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Everything posted by lucianc

  1. Also see http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/fake-title-and-summary-sections Regards, Lucian
  2. You could have the query with the join (and order by order_id), create a group in the report for $F{order_id}, print the order details in the group header and the subrows in the detail band. Regards, Lucian
  3. Try 4.5.1 and see if it makes any difference. If not, post your JRXML so that we can see what exactly the problem is. HTH, Lucian
  4. Try $F{MyField}.replaceAll("....", "$0 ") HTH, Lucian
  5. Groups have an attribute called minHeightToStartNewPage. With some approximations, it can be used to achieve something similar to what you need. HTH, Lucian
  6. If you generate a SVG document in your code, you can pass it to the report as a parameter (either byte array or String), and create a BatikRenderer instance using the parameter value. See the Javadoc for details on the BatikRenderer methods. HTH, Lucian
  7. Try adding a JDT compiler jar in your application. You can find one in the JasperReports project package. HTH, Lucian
  8. As a note, there is at least one transarency issue that we know about which is not fixed in the patched iText version either. Therefore the problems that you encountered might be fixed or not, depending on the exact case.
  9. Please attach the full JRXML and the full error (with stacktrace). Regards, Lucian
  10. Try setting positionType="Float" for the crosstabs. HTH, Lucian
  11. It should work fine without the expression class. Expressions classes were deprecated in 4.1.1, the code was changed to use the type of the object that results by evaluating the expression without knowing it in advance. Could you attach a sample report that illustrates the problem? Regards, Lucian
  12. You could try switching to Groovy as report language. If you want a Java solution you'll need to do something like $F{price}.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf($F{instore})) HTH, Lucian
  13. You can download the source bundles from http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/maven2/com/lowagie/itext/ The changes are in PdfGraphics2D.java and address a couple of issues related to transparency. You can use the vanilla iText jar if you didn't have any problems with transparent charts/graphics in PDF. Regards, Lucian
  14. You could create a subdataset that has a field called _THIS, use the subdataset for the chart with new net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRBeanCollectionDataSource($V{arraylist}), and set $F{_THIS} as category and value expressions. HTH, Lucian
  15. Could you attach a JRXML and the resulting PDF file? That would be easier to follow.. Regards, Lucian
  16. Based on a quick reading of DynamicJasper sources, try the following: new SubReportBuilder()...setDataSource(DJConstants.DATA_SOURCE_ORIGIN_PARAMETER, DJConstants.DATA_SOURCE_TYPE_JRDATASOURCE, "ds")...Map params;params.put("ds", new JREmptyDataSource());DynamicJasperHelper.generateJasperPrint( dynamicReport, new ClassicLayoutManager(), new JREmptyDataSource(), params);[/code]HTH, Lucian
  17. The log entries look OK, I don't see anything wrong there. Might be a JDK bug on FreeBSD, there are other reports of the same error such as https://netbeans.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=229256 You could try switching to JDK7, maybe that would fix it.
  18. Could you enable debug logging for net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.SimpleTextLineWrapper (that is add log4j.logger.net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.SimpleTextLineWrapper=trace in WEB-INF/log4j.properties), restart JRS, run the report and post the log file? That might give some hints on what is going on.. PS: Please also mention the Java version that you are using. Regards, Lucian
  19. Try adding a JDT compiled jar to your application's classpath. You can find one in the JasperReports distribution. Regards, Lucian
  20. Try select $P!{period} as PERIOD ... group by $P!{period} HTH, Lucian
  21. /* .. */ should work, at least in reports using Java or Groovy as language. Do you have a sample JRXML that doesn't work? What JasperReports version are you using? Regards, Lucian
  22. Try enabling debug logging for net.sf.jasperreports.extensions.DefaultExtensionsRegistry, it should tell you on startup where it finds JR extensions property resources.
  23. JRLoader.loadObject loads serialized objects (such as compiled reports). To load *.jrxml files you'll need to use JRXmlLoader. Regards, Lucian
  24. Do you have a JDT jar on your build classpath? Also, jasperreports.properties should be in a directory that is part of the classpath, putting it in the current directory would not necessarily work. Regards, Lucian
  25. See http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/schema.reference.html Regards, Lucian
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