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Everything posted by szaharia

  1. Hi, That's because meanwhile no significant changes have been performed on font extensions. Please feel free to use the jasperreports-fonts-4.0.0.jar as the current version for font extensions. Regards, sanda Post Edited by shertage at 04/05/2012 13:58
  2. Well, thank you for the news. :D Things are a little bit clear now. Hope you'll find a solution for this one. Regards, sanda
  3. Hi, I also checked the .jasper file. It appears as paginated, undoubtfully. Maybe the problem comes from the viewer itself. To see if this is the case, try to open another PDF file with the same PDF viewer on that machine, and see if it's displayed also as a continuum page. If so, then settings in the PDF viewer should be changed, in order to show a gap between pages. For instance, in Adobe Reader ensure that View --> Page Display --> Show Gaps Between Pages is checked. Hope this helps, sanda
  4. Hi, Since you mentioned CSV files among the allowed outputs, a simple way to export only query results to CSV is to use the JRCsvMetadataExporter as shown in this sample. Hope this helps, sanda
  5. Hi there, Apparently I missed the 'I've located the jar containing ...' paragraph in your previous post, sorry. Now, after reading it, it's obvious that POI 3.7 jar is present in the lib directory. In this case, try to ensure that it's the only POI jar in the lib directory, or in the classpath. Older jars, if present, should be completely removed. In the case you are running your classes directly from a command line, try to specify exactly the jar names when calling the 'java -cp lib' command. Hope this helps. I have no other clues here. sanda Post Edited by shertage at 03/20/2012 10:24
  6. Hi, JasperReports 4.5.1 depends on Apache POI 3.7 in order to generate Excel documents. If an older POI version is set in your app's classpath, it's possible to get some NoClassDefFoundErrors like this one. Please check the classpath and see if it contains the appropriate POI version. If possible, try to upgrade to 3.7. Hope this helps, sanda
  7. Hi, Regarding the net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.detect.cell.type property, apparently the problem is the "--" value returned when no data is found. The "--" string is not automatically converted into a numeric value, so you have to manually convert it, using a conditional expression. If you still have problems with that, please post the jrxml here. Regarding the net.sf.jasperreports.print.keep.full.text property, it is used to preserve the initial text content of a text field in order to be reused, if necessary, at export time. If you just need the textfield to stretch vertically in order to render visible all the text content, then set the attribute isStretchWithOverflow="true" for that textfield. Take a look to the Stretch sample to see how it works. Hope this helps, sanda
  8. Hi, I think there is no shortcut available for this case. Using a frame, or a rectangle, or a vertical line with 'print when detail overflows' will generate the desired output. Hope this helps, sanda
  9. Hi guys, This issue was already addressed in iReport 4.5.1. Try an upgrade to 4.5.1 and see if it solves the problem. Hope this helps, sanda
  10. Thanks for the samples. There are several misaligned elements in the rapportmensuelinvolontaire subreport and as consequence additional empty cells are created in order to maintain the grid layout. The solution is to re-align elements in order to eliminate white spaces between them, and make the report layout grid-friendly. For instance, for the textfield $P{dateDeReference} you should set: Left = 435 instead of 513 Width = 313 instead of 235etc. Hope this helps, sanda
  11. Hi, Usually this kind of problems are caused by overlapping elements in the report, as shown in this FAQ. Your JRXML file would be very useful here, in order to find out if it's a report design issue or it's generated by another cause. Regards, sanda
  12. Hi, JR versions newer than 1.2.3 rely on iText libraries up to 2.1.7, all of them distributed under the LGPL license. Regarding the direct usage of iText, in JR 3.7 custom components are supported. You could implement a custom component which deals with the desired iText functionality. Hope this helps, sanda PS: JR 3.7.0 already ships with 2 barcode components, one of them based on the Barbecue APIs, the other one based on the Barcode4J library. Maybe you could use one of them to generate barcodes. Post Edited by shertage at 03/12/2012 15:42
  13. Hi, At the moment there's no built-in support for embedding existing PDFs into reports. Please log a RFE for this one here. Thank you, sanda
  14. Moving it, since it's about JasperReports Server ...
  15. Hi, Subreports are a possible solution. Or, to avoid the explicit creation of subreports, you could use the list component. You'll need to work with subdatasets in this case. Take a look at the ListReport.jrxml in the "samples/list/reports" sample folder found in the JR sources distribution, to see an example of list component usage. Hope this helps, sanda
  16. As far as I know, the answer is "yes". If a default printer exists, it will be used to print the document if no printer name is specified. Please let me know if you still have troubles. Regards, sanda
  17. For this one you need JR 4.1.3 or newer. Then you could set the net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.freeze.row.edge and net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.freeze.column.edge properties for the desired cell, as shown in the Excel Features sample. Hope this helps, sanda
  18. Hi, Try to print the report using the JRPrintServiceExporter instead, as shown in this sample Hope this helps, sanda
  19. Sources were committed on svn revision 5031. Regards, sanda
  20. The bug is confirmed. A fix will be available on the svn repository soon after the 4.5.1 release. Thank you for logging this bug.
  21. New export properties were added in order to solve these various problems: - for XLS exporters (JRXlsExporter and JExcelApiExporter) the solution is to provide the location of an existing template document containing the macro object. All the content of the template, including template sheets, may be exported into the generated document. Properties for this case are: * net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.workbook.template * net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.workbook.template.keep.sheets - for XLSX exporters (JRXlsxExporter) the solution is to export the macro object from the template directly into the generated document. Sheets from the template cannot be also exported. One should provide the location of the template document containing the macro object, using this property: * net.sf.jasperreports.export.xlsx.macro.template Changes were committed on svn and will be available with the next JR release. Regards, sanda
  22. Older POI libraries are known as generating such kind of issues when documents are open with Excel 2007 or later. It's always recommended to update the POI library to its latest stable version, in order to see some of these problems resolved. The current stable version is 3.7, but 3.8 is also on the way. I'm closing it, since the bug is related to POI, not to JR.
  23. Fixed. Sources were committed on svn revision 4864. Will be available with the next JR release.
  24. Hi, To be sure I understood the problem: you are complaining about the text in the header, or about the header cell itself? I ran the report sample with Excel output, and the text in the header was completely centered, although the header cell was starting from x=0. You only need to preserve the textAlignment="Center" setting in the <textElement/>. But, if you really need to see 2 separate cells in the header when exporting to Excel, then I think that the JRCsvMetadataExporter is the solution for the CSV export in this case. Try to see how specific CSV export properties are used to export only the needed columns by running the jasper sample with the >ant clean javac compile fill csvMetadata command. All necessary properties are starting with the net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv prefix and you'll find them in the FirstJasper.jrxml sample. Hope this helps, sanda Post Edited by shertage at 12/21/2011 10:07
  25. At a glance I think the problem might be caused by the white space to the left of the report title element 'User Report'. It results in an extra column added to the report. Try to set a proper alignment for this element, and see if things are changed: Hope this helps, sanda Code:<staticText> <reportElement style="Arial_Italic" mode="Transparent" x="0" y="0" width="389" height="39" forecolor="#009999" backcolor="#009999"/> <textElement textAlignment="Center"> <font size="22" isBold="true" isItalic="true" isUnderline="false"/> </textElement> <text><![CDATA[user Report]]></text></staticText>
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