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  1. I would like start by apologize that I will not be able to provide any samples of the problem I am experiencing due to the highly confidential data that I work with. I could try to make a mock up jrxml file to simulate this, but maybe someone else has experienced this and might have a quick easy solution. This is a very large project and I have been trying to track this down for quite a while and I believe I just figured out why the text is actually being dropped. I will try to elaborate on that a little, but let me know if you need more details. I have a multi page report, with multiple long text fields. Sometimes (rarely) the last couple of words on a text dropped depending on the length of the text. By the length of the text I mean an exact number of words (more accurately characters) and not necessarily the length of the text. I have checked my fonts and I know the font I am using is present and accessible in both my Windows and my Linux box, but I noticed that there is less leading space on the pdf generated under Linux, and this is what I believe might have been causing my problem. I do appreciate any help on this matter. RC Post edited by: rcracel, at: 2008/03/28 15:06 Post edited by: rcracel, at: 2008/03/28 15:21
  2. I am sorry if this has been posted before, but I just spend the last few weeks away from work an finally found the time to update the version of our jasper jar to the latest one. (we were still running 1.3.4) Upon updating the jar, all of our reports stopped working (well, all the PDF ones which account for 99% of our reports); the exporter would throw a "ClassCastException: java.lang.Character cannot be cast to java.lang.String" every time we tried to create a new report. It wasn't too hard to track this down. I found that the default constant for the PDF versions defined in the JRPdfExporterParameter class were defined all as being of type Character, but in fact, when read, they were read as Strings by the JRPdfExporter class. Code: String strPdfVersion = getStringParameter( JRPdfExporterParameter.PDF_VERSION, JRPdfExporterParameter.PROPERTY_PDF_VERSION ); The fix was simple, instead of : Code:[code]exporter.setParameter(JRPdfExporterParameter.PDF_VERSION, JRPdfExporterParameter.PDF_VERSION_1_6); I now use : Code:[code]exporter.setParameter(JRPdfExporterParameter.PDF_VERSION, JRPdfExporterParameter.PDF_VERSION_1_6.toString()); but it would seem to me that the types used for that property should be consistent throughout the code. RogerC
  3. My two cents on the fonts: You can add all your fonts to a jar and add them to the class path on your unix server. (remember to read their licenses first, some fonts have restricted use licenses) Otherwise they will NOT be available on your unix server.
  4. First of all, great job so far guys. We have now been using jasper for about 6 months (production) and have been very happy. I have been trying to find a change log for 1.3.3 and 1.3.4 and have not been able to. The changes.txt in the documentation page only lists the changes up to version 1.3.2. Short of downloading the source, is there another way to see what has changed from 1.3.2 to 1.3.3 and 1.3.4 ? I am sure it must be available somewhere, but I could not find it in the jasperforge main page. thank you, rc
  5. Not too long ago I was faced with a similar challenge. I found out that, although possible, moving around objects in a JasperDesign can be very tricky, since, for instance, moving an object down will cause it to overlap other object. In essence when you move one object down you would need to move all other object below it as well (and if you run out of real state here then you just got yourself a hot potato in bare hands). If at all possible, I think the velocity option could be better, since you no longer have to be concerned about the layout of the page (at least not that much anyways) but just the order where the elements of the page need to be. In my case we found a way to redesign the reports so that this solution was no longer needed (and yeah, I not a big fan of velocity)... Hope this helps, Roger
  6. Couldn't you perform the calculation in java and pass the result in to your report? This would make more sense that the other way around. You shouldn't have your reporting engine processing data other than for display purposes. Hope this helps, Roger
  7. Without knowing what type of application you are talking about it is hard to help you, but I will try to speculate.... - if you are running this off a web application, it is possible that your web server/client is timing out; you may need to implement some kind of offline processing, where the report is created and made available to the user at a later time. - if you are running a stand alone application, your application may be timing out as well. You could launch a separate thread and let it run its course. I could be wrong about this, and if I am surely Lucian will correct me, but I don't think the filling process will time out by itself unless you interrupt it. It doesn't like you are running out of memory or that you've reached an infinite loop. Hope this helps, Roger
  8. Your java code is executed on the server, that is why it is being printed on the server rather then the client. You need to display the page to the client using HTML and then use javascript to popup a print dialog (and the user has to click ok). Hope this helps, Roger
  9. If you can visualize it correctly then the problem is most likely not the jasper engine, but rather the tool (browser?) you are using to export those images. Most browsers have an option that you need to check when you also want to export the images, see if that is your problem.
  10. But I assume you could implement your data source in a way where you could query the size and the current row. This way if you really wanted to you could see how long it has taken so far and how much work (how many rows) is left to do and make an educated guess. (you would have to do the query beforehand and pass it to the report as a datasource) But then again as Lucian has mentioned, if you have complex subreports this would not be accurate at all. This all depends on how you have your reports/subreports structured. In my case it would just be impossible to estimate time left due to the complexity of the reports we write, and not worth the effort, since the filling process usually doesn't take very long, and never as long as querying the database. And if the query takes too long we interrupt the process before it gets to the filling process. Roger
  11. would that also work if I had 3 subreports in a row?
  12. I am not certain that this is actually a problem, it may rather be something that I haven't been able to grasp yet. I have been faced with the following problem from one of the report designers who work on my project... In one of my (many...) Jasper reports, I have two subreports (in the detail pane), which in turn have their own subreports, similar to the following scheme... Code: [+] RPT |--[+] Doctors | |-- Letter (one or more) | |-- Summary |--[+] Facilities | |-- Letters (one or more) | |-- Summary ** each branch under RPT indicates a subreport, each subreport is to be printed on a new page. If I just produce the reports with no page breaks, Doctors and Facilities overlap. The text actually prints one on top of the other and is unreadable. If I add one page break in RPT, between Doctors and Facilities, the summary sections print one on top of the other making that text unreadable. If I add two page breaks in RPT, between Doctors and Facilities, the report prints fine regardless of the number of pages (letters) generated by the reports. (according to the person who brought me this problem) I've tried to mess with the positioning (relative to top, floating, relative to bottom...) with no success... any help is appreciated... Roger
  13. You could start the report generation in a different thread and kill it if it exceeds the alloted time. As far as a progress bar... not sure if I can help there, since I think you would probably need to guesstimate how long the report generation process will run for so that you can display a percentage progress bar. Other choice would be to just have a progress bar that just shows that work is being done and not how much of the work is left.... take a look at... Example at sun.com hope this helps, Roger
  14. I currently use the JDT compiler for compilation of my jasper files. I was recently presented with an interesting request to write an utility class for jasper custom function to facilitate the work of the people who write the reports. All done, except for one last request. As with all other classes, the usage of this utility class requires the report writer to fully qualify the class and package names. example : com.my.very.long.package.for.utility.classes.JasperUtils.invokeCertainMethod() I would like to be able to (as I do with other parts of the report engine, where I use Groovy) import that JasperUtils class into the jasper context somehow so that the user would not have to fully qualify the package name, but rather just reference the class name. Any ideas are greatly appreciated, RC
  15. Or you can make sure your compiler is compatible with java5 and it should handle the boxing/unboxing for you. Hope this helps, RC
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