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Everything posted by lucianc

  1. See http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/no-query-executer-factory-registered-plsql-language-jasperserver-51 Regards, Lucian
  2. Go to the Context specific tab in the Chart properties dialog, click Add, select yAxis as name, set _jrAxisIndex to 1 and add the yAxis.* properties without the yAxis prefix. Regards, Lucian
  3. See http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/982181/jasperreports-server-560-ce-localization-best-practices
  4. You could place all the resource bundles in a jar file, and create a link for the jar file in each report. When you need to add a new resource bundle, you woild update the jar file by adding the resource and all the reports would automatically see the new resource. Regards, Lucian
  5. Downoad a PhantomJS binary package and set the com.jaspersoft.jasperreports.fusion.phantomjs.executable.path property (in jasperreports.properties) to the path of the phantomjs executable. That will result in the charts/widgets getting rendered in PDFs as SVG instead of Flash, which would get rid of scaling problems on printing. Regards, Lucian
  6. Your text field has evaluationTime="Report", but the delayed evaluation time does not apply to the print when expression, which is evaluated at the time the band renders. What you could do is to remove the print when expression, and change the text field expression to return null when you don't want to print anything: <textFieldExpression><![CDATA[$V{REPORT_COUNT}.intValue()>=$P{limit} ? $V{REPORT_COUNT} : null]]></textFieldExpression> You would also have to set isBlankWhenNull="true" for the text field. Regards, Lucian
  7. A self contained test case means a set of jrxmls (and a static data source if required) that can be used to reproduce the problem on a different machine.
  8. What vesion are you using? Removing the space seems to work fine for me. A (self contained) test case would of course help.
  9. The recommended approach is to create a font extension (with Arial or other font files) and specify that the fonts are to embedded in PDFs. Jaspersoft Studio can be used to create the font extension jar. Regards, Lucian
  10. You can change the type of a series via a SeriesProperty contributor. See http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jaspersoft-studio-user-guide/v62/dual-axis-multi-axis-and-combination-charts for an example. Regards, Lucian
  11. Texts are rendered as paths with SVGGraphics2D because the JasperReports AWT text renderer calls Graphics2D.drawGlyphVector (via java.awt.font.TextLayout). There is no configuration to change this behaviour. The PDF exporter is different exporter. You could try a customization by changing (or extending) JR's AwtTextRenderer.draw() method to do grx.drawString(segment.as.getIterator(), x + drawPosX, y + topPadding + verticalAlignOffset + drawPosY) instead of segment.layout.draw(..) That seems to work at least in simple cases, but I'm not fully confident that it works in all cases. Do some tests to be sure that it does what's expected. Regards, Lucian
  12. See my post from Sep 22 on that thread, you need to customize the PDF exporter so that the image cache is shared across a batch export of JasperPrints. Note that in recent JR versions you will need to override the setCurrentExporterInputItem method instead of setJasperPrint. Regards, Lucian
  13. Enable debug logging for com.jaspersoft.jasperreports.highcharts.charts.render.PhantomjsChartSvgProducer, it might help with understanding what is happening.
  14. Using web services is the right approach. Take a look at the REST v2 services (documented in the JasperReports Server Web Services Guide), they are easier to use than the SOAP or REST v1 services. Regards, Lucian
  15. Try setting the width and height on the JasperDesign object (before compiling it) and not on the JasperPrint object. But even that would not change the size/width of elements inside reports. Regards, Lucian
  16. You can run the report in the web UI, go to the Export icon and choose As PDF. Or schedule a report execution with PDF output format. Or use the REST web services to run a report unit to PDF (check the web services guide for details).
  17. If you still have the log files, look to see whether there is a different exception at some point before the java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError lines. NoClassDefFoundError is thrown after the initial failure to initialize JRStyledTextParser class. On the first access to JRStyledTextParser, the original cause should have been logged. So look for JRStyledTextParser in the logs, maybe the original exception would shed some light on what happened.
  18. You need to manually convert the String into an integer by doing Integer.valueOf($F{Textfeld}.substring(5, 9)) or INTEGER_VALUE($F{Textfeld}.substring(5, 9)) (INTEGER_VALUE is a builtin function available in recent versions, it might not work in iReport.) Regards, Lucian
  19. JasperReports Server has builtin features to export report units (which consists of a JRXML with a data source) to PDF and other formats. You don't have to write any Java code. Regards, Lucian
  20. The report properties are not used when the report is a subreport within a master report, you'll have to set the properties in the master report. If you want to exclude column header bands from all subreports you would do something like this: <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.band.1" value="columnHeader"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.report.1" value="*"/> If you want to the skip the column header only in selected subreports, you'll need to define several rules and specify the subreport name (as in <jasperReport name="..">). Regards,Lucian
  21. The chances of figuring out what has changed without access to the machine are not good. First of all, were you able to resolve the problem? Did running Java in headless mode help? Do you have font extension jars on the application classpath? Is the Oracle application running as a Windows service? Or is it a GUI application?
  22. Posting a JRXML that can be used to reproduce the problem would help with identifying the cause.
  23. See http://community.jaspersoft.com/jasperreports-library/issues/5368 and http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/533685/non-embedded-helvetica-font-appearing-pdf Defining a default style (with embedded PDF font attributes) should do. If you want the default font to be taken from a font extension, you'll have to upgrade to iReport/JasperReports 4.6.0 or newer. Regards, Lucian
  24. The error can occur if you have a broken/invalid font extension jar on the application classpath, or if Java/AWT fails to initialize the graphics environment. If JR runs on a server machine that does not have a graphics environment, run the JVM in headless AWT mode (with -Djava.awt.headless=true). Regards, Lucian
  25. Yes, variables with values returned from subreports cannot be generally used for calculation further variables. If you would describe your use case in detail we might be able to provide an alternative solution.
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