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Massimo Rabbi

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  1. Hi, Jaspersoft Studio 6.21.3 and 7.0.0 have the alternative login method using the QR code. This helps you bypass any issue you are having when trying to direct login using the Community credentials at startup. Regards, Massimo.
  2. Hi, can you please detail on the steps producing the above error? It would be nice to have a sample report (i.e using a sample DB or an easy to use DA) to perform the investigation. Jaspersoft Studio 7 is shipped with the Eclipse Temurin JRE It's not clear your question about the support to java 17 and mentioning about the Java 8 "working fine". Were you using an old version of Studio? If yes which one. Or are you trying to run old reports (and files) in the new JSS 7? You need to provide more detailed information in order to understand better what is going wrong. Regards, Massimo.
  3. Hi, if you try to search the text "javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: PKIX path building failed" in "Forums" section, you will easily find the two replies that Giulio gave to similar questions/issues. See here: Plus, if you are currently verifying the issue when trying to "register" with community credentials for starting Studio correctly, be aware that the latest version 6.21.3 implemented an alternative method. It allows to correctly register the product when some issues are verified when directly connecting to the Community site or when it's impossible. In the future, please refer to the "Forums" section and post there for additional issues (existing or new threads). Please don't comment under old articles that might be outdated or not properly related to the topic. Thanks! Massimo.
  4. Did you give it a try to my information above? Regards, Massimo.
  5. Hi, another more clean solution is to force the following JR property in the Jaspersoft Studio preferences. This will allow you to use the old POI data source and be able to create the report as usual without triggering the exception. net.sf.jasperreports.xlsx.data.source.factory = net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.ExcelDataSourceFactory See the attached image as well. Best regards, Massimo.
  6. Hi, at the moment we are not providing a dedicated build for Apple Silicon processors. Please refer to the following Github issue: https://github.com/TIBCOSoftware/jaspersoft-studio-ce/issues/56 Best regards, Massimo.
  7. Hi, the problem you are verifying it's actually a bug in the latest version 6.20.6 where the new FastExcel library was added, besides the "standard" POI. A fix will be available in the next release. Since the exception is triggered during the "read fields" operation, you might need to create the initial report using another DA, for example the "empty" one. Later add manually the fields in the report with the same names of the columns you added manually or automatically read in the Excel data adapter. This workaround should allow you to use the XLS DA to run the report preview. Best regards, Massimo.
  8. Hi, the last version of Jaspersoft Studio 6.20.6 is bundling Temurin JRE The projects use Java 11 as default since we stick to this version as minimum requirement. You can try to modify it, in order to use Java 17 in your project. Adding/removing new JRE/JDK from the Eclipse preferences requires you to start Jaspersoft Studio application with a JDK instead of a JRE. So you should first download it (i.e. from the Adoptium website) and properly configure the -vm flag in the .ini configuration file. Regarding the Jaspersoft Studio installation for the M1 (or other Silicon processors) there is already a bug related to it: https://github.com/TIBCOSoftware/jaspersoft-studio-ce/issues/56 Unfortunately I don't have a machine where I can properly work and test a possible dedicated build for such kind of Mac flavor. I'll advise you to follow the GITHUB entry in order to be updated on the topic. If you are facing any issue please proceed in opening a dedicated bug on the tracker. Lastly for people using Jaspersoft Studio plugin in different Eclipse flavors it helps give a look at the following article I wrote: In general for people using the plug-in it is a good idea to give a look at the .ini configuration file of the Jaspersoft Studio stand-alone product. From time to time there could be different flags/properties used in order to properly make the product work. With the plug-in, there are too many different possible configurations out there and a user might need to proper customize the startup entries in order to fit its needs. Best regards, Massimo.
  9. Hi can you please verify after following the instructions written in this troubleshooting article I wrote some time ago: Let me know if this helps solving the issue. Thanks. Best regards, Massimo.
  10. Hi, as Thomas said you should try to leverage the "font extensions" JasperReports mechanism in order to properly use fonts sizing / alignment. That said, the output of a command like "uname -a" (or similar) does not help in understanding which Linux flavour you are using (i.e Debian, Mint, Ubuntu etc). There is no indication if you are using a Jaspersoft Studio standalone product or a plug-in version with a specific Eclipse version. The 6.20 numbering is generic, please specify the correct one including the minor qualifier. Also no indication of the currently installed version of JasperReports Server (where the report gets deployed) is present. Regards, Massimo.
  11. ProblemDifferent users mentioned strange behaviors of the Jaspersoft Studio plug-in when installed on the most recent flavors of Eclipse. One example is the disappearing of the JasperReports connections from the Repository Explorer view after a restart. See the following [#14496] - Server connection not saving. SolutionConsidering that the RCP version is a standalone version where we can customize a more "strict" environment, we can not provide the same level of "customization" also in the plug-in version one. Each Eclipse flavor (ie. Java Developers, J2EE Developers etc.) comes with a different set of bundles pre-installed that might clash with Studio ones or not work properly. The probability that something can wrong is higher when the user Eclipse installation has also other additional bundles. Lastly, also which JRE/JDK is used to kick Eclipse can represent an additional variable to the final environment. For this reason is always a good idea to give a look at the Jaspersoft Studio product file, in particular the section dedicated to the VM args. Since Jaspersoft Studio 6.20.1 we moved to Java 11 as minimum required environment for all our plug-ins, before it was Java 8. Plus after shipping for some releases a bundled Java 11 JRE, we moved in the latest 6.20.6 to a Java 17 version. Therefore we highly advice to properly modify you "eclipse.ini" file with a proper set of options. In the above mentioned issue, this means for example adding some instructions like: --add-exports=java.xml/com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.serialize=ALL-UNNAMED--add-opens=java.desktop/sun.java2d=ALL-UNNAMED--add-opens=java.base/java.io=ALL-UNNAMED--add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED[/code]This will helps solve the server connection(s) disappear, plus some other possible related runtime/startup issues.
  12. Hi, I added some further details in the Github Bug #67: https://github.com/TIBCOSoftware/jaspersoft-studio-ce/issues/67 Regards, Massimo.
  13. Hi CrazyT, thanks for providing a possible solution and test case. We will try to look into it for the next releases. Regards, Massimo.
  14. Not sure which video you watched. There is no automatic field read in the JSON Data Adapter dialog. In order to have the tree-like representation of the JSON file you should open the Dataset&Query dialog (i.e. button on the report top toolbar). You probably saw the "automatic fields" read operation during the "New Report Wizard" steps. But here you are showing the data adapter editor. Regards, Massimo.
  15. Please re-check the field name attribute. For example the one at line 9 of the JRXML is empty. Not sure how it happened. Also the field name at line 8 seems not a proper one. Regards, Massimo.
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