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  1. Admins almighty, I decided to start a separate thread here to elicit your response on whether this should be classified as a bug or as a feature request: As clarified by Lucian, "The JR engine does not start to render a band unless there is enough space on the current page to fit the band's declared height" So if i create a band that's larger than what a page can accommodate, it goes into an infinite loop trying to add page breaks and starting new pages. I have attached a simple example. In the example, the subreport specifies a large height (809) for the detail band, which causes the infinite loop. Overall, my request is that the band be allowed to start on a page even if it's too big for the page, and let it wrap onto the next page(s) if need be. [file name=InfiniteLoop.zip size=3208]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/InfiniteLoop.zip[/file]
  2. Lucian, Thanks for the clarification and the suggestions. I have a related question: If i happen to create a page that's just too big (e.g. i add so many elements on a 595 X 842 page that the required height goes beyond 842), will i get a compile error, or would it throw a runtime error? Thanks, Nilesh
  3. I happen to need this functionality too. we tried giving a different orientation to each subreport, and that didn't work, so now we are doing some funky, ugly, klugy stuff...
  4. it's me again. Ok, so after debugging through the src, the reason is clear. the detail for the subreport is too big to fit on the remainder of the page, so a page break is introduced. So the simple question is, how do i say that it's ok for the detail to span across multiple pages, so that it continues the detail from the current page instead of starting on a new page? Thanks, nilesh
  5. I have a report consisting of a few subreports, with the order of the subreports being changeable. the guilty subreport has a title and a detail area (with the detail area having quite a bit of content). If the guilty subreport is put ahead of all the other subreports, it shows up fine. however, if it is stuck in the middle, the title shows immediately after the previous subreport, then the remaining page is blank, and the detail of the subreport starts on the next page. e.g. Code:guilty subreport first guilty subreport in middle ------- page 1-------- -------- page 1 --------- Report title Report title guilty subreport title Other subreport title guilty subreport detail Other subreport detail ... ... ... ... ... ... next subreport title guilty subreport title next subreport detail **** blank line **** ... **** blank line **** ... **** blank line **** --------page 2 -------- --------page 2 -------- ... guilty subreport detail next subreport title ... next subreport detail ... ... ... ... ------- page 3 --------i have looked at all the parameters i could think of, but can't find the problem. anyone have any ideas what might be causing this? Thanks, Nilesh Code:[code]Post edited by: jo_atman, at: 2006/10/23 20:24
  6. So you escape the first one by saying & a m p; and then you escape the ampersand in that escaped ampersand: ( & a m p ; ) a m p ; (parentheses are just for illustration) thus: & a m p ; a m p ; :) Post edited by: jo_atman, at: 2006/10/20 21:18
  7. Hi, Similar to removeLineWhenBlank, i'm wondering if there is a way to reclaim a cell if the value is null/empty. e.g. if i have a row: field1 field2 field3 if $F{field2} is null/empty i would like the row to be: field1 field3 right now, with isBlankWhenNull="true" will do: field1 field3 Thanks, nilesh
  8. you may need to post your jrxml to help diagnose the problem...
  9. If you're passing it in through the data source's getFieldValue() like i am, you have to double escape it - once for the jrxml parsing, and the second time for the style parsing. so you would say & Hope this helps. Nilesh
  10. Lucian, Although the super-convoluted way in which i tried to do this didn't work, i just realized that there is a much simpler way of doing this. i don't need the hyperlink hashmap that i have created. just adding the $F{} in the anchorName and the hyperlinkanchor expression is more than enough. Thanks a lot for your time. I am withdrawing my erroneous conclusion about hyperlinks. Thanks, nilesh
  11. Lucian, Thanks for the reply. I'm attaching a simple report that i'm having problems with. my strategy is this: create a hyperlink map that gets passed in as a parameter. the hyperlink map will contain the hyperlink anchornames and are used by the hyperlink anchor expression. i have attached a zip file containing a jrxml, and a java file. i'm sure i'm doing something stupid, but i need someone else to look at it and tell me what :) [file name=hyperlink.zip size=1816]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/hyperlink.zip[/file]
  12. At this point, the only conclusion i can draw is that dynamic (resolved during fill-time) hyperlinks are not possible. I noticed that in the <hyperlinkAnchorExpression> as well as the <anchorNameExpression>, if the CDATA was enclosed in quotes, it was used. if not, it was ignored. Now if it's in quotes, it assumes that it's a string constant expression, not something to be evaluated. I'm surprised that no one has felt the need for something of this sort. here's my business case: in one subreport, i have a list of user-defined city groups shown. for e.g. CityGroup1 <-- this needs to be an anchor LAX/SFO/OAK further down, in another subreport (for that matter, it could be in the same subreport), there's a table that has the citygroup listed in one of the columns e.g. From To Fare CityGroup1 HKG $1200 Here, CityGroup1 needs to be a hyperlink that takes me back to the definition of the subreport. The way i tried to accomplish this is as follows: 1. Add an <anchorNameExpression> <![CDATA[$F{groupCode}]]> </anchorNameExpression> up where the anchor is. 2. created a map in my code, which contains hyperLinkMap.put( groupCode, groupCode ); 3. and at the place where the hyperlink needs to be, i have <hyperlinkAnchorExpression> <![CDATA[$P{hyperlinkMap.get($F{groupCode})]]> </hyperlinkAnchorExpression> of course, with the reportElement stating that it's a "LocalAnchor". Anyone have any ideas/suggestions? Thanks, Nilesh </hyperlinkAnchorExpression> is to create a hyperlink map in my code, that says
  13. Could you explain (or provide a code snippet of) how your app is displaying the pdf report after jasper generates it? does it come up in a window created by your app, or does it come up in the acrobat reader? Thanks, Nilesh
  14. Could you perhaps post the details of the error, and maybe a snippet of the jrxml showing the style declaration and where you're using the style? Thanks, Nilesh
  15. Friends, I have scoured the discussion for hyperlink-related questions, but didn't find what i was looking for, so here goes: i'm using hyperlinks between subreports within one master report. So, in subreport1, i have: <textField ... hyperlinkType="LocalAnchor"> ... <hyperlinkAnchorExpression> expr (a fill-time evaluated expression) </hyperlinkAnchorExpression> </textField> and in subreport2: <textField> ... <anchorNameExpression> expr (the same fill-time evaluated expression) </anchorNameExpression> </textField> The questions are: 1. is "LocalAnchor" ok for linking between subreports within the same report? 2. are the links evaluated at compile time or fill-time? because my expressions are $F{} fields evaluated at fill-time Currently, the symptom is that clicking on my hyperlink doesn't do anything. when i debug with source code, it says that the hyperlink has null hyperlinkAnchor, so i'm not sure why the anchor didn't get set. Any help is as always greatly appreciated. Thanks, Nilesh
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