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Everything posted by lucianc

  1. The data saved in the "value" column is obtained by serializing Java objects. Using the JI web gui, only java.lang.String object are saved as item values. If you directly use the api, you can save other object types as well. HTH, Lucian
  2. I don't see a query in your JRXML, but you pass a connection to the fillReport() method. This doesn't make sense. Where should the report data come from?
  3. If you need to sum values returned from the subreport, you can use a new variable and return a value with "Sum" calculation type: Code: HTH, Lucian
  4. It seems that the report you generate is empty. Can you verify whether the report query returns something? You could also try setting whenNoDataType="AllSectionsNoDetail" for the report. HTH, Lucian
  5. The vertical space is caused by the second subreport being placed at y="10". Change it to y="0" and see whether you still have the blank line. HTH, Lucian
  6. This is not currently supported. You could post a feature request. Regards, Lucian
  7. Are you using a JSP to write the XLS file to the response stream? If so, you should consider switching to a servlet as it would be easier to control what exactly gets written to the response. HTH, Lucian
  8. You can do one of the following: Specify a comparatorExpression for your row group Set the isDataPreSorted flag on the crosstab dataset and change your query to order the data as specified here.[/ul] HTH, Lucian
  9. The mandatory flag issue has already been fixed. Regards, Lucian
  10. The subreport expression should be Code:repo:"/Reports/Subreports/OppSummSR0" HTH, Lucian
  11. You can't use variables with values returned from subreports in other variables' expressions, because variable expressions are evaluated at the beginning of the band rendering, and subreport return values while the band gets rendered. You should try to find a way to avoid this. How are you using the value returned from the subreport in your other variable? Regards, Lucian
  12. JRJdtCompiler.getCompilerClass() returns JRJavacCompiler.class because we didn't want to force the dependency on the JDT jar when using compiled reports. The compiler class is saved with the compiled report and used while loading compiled reports to load evaluator classes. All the Java report compilers share the code for loading evaluator classes, so we didn't want to require the JDT jar just for loading reports. If you want to get the actual compiler class, you should do getClass() on the compiler instance. HTH, Lucian
  13. Do you have Digester >= 1.7? See the requirements. HTH, Lucian
  14. The easiest way to handle report compilation classpath is to use the JDT compiler by including the jdt-compiler jar in your application's classpath. This compiler will use the context classloader to load classes needed while compiling reports, and doesn't need the net.sf.jasperreports.compiler.classpath property. HTH, Lucian
  15. his was missed on the 1.2.6 release. Open a bug here so that we can properly track this. Regards, Lucian
  16. calculation="Count" counts all the not-null values, therefore you need Code:<variable name="CaptionCount" class="java.lang.Integer" resetType="Report" calculation="Count"> <variableExpression><![CDATA[($F{Type}.equals("caption"«»)? "count me" : null)]]></variableExpression> </variable> You can also use Sum Code:[code]<variable name="CaptionCount" class="java.lang.Integer" resetType="Report" calculation="Sum"> <variableExpression><![CDATA[($F{Type}.equals("caption"«»)? new Integer(1) : new Integer(0))]]></variableExpression> </variable> HTH, Lucian
  17. No. No, but you shouldn't reuse a parameters map as it gets altered by the fill process.[/ol] I've fixed the code not to put a null resource bundle into the parameters map. You can safely use a java.util.HashMap as parameters map, your missing data issue is caused by something else. HTH, Lucian
  18. Try to set positionType="Float" for the second subreport and all the elements underneath it. HTH, Lucian
  19. Where did you get that file from? If you want to consult the JR samples, go to the download page on SourceForge and get the jasperreports-x.y.z-project package. You will find the samples under demo/samples. HTH, Lucian
  20. You can: Code:$F{CITY} + ($F{STATE} == null ? "" : (", " + $F{STATE})) HTH, Lucian
  21. The subreport doesn't return null, but you need to use evaluationTime="Band" for the text field in which you display the returned value. Check the "subreport" sample incuded in the JR distribution. HTH, Lucian
  22. You need to wrap your homephone array into a JRDataSource implementation and pass it to the fillReport() method. As I said earlier, the only thing that gets iterated when a report is filled is its data source. If, in your report, there is something else to iterate on, you should use a subreport to display the home phones. HTH, Lucian
  23. You've probably placed the crosstab in the detail section of the report, and the crosstab gets rendered for each row in the report data source. If this is not what you want, move to crosstab to the correct band (e.g. the summary band). HTH, Lucian
  24. What I suggested was "if $P{SubreportData} is a collection of maps", i.e. $P{SubreportData} would be a java.util.Collection instance containing java.util.Map objects. Regards, Lucian
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