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Everything posted by lucianc

  1. Changed Resolution from Open to Fixed Changed Status from New to Resolved Fixed at http://sourceforge.net/p/jasperreports/code/ci/a85af8bd93c5e07b80b64471fdfbfe51fd92b10a/, the exception is no longer logged as an error.Regards,Lucian
  2. Changed Assigned User from - to @lucianc The exception is expected, the problem is that it shouldn't be logged (as an error).Your form.jrxml report has a band with splitType="Prevent". What happens is that the subreports placed on that band start filling, which happens on different threads. When the space on the page ends, the band is not allowed to split and needs to restart rendering on the next page. To do that it needs first to cancel all subreports that have started to fill, and that's done by interrupting the threads on which those subreports run.We'll look into finding a way to determine whether the interrupt is expected/intentional or not, and only log the exception as an error in the latter case.Regards,Lucian
  3. Right, there is still room for improvement. We'll consider how far we want to go with this.
  4. In JasperReports Server the safest thing to do is to add the font jar file under WEB-INF/lib. That would require an app server restart. That would be inconvenient if you have frequently add/update fonts, but if you have few fonts that do not change it could be acceptable. Regards, Lucian
  5. Changed Resolution from Open to Fixed Changed Status from Assigned to Resolved Simple caching of results of method calls on proxies created by ParametersExporterConfigurationFactory has been added at http://sourceforge.net/p/jasperreports/code/ci/40aa1c871562481c4f5ce3f7bc9cbd4693023d98/This should take care of the big amount of time spent in ParametersExporterConfigurationFactory.getPropertyValue(), the performance of the export process should be close to what we had before 5.5.2.Thank you for catching this,Lucian
  6. Changed Resolution from Open to Fixed Changed Status from New to Resolved Changed Assigned User from @User_306070 to @anonymous This should be fixed in JasperReports 6.0 which upgraded to iText 5.5 and uses com.itextpdf.text.pdf.ICC_Profile (instead of the AWT class).You can also keep an eye on https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8058973Regards,Lucian
  7. Changed Status from New to Assigned Changed Assigned User from - to @lucianc
  8. Changed Resolution from Open to Fixed Changed Status from New to Resolved Fixed at http://sourceforge.net/p/jasperreports/code/ci/cc401d73495669ccfa2cf231c654514bd6e16432/Thank you for catching this.Regards,Lucian
  9. lucianc


    The fix that I mentioned in comment #3 only deals with subdataset parameters. Other cases need to be considered separately.
  10. lucianc


    I removed the dataset parameter validation that was performed during JRXML loading. The validation was there originally because we needed the parameter type, but that's no longer the case. The changes have been checked into the JR SVN trunk at revision 7137. Regards, Lucian
  11. Changed Resolution from Open to Fixed Changed Status from New to Resolved Changed Assigned User from - to @User_306070 Checked in at revision 7133 of the JR SVN trunk. Thank you for finding and investigating this.
  12. The properties do not currently work for table cells. Please log a tracker item if you're interested in it.
  13. See http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/config.reference.html#net.sf.jasperreports.style.{style_property_suffix} You can define a property called net.sf.jasperreports.style.forecolor at element level using $F{field_value} as expression. Regards, Lucian
  14. You can explicitly specify the field to be used for sorting and filtering a column by setting a property called net.sf.jasperreports.components.table.column.field at column level. Regards, Lucian
  15. Changed Assigned User from - to @User_306070 We have introduced properties in JasperReports to provide default patterns for dates and numbers. The property names are:net.sf.jasperreports.text.pattern.datenet.sf.jasperreports.text.pattern.timenet.sf.jasperreports.text.pattern.datetimenet.sf.jasperreports.text.pattern.integernet.sf.jasperreports.text.pattern.numberValues specific to a locale can be configured by appending _ to the property name (e.g. net.sf.jasperreports.text.pattern.date_fr_BE=dd-MMM-yyyy).The code has been checked in to the JR SVN at trunk revision 7113.
  16. Changed Assigned User from @User_306070 to @anonymous The problem was fixed as http://community.jaspersoft.com/jasperreports-library/issues/3356The fix will be included in JasperReports Server 5.6.0.
  17. Please attach a full JRXML that can be used to reproduce the issue. Regards, Lucian
  18. Changed Resolution from Open to Fixed Changed Status from New to Resolved Changed Assigned User from - to @User_306070 Fixed at JR SVN trunk revision 7066.Regards,Lucian
  19. The best approach in my view is to change the DB column type from FLOAT to DECIMAL. That would make iReport automatically map the field to java.math.BigDecimal. If you can't change the DB column type, then you can manually change the report field type to java.math.BigDecimal.
  20. The thread dump shows that no threads are stunk in JR calls, so clearly JasperFillManager.fillReport has exited one way or another. I can't tell what happened though, here are some things that you could try: 1. Catch Throwable in your report generator. In some cases with misconfigured classpaths you can get errors such as NoSuchMethodError. 2. Debug your code and see what happens with the fillReport() call.
  21. Neither Float nor Double are accurate representations of fixed point values such as float(18,2). The proper way to represent such values is with java.math.BigDecimal. The XLS error is caused by a conversion from Float to Double. 73.3 as a Float is actually 7.33000030517578125 (see http://www.binaryconvert.com/result_float.html?decimal=055051046051 for instance). Putting the value in an XLS requires a conversion to Double, which results in further digits getting visible. We could change the way Float values are converted to Double by going through a String instead of performing a standard Java conversion. But the underlying problem with Floats and Doubles representations of fixed point values would remain, we would just be making some inherently broken a little better.
  22. JR code throws exceptions on error cases, and exceptions travel up the call stack to the nearest catch block. I've never heard of JasperFillManager.fillReport() blocking in error cases. Please provide a self contained test case to reproduce that behaviour. If that's not possible, take a thread dump of the application showing such a blocked call. Regards, Lucian
  23. There's a mismatch in the JRS config files that causes this error. To fix it, edit WEB-INF/ehcache-data-snapshots.xml and change the name of the contentsCache entry to snapshotContents. Regards, Lucian
  24. Changed Assigned User from @User_306070 to @anonymous I meant JDBC..
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