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JasperReports Library 7.0 is now available ×

Anuja Vilas Bhujbal

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  1. Hello, TLS 1.2 is supported by the 8.2 JasperReports. Please refer to the below platform support guide. If you would like to have TLS 1.3 support for the JasperReport, you can submit an enhancement request on our Ideas Portal - https://jaspersoftideas.tibco.com/
  2. Problem: There is a requirement to remove the Alert button while viewing the report in the Jasperserver. Solution: For the Report Viewer, remove the below lines of code from the jasperserver-pro\WEB-INF\jsp\modules\viewReport\viewReport.jsp file and restart your application after clearing the Tomcat cache for the changes to get reflected. <c:if test="${isPro}"> <li class="leaf divider"></li> <li class="leaf"> <button id="alertMode" data-title="true" class="button capsule up last" disabled="disabled" aria-label="<spring:message code="button.alertMode"/>" tabindex="-1"> <span class="wrap"> <span class="icon"></span> </span> </button> </li> </c:if>
  3. Problem: When there is a table in the report that has an HTML5 chart placed adjacent to it, the height of the cells in the adjacent table is widened to match the height of the image of the HTML5 chart in XLSX export. Solution: To avoid this issue, you will need to add the property to the report. net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.collapse.row.span=false
  4. Problem: There is a requirement to hide the Dashboard close button seen in the Dashboard in the 9.0 Jasperserver. Solution: Set the below in the overrides_custom.css file and upload the file to the theme by following the Jasperserver Administrator Guide. .dashboardToolbar .toolbar #close .icon { display:none; } https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jasperreports-server/tibco-jasperreports-server-administration-guide/v900/jasperreports-server-admin-guide-_-themes-_-creating_themes/#Creating_Theme_Folders_and_Files
  5. Problem: There was an instance where a user was using Arabic text in their report and the text was being displayed correctly in the Jasperserver UI whereas it was being printed correctly in the PDF, XLSX, and other exports. Solution: This issue seems to be caused by net.sf.jasperreports.text.save.line.breaks being set to true in JRS which breaks the text into lines which confuses bidirectional control characters in the text. The workaround is to set net.sf.jasperreports.text.save.line.breaks to false either in the report or in WEB-INF/classes/jasperreports.properties.
  6. Hello, Please refer to the below documentation to set the compatibility of the Studio with earlier verison.
  7. Hello Oscar, Can you please let me know what exact error are you getting for the Data adapter?
  8. Problem: In the 9.0 version of the Jasperserver, we have introduced an option 'Use a blank JRXML' which takes the user to webstudio. There can be a use case where the admins would like to disable the option for the users. Solution: To remove the 'select blank jrxml' option you will need to remove the below code from the jasperserver-pro\WEB-INF\jsp\modules\addResource\reportSteps1_2.jsp file, clear the Tomcat cache, and restart the Tomcat. Please take a backup of the reportSteps1_2.jsp before making the changes. <spring:bind path="wrapper.source"> <li id="blankTemplate" class="leaf"> <div class="control radio complex"> <label class="wrap" for="BLANK_TEMPLATE" title="<spring:message code='resource.report.blankJRXML'/>"> <spring:message code="resource.report.blankJRXML"/> </label> <input class="" id="BLANK_TEMPLATE" type="radio" name="${status.expression}" title="<spring:message code="resource.report.blankJRXML"/>" value="BLANK_TEMPLATE" <c:if test="${status.value=='BLANK_TEMPLATE'}">checked="checked"</c:if>/> </div> <div class="browser"> <label title="<spring:message code="resource.report.blankJRXML"/>" for="resourceUri" class="control browser<c:if test="${status.error || wrapper.source=='BLANK_TEMPLATE' && jrxmlUnparsable != null}"> error</c:if>"> </label> <span class="message warning"><c:if test="${status.error}">${status.errorMessage}</c:if></span> <c:if test="${status.error || wrapper.source=='BLANK_TEMPLATE' && jrxmlUnparsable != null}"> <span class="message warning">${status.errorMessage}<spring:message code="${jrxmlUnparsable}"/></span> </c:if> </div> </li> </spring:bind>
  9. Hello, The latest version of the Jasperserver is 9.0. To upgrade your 6.3 Japserserver to 9.0, please refer to the section "Upgrading JasperReports Server 6.4.x or Earlier" on page 51 of the below Upgrade guide for more details. https://docs.tibco.com/pub/js-jrs/9.0.0/doc/pdf/js-jrs_9.0.0_upgrade-guide.pdf?id=1
  10. Hello, You will find the 'Jaspersoft Studio Professional.ini' file in the folder where the studio is installed, for example like - C:\Program Files\Jaspersoft\Jaspersoft Studio Professional-8.2.0
  11. Hello, Please try to use the TIBCO Jaspersoft MS SQLServer (tibcosoftware.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver) driver provided by default with the Studio for the connection and let me know if it helps.
  12. Hello, It is not possible to download the community installer of the Jasperserver. Please refer to the below FAQs regarding the recent changes for more details.
  13. Hello, Can you please share the JRXML of your report to help me better understand the issue?
  14. Hello, Please refer to the below links for the platform support guide of the JasperReports products. https://www.jaspersoft.com/supported-platforms https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/?_ga=2.86297183.632996124.1704882850-308782066.1610711335
  15. Hello, Can you please let me know where exactly are you trying to use the concatenate function? Please share a screenshot for the same.
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