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Everything posted by lucianc

  1. Could you post relevant JRXML fragments?
  2. If you want to use the report query to retrieve data, you need to pass the data connection to the report in one of the following ways: If the query is SQL and you are using JDBC to execute it, by calling Code:JasperRunManager.runReportToPdf(jasperReport, parameters, jdbcConnection); In the general case, the connection parameter should be included in the parameters map, e.g. Code:[code]//for SQL queries parameters.put(JRParameter.REPORT_CONNECTION, jdbcConnection); //or for HQL queries parameters.put(JRHibernateQueryExecuterFactory.PARAMETER_HIBERNATE_SESSION, hibernateSession); //etc [/ul] HTH, Lucian
  3. Using crosstabs as data source for charts/other crosstabs is still not supported. In some cases a way to combine several crosstabs into a single crosstab would be to feed the data of all the crosstabs to the combined one. Regards, Lucian
  4. By default, JR keeps the whole generated report in memory. If the generated report is very large, this will obviously lead to memory exhaustion. Report virtualization has been introduced in JR 1.0.0 to support large report generation (by avoiding to keep the whole generated report in memory). You should consider using a report virtualizer. HTH, Lucian
  5. The only thing the JR engine iterates on is the report data source (/the query result if the report uses a query). If you need to iterate on something else, you have to create a subreport and pass it your data as data source. Why don't you use Code:select homePhone from person where firstName = $P{firstname}as report query and define a "homePhone" field? HTH, Lucian
  6. The bug is fine. Happy I was able to help. Regards, Lucian
  7. incrementWhenExpression was introduced in JasperReports 1.2.5. JasperIntelligence 1.0.1 includes an older JasperReports version, hence the error. Ways to fix: update the JR jar inside the JI web app to 1.2.5. Change the compatibility setting in iReport so that it produces JR < 1.2.5 compatible JRXMLs.[/ul] HTH, Lucian Post edited by: lucianc, at: 2006/09/06 16:59
  8. I'm not sure whether you should compile/execute JI reports locally in iReport; I think you have to upload to the JI repository and execute it remotely via the JI plugin. I'm not an iReport expert, so I'll leave this for others to clarify. To use the username in the report query, you need to declare another parameter and assign it the username as default value expression. Regards, Lucian
  9. Indeed, this is a very nasty (and stupid) bug introduced in JR 1.2.6. I've logged it here. The fix is available on SourceForge's CVS. Regards, Lucian
  10. I couldn't tell at the moment, we need to investigate this more. I think it would be better to post a bug (here) so that we can track this properly. Regards, Lucian
  11. The fix you mentioned was for the JDT report compiler, you shouldn't use the javac compiler as it requires a classpath, while the JDT compiler uses the context class loader. This seems to be caused by something else. Don't actually know what. Check your applet for older JR jars. Also delete the applet cache. Regards, Lucian
  12. Are you sure it's related to the change you made on the other text field? If you revert the change, does the Year text field stop printing repeated values?
  13. A static number of columns does not prevent you from using a crosstab. You can create one or more dummy (constant bucket expression) column groups and use the group total headers/cells as column headers/table cells. Another option would be to use a subreport for the col_2 values and set stretchType="RelativeToBandHeight" and verticalAlignment="Middle" for the val_1 text field. The drawback is that you'd need to somehow send the col_2 value list to the subreport. Regards, Lucian
  14. You can use the "? :" Java operator to do something like this: Code:$F{customer} == null ? "No name" : $F{customer} HTH, Lucian
  15. lucianc


    Hello This error is caused by the classloader not being able to load Javaflow classes. Are you sure this error still occurs when the Javaflow jar is on your application's classpath? Regards, Lucian
  16. The blank entry is added when the input control is not marked as mandatory. Try setting the mandatory flag for the input control. HTH, Lucian
  17. Hi A further quote from the Graphics2D.setTransform() javadoc: The setTransform method is intended only for restoring the original Graphics2D transform after rendering, as shown in this example: Code:// Get the current transform AffineTransform saveAT = g2.getTransform(); // Perform transformation g2d.transform(...); // Render g2d.draw(...); // Restore original transform g2d.setTransform(saveAT); This is exactly what happens in JRGraphics2DExporter. How is it wrong? We could apply the inverse operations to restore the original transformation, but the doing it via getTransform() and setTransform() seems safer to me. For instance, doing g.scale(sx, sy) and g.scale(1/sx, 1/sy) might not lead to the same transformation due to floating point errors. Regards, Lucian
  18. Temporarily, you could also revert the change by getting the JR sources and changing in JRPdfExporter.java this line Code:Graphics2D g = template.createGraphicsShapes(availableImageWidth, availableImageHeight);to Code:[code]DefaultFontMapper mapper = new DefaultFontMapper(); Graphics2D g = template.createGraphics(availableImageWidth, availableImageHeight, mapper); Regards, Lucian
  19. The increase in the PDF size seems to be related to chart texts/fonts. At some point between JR 0.6.6 and JR 0.6.7, a PdfContentByte.createGraphics call, used to retrieve Graphics2D instances on which SVG images were to be rendered, was replaced by PdfContentByte.createGraphicsShapes and this resulted in chart texts being rendered as shapes. Not sure at this moment whether there are other changes (after JR 0.6.7) that affect this or what could be done to fix it. Regards, Lucian
  20. If you declare this parameter in your report Code:<parameter name="LoggedInUser" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.domain.User"/>its value will automatically be set by the engine service. You can then use $P{LoggedInUser}.getUsername() or $P{LoggedInUser}.getFullName() in your report. HTH, Lucian
  21. You might have two versions of the JasperReports jar on your classpath. HTH, Lucian
  22. What report compiler are you using? It seems not be able to coorectly resolve your class name. Try using the JDT compiler (include jdt-compiler-3.1.1.jar on your application's classpath), you'd only need to place your class somewhere on your class path. HTH, Lucian
  23. Could you post a (simple) sample to replicate this? Also, that are the iText versions you're using? Regards, Lucian
  24. Yes, you should import your class using Code:<import value="your.package.GetMonthName"/> or use the fully qualified class name in your expression. HTH, Lucian
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