapability of Jaspersoft
  2. Create a variable with variable expression as Field1 !=null || Field2 !=""||Field3 !="" and set the calculation type to count Thanks Honey
  3. <paragraph lineSpacing="AtLeast" lineSpacingSize="0.03" leftIndent="5"/>
  4. There are 2 ways to achieve this 1) You can convert the date time to date in sql query iteslef and create a group of that field in the report and pass the date field to the chart rather then datetime. 2) Other way to achieve this if you can not change the query, in that case create a new variable and convert the datetime field to date datatype and then use that variable for grouping and passing to the chart Regards Honey
  5. $F{Field1} != ""|| $F{Field2} != "" ....... and so on considering the $F{Field1} is of string datatype. Jaspersoft accept one liner IF Else statement for eg (Condition) ? True :False Regards Honey
  6. Can anyone please explain the use of number in the dataaset entity of the report "14 World Map " in jasperreport server $F{sales country}=="USA" ? '20' : ( $F{sales country}=="Mexico" ? '16' : '05') Thanks in advance It is very urgent Thanks Honey
  7. http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-administration-guide/v62/using-log-collectors-0 With the above url I was able to create the log collector but unfortunately it encrypt and create logs and there is no way to decrypt the logs. So can anyone guide why are we getting an encrypted log file and if the output has to be in encrypted format than Please guide me how can we decrypt that. Thanks Honey
  8. Mr djohnson53 your link does not specify what should be the hardware requirement
  9. Hello All Can anyone tell me the hardware requiremet based on number of concurrent users to the jasperreport server. Its really very important . I did not find anything on the website also Thanks Honey
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