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  1. ok, i'm adding an archive with all my jrxml files because i'm not sure which ones of those may cause my problem and which ones not. And it may look a bit messy and difficult to understand sometimes because i always have to add something new to my report and do other changes. Sorry for that:) [file name=report-7eae474e588854c7a18f9c6ad7309533.zip size=30525]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/report-7eae474e588854c7a18f9c6ad7309533.zip[/file] oh, and the main report is SFPage.jrxml Post edited by: kaunietiss, at: 2007/05/15 14:22
  2. so, one_page.pdf is looking ok with some free space at the bottom but if i just add one more line to the detail band i get two pages (two_page.pdf). Now i set the height of my pageFooter to 0 and i even add 5 more lines to my report and i still gave everything in a single page (one_page_wo_pageFooter.pdf). So where is my problem here? [file name=pdf_report.zip size=12728]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/pdf_report.zip[/file] Post edited by: kaunietiss, at: 2007/05/09 15:49
  3. ok, i'll try to explain... let's say i have a report which has several records and all those records and all other bands fits into a single page and there is still some free space between detail and lastPageFooter bands. So i add one more record to my report and now i see that my report contains 2 pages, though there was some free space in the report. The next thing what i do is removing the pageFooter band. And now my report fits in a single page again and i even can add some more records to the report and it still contains one page. But after i just add pageFooter again, the report doesn't fit into a single page. So, i just thought that a free space between detail and lastPageFooter may be taken by pageFooter even though it's not printed. I hope you understand my problem and will be able to help.
  4. and how the report itself knows when to use lastPageFooter instead of pageFooter?
  5. and why this one didn't work for you? did you get any kind of error?
  6. Code:condition ? <style backcolor="red">$F{field}</style> : $F{field} and dont forget to check "Is styled text" checkbox in "Fonts" tab in the field properties.
  7. maybe this will help you... http://www.jasperforge.org/index.php?option=com_joomlaboard&Itemid=&func=view&catid=9&id=23992#23992
  8. http://www.jasperforge.org/index.php?option=com_joomlaboard&Itemid=215&func=view&catid=8&id=24134#24134
  9. kaunietiss


    how about this... Code:new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy"«»).parse("05/18/05"«»);
  10. $F{GIO}.substring(36,36) the lenght of this substring is 0. Try $F{GIO}.substring(36,37)
  11. hi, i'm using both pageFooter and lastPageFooter in my report. And it seems that in the last (or the only) page where lastPageFooter is being printed i get some white space which is caused by pageFooter even if it is not being printed on that page. If i remove the pageFooter the white space disapears. Nayone could help with that?
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