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Massimo Rabbi

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  1. Massimo Rabbi's post in JasperReports Server connection not being retained in Jaspersoft Studio was marked as the answer   
    Hi can you please verify after following the instructions written in this troubleshooting article I wrote some time ago:
    Let me know if this helps solving the issue.
    Best regards,
  2. Massimo Rabbi's post in HTML5 Charts yAxis.tickAmount not Working was marked as the answer   
    the reason is that the property yAxis.tickAmount is available starting from the version 4.1.0 of the Highcharts library as mentioned in their API page.
    Current version of Jaspersoft Studio Professional ships version 4.0.3. The problem should be solved in the next upcoming official release, we are supposed to upgrade the Highcharts Javascript library.
    In the meanwhile, glad you were able to find a "workaround".
    Best regards,
  3. Massimo Rabbi's post in Uploaded Jaspersoft Studio 6.1.0 Tutorial to Slideshare was marked as the answer   
    Thanks Hozawa.
    I listed the tutorial among the "Community Contributions" in the Resources page of the project: http://community.jaspersoft.com/project/jaspersoft-studio/resources
  4. Massimo Rabbi's post in Are Bugfixes backported to older Studio releases? was marked as the answer   
    Hi currently there is no fix backporting to older versions of Jaspersoft Studio.
    It would be too expensive in terms of maintenance.
    If you are a paying customer, therefore using Jaspersoft Studio Pro, you can try to contact support.
    In some cases we created hotfix for blocking bugs in older versions. But it is a multi-steps process that needs to be validated before proceeding with the request.
    You could try using newer version of JSS and rely on the backcompatibility settings available in the preferences.
  5. Massimo Rabbi's post in Classpath problem with Grid Component in Eclipse Report Designer was marked as the answer   
    looking at you problem it appears similar to the issue verified by another community user who opened a bug here: http://community.jaspersoft.com/jaspersoft-studio/issues/4160
    The next upcoming version will contain the fix for it.
    By the end of the week we will release a new updated integration build.
    You could try to grab it and test.
  6. Massimo Rabbi's post in Does Jasper-Reports support Xpath 2.0 was marked as the answer   
    I talked with JR Team in order to better clarify the topic. So currently the version supported is XPath version 1.0.
    This because JR relies on Xalan or Jaxen for XPath support. These thirdy-part libraries currently support version 1.0.
    Looking at the Jaxen FAQ it seems to be a "strict" decision they made, focusing only on compatibility support: http://jaxen.codehaus.org/faq.html
    Therefore for the moment we will stay with version 1.0 of XPath.Regards,Massimo.
  7. Massimo Rabbi's post in TIBCO Jaspersoft Studio 6.0.3 final for MAC was marked as the answer   
    you should get the dedicated Oracle JDBC driver, for example from here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/enterprise-edition/jdbc-112010-090769.html
    In Jaspersoft Studio Professional version for license agreement we can ship the ojdbc6- file.
    In Community Edition you will have to download by yourself.
    You can later add the jar from the Data Adapter preferences or even add the Jar to the classpath. See the attached images.
  8. Massimo Rabbi's post in JasperSoft-Studio with JDK1.8 (Any News?) was marked as the answer   
    you already posted also in here: http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/845748/utilize-jdk8-api-jaspersoft-studio
    You saw, that currently there are no plans and no time frame for a release of the standalone application in Eclipse 4.x.
    We are performing some background tests, but it is currently considered a minor task.
    It does not make sense keep asking the same question again. You can open a feature request into the tracker, asking for the RCP product into Eclipse 4.x.
    In this way you will be updated on notified if there are any progress. 

    If you are able to use correctly the Eclipse plugin with latest JDK 1.8, I don't see which is the problem. Use that one as temporary solution until a version of the product based on Eclipse 4 will be out.


  9. Massimo Rabbi's post in Utilize JDK8 api from Jaspersoft Studio? was marked as the answer   
    Hi, Jaspersoft Studio standalone application is currently is based on Eclipse 3.8.2. So no JDT support for Java 8. You can however install the latest Eclipse Luna version and install in there the JSS plugin. You should be able to use it. 
    If you face any issues, let us know opening a bug into the JSS or JR tracker, depending on which project is causing problems.
    At the moment there is no planned date to move the RCP application to the latest Luna version for example, or E4 in general.
    Best regards, Massimo.
  10. Massimo Rabbi's post in Studio Icons was marked as the answer   
    The Jaspersoft Studio license that applies to the Community Edition is the EPL (Eclipse Public License).
    For the Professional version the TIBCO commercial license applies. 
    Personally I would suggest to contact the legal team of TIBCO Jaspersoft, before proceeding further including icons.
    From a developer point of view, what I can say is that we usually included icons,images already used by other Eclipse projects (so under the EPL license itself), created part of them and included ones free for commercial use.
    Of course it would be better to investigate on the specific icons you are talking about. Anyhow please refer to the legal team first.
  11. Massimo Rabbi's post in JasperSoft-Studio with JDK1.8 was marked as the answer   
    which version of JSS are you using? Standalone or plugin one?
    The RCP standalone version of JSS is based on Eclipse 3.8.2 and there is no support for Java 1.8. 
    We are currently bundling the JRE 1.7.0_67.
    You can try to use JSS plugin inside for example a recent Luna Eclipse installation. Anyhow I'm not sure how it will work fine: for sure it's not tested. For example, I know there are some open bugs for JasperReports about Java 1.8.
  12. Massimo Rabbi's post in Map element, Google maps, WMS and more (Jaspersoft Studio 5.5.2) was marked as the answer   
    currently the Map component is using the Google Maps and it is meant to work with it. 
    See here from the official JR documentation: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/map/index.html
    Quoting: The JR built-in map component is based on the public Google Maps APIs licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Prior to start using this component, please consult both Google terms of service and Google site policies pages. Ensure the map component in your application is used in accordance with these terms and conditions. 
    If you want to use another map provider you should create a more generic and custom map component. This needs to be done first at JR level and later at JSS level where you need to provide a dedicated plugin for it.
    I don't know which kind of modifications you put in place in order to visualize a different map, anyhow it is not safe or supported because a lot of stuff will not work indeed.
    You should open an enhancement request in the JasperReports Tracker in order to ask for a more generic component.
    Anyhow this is not an easy task to produce something "generic" that allows you to use markers and paths on different map types. Plus another important aspect to consider is the legal agreement that should exist in order to integrate such kind of components.
    If you look for example in the "Authentication" tab there are some configuration information related to Business usage of the Map component itself.
    More information about it can be found here: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/business/webservices/

    About your second question, you can use for latitude and longitude (and other info) dedicated fields extracted from a DB query. If you look at the properties tab you will see that the value can be an Expression.
  13. Massimo Rabbi's post in Newbie - FireBird - Unsupported Major.Minor Version 52.0 was marked as the answer   
    I think you are using the Firebird JDBC Driver for Java 1.8. 
    Since Jaspersoft Studio is using a prepackaged JDK 1.7, you should try with the correct 1.7 version or even 1.6.
  14. Massimo Rabbi's post in In wich package can I find AbstractJRUIPlugin was marked as the answer   
    you should give a look to this article: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/contributing-jaspersoft-studio-and-building-sources
  15. Massimo Rabbi's post in help using maps pro in j.studio was marked as the answer   
    Hi Jon,
    the MapPro component (using Fusion Maps under the scene) does not work like the Google Maps component one.
    So you do not specify the longitude and latitude for the map. But the first thing you do is to specify the map kind using the "Map name expression".
    I just noticed that in the Jaspersoft Studio documentation they did not ported the existing chapter from iReport user guide that talks about Fusion components.
    However you can pick up the iReport Ultimate Guide and give a look to the chapter 12 "Flash Charts". You can find a lot information about the Fusion Charts/Widgets/Maps. The UI has been ported in JSS almost exactly as it was in iReport. You will find easier to adapt the information.
    Here it's where you can find the PDF files: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation?version=10870
    In the meanwhile I will notify the problem to the documentation team so they can fix it for the next release.
  16. Massimo Rabbi's post in What is jss_431.zip file? was marked as the answer   
    Hi Hozawa,
    it is a target platform in order to develop plugins for Jaspersoft Studio.
    So you can:
    Add this target platform to your Eclipse via Preferences dialog, page "Plug-in Development > Target Platform". You will have to create an empty one and later add the directory location where you extracted the zip file; You can later use the Team Project set file jaspersoftStudioCE-plugin.psf (look in DevelopeInfo folder on Sourceforge); Start creating your plugins or fix the existing ones in order to submit patches to be reviewed. You can do the same for 3.8.2 target platform that is the one on which is based the final build. In this case you can download the related zip file and use the Team Project set file jaspersoftStudioCE-rcp.psf. This will allow you to also, if you want, create a "test build" of a custom JSS. But for this there some additional steps to be taken, involving Maven/Tycho.
    Target platforms allow to work with your currently existing IDE, without "dirting" it with new additional plugins.
    When you select a specific target platform, the plugins will be compiled and run against that one.
    You can perform a Google search, anyhow here below two links on Target Platforms:
    - http://help.eclipse.org/kepler/index.jsp?topic=%2Forg.eclipse.pde.doc.user%2Fconcepts%2Ftarget.htm
    - https://wiki.eclipse.org/PDE/Target_Definitions
    Best regards,
  17. Massimo Rabbi's post in How to center Map properly was marked as the answer   
    I've been working on some enhancements to the map component in JSS that should help you in this task.
    Give a look to this screencast: http://screencast.com/t/3yyQrsYhYgSs
    Please consider that these modifications will be included in the upcoming release. In the meanwhile you can take a look to them live using the beta version(s) of JSS CE that can be grabbed from here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jasperstudio/files/beta-release/
  18. Massimo Rabbi's post in JasperReport and iText License was marked as the answer   
    you may refer to this existing topic: http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/816867/where-can-i-find-itext-217-modifications
    The jar used is iText-2.1.7.js2.jar.
  19. Massimo Rabbi's post in How do I download the professiona version of iReport designer/Jaspersoft Studio? was marked as the answer   
    you can download the latest available professional trial version of the products from here: http://community.jaspersoft.com/download
    For further information regarding sales/evalutation, please visit the dedicated web page: https://www.jaspersoft.com/contact-us
  20. Massimo Rabbi's post in Jaspersoft Studio: org/postgresql/Driver Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 was marked as the answer   
    did you already tried to connect to the PostgreSQL db without speciifying the driver?
    Studio already contains a driver for that.
  21. Massimo Rabbi's post in Jaspersoft Studio Pro 5.5.0 - Linux was marked as the answer   
    the .tgz file is simply an archive of the Linux version of Jaspersoft Studio.
    You should unpack it using a command like: tar -xzvf <jaspersoftstudio_file>.tgz
    Then go to the unpacked directory and simply run with: ./Jaspersoft Studio
    However since it is Eclipse based, JSS needs to be run with an installation with a desktop environment.
    Not sure to understand what you mean when you say "on Linux with terminal only". 
    Best regards,
  22. Massimo Rabbi's post in Jaspersoft Studio not starting on Mac was marked as the answer   
    please try to locate the log file that should be in ~/JaspersoftWorkspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/log
    Just in case try to start it from the command line like this:
    1. Open Terminal window
    2. Move to the Jaspersoft Studio install location: i.e. /Applications/Jaspersoft Studio 5.5.0.final/Jaspersoft Studio.app/Contents/MacOS
    3. Run like this: ./Jaspersoft Studio -debug -consoleLog
    You should see a more detailed log of what is happening. And this could give us some interesting info.
    Best regards,
  23. Massimo Rabbi's post in How to use multiple data sources in JasperSoft Studio? was marked as the answer   
    currently in Jaspersoft Studio you work with Virtual Data Source only using the JRS plugin. 
    This means that you can define from JSS a new Virtual Data Source like you would in JRS. 
    In JRS user guide the is as far as I know a dedicated chapter called "Example of Creating a Domain Using a Virtual Data Source".
    After that you can create you report in JSS that uses a Domain like this.
    Moreover I think that in JRS you should already find a sample domain using a VDS.
    It should be the one with name "Virtual DS Domain" and description "Example of combining SugarCRM and Foodmart in Domain".
    Best regards,
  24. Massimo Rabbi's post in How to use command line to open a JRXML report was marked as the answer   
    you can open also with Jaspersoft Studio from command line. 
    Since Jaspersoft Studio it's an Eclipse based application you will have to go with the "Eclipse way".
    Therefore you will need to launch your JSS like this:
    # /opt/jaspersoft/<jaspersoftstudioversion>/ $ ./Jaspersoft Studio --launcher.openFile /tmp/MySampleReport.jrxml
    This is a Linux example, but the same should apply also for Windows / Mac using the same "--launcher.openFile <file>" option.
    Not sure what is the use case for this, but please remember that since JSS is Eclipse based and uses projects inside the workspace, the following operation will result in opening the JRXML but you will see in MyProject a link for the external file.
    Best regards,
  25. Massimo Rabbi's post in Jasper Studio 5.5 How to generate a .jasper file? was marked as the answer   
    in order to generate .jasper file you simply need to click on the related button for compilation on the top (inner) toolbar: the first button on the left. See attached screenshot. This way you can compile your report. 
    There is also the possibility to generate automatically the .jasper files for the JRXML reports you are creating. You can check the menu item that you can find under "Project > Build Automatically". This option will perform a complete compilation of all the reports (and also Java classes) that are in the projects of your workspace. The option has been disabled by default in the recent version, since it can be timewaster, especially when there are a lot of projects and reports. 
    Having it enabled, everytime you will save a report, the dedicated .jasper file will be generated.
    Best regards,
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