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Everything posted by ajinkya_c

  1. Hi admin, Unable to download installer.This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.<Error><Code>AccessDenied</Code><Message>Access Denied</Message><RequestId>FE385EF2ED395CCC</RequestId><HostId>K6E2KWH3LIfnOFj3nuBOD/++FamssSO00jqwgzDZOMWhS+Dt1QCVF60omm/ifA8R</HostId></Error> Please help Thanks & RegardsAjinkya Chopde
  2. Hi, Use $X{} syntax in query for multiple values, and set datatype of parameter as java.util.colllection. Thanks, Ajinkya
  3. Hi, I think place the field which repeated data in detail, group footer or summary band and keep your header footer proper. and for your requirement that to not repeat header & footer set properties for that band. Thanks Ajinkya
  4. Hi, Can you elaborate your problem more with some screenshots or explanation. Thanks, Ajinkya
  5. Hi, Create order number group, so that you have order number header & order number footer then put your order number field in order header & order line fields in order footer not in detail band. so that order line fields followed by respective order header. Try this may be helpful. Thanks Ajinkya
  6. You can upgrade directly to 4.7.0 if your instance is one of the following: * 3.7.0 * 3.7.1 * 4.0.0 * 4.1.0 * 4.2.1 * 4.5.0 To upgrade, start with the WAR File Distribution ZIP: jasperreports-server-cp-4.7.0-bin.zip It can be downloaded from JasperForge.org at Releases/Downloads area. The recommended upgrade procedures are fully described in the Installation Guide. See chapters 7 and 8. Database Changes ---------------- The jasperserver repository database has changed between version 4.5.0 and 4.7.0. These changes support the upgrade of the quartz scheduler component version as well as feature updates, such as scheduled report job enhancements. 3.7.0, 4.0.0, 4.1.0, 4.2.1, or 4.5.0 to 4.7 ------------------------------------------- You can upgrade directly to 4.7.0 if you are at a version number listed above. The recommended procedure is described in the Installation Guide Chapter 7. In this procedure, you run the js-upgrade script: js-upgrade-newdb-ce.bat/sh NOTE: This procedure sets your jasperadmin login password back to its default (jasperadmin). This issue will be fixed in a subsequent release. 4.5.0 to 4.7 ------------ To upgrade from 4.5, the recommended procedure is described in the Installation Guide Chapter 8. In this procedure, you run the js-upgrade script: js-upgrade-samedb-ce.bat/sh Upgrading Input Controls to 4.7.0 --------------------------------- Prior to release 4.7, query-based input controls of type string were allowed for queries that returned dates. As of release 4.7, the type of the input control must match exactly the type of the field returned by the query. You must manually update your query-based input controls to use only controls of type date for date values. Query-based input controls also support the $X{} syntax now to handle equality comparisons with null values as input. The following query will fail when the value of <parameter> is null: select * where <column> = $P{<parameter>} Instead, use the following syntax: select * where $X{EQUAL, <column>, <parameter>} The $X{EQUAL...} syntax will generate the correct SQL to compare the value of the parameter when it is null. For any other types of comparison, such as greater than, use the $P{} syntax. Security After Upgrading to versions 4.5.0 and later ---------------------------------------------------- With the security framework introduced in JasperReports Server 4.5.0, user input and values passed to reports are restricted to avoid potential security threats. In particular: * Parameter names and values cannot have tags (that is, the < and > characters). If your business data contains tags, you need to update the security configuration to allow them. * SQL queries must start with SELECT and cannot have comments. If your reports or Domains have queries with comments, you must either remove the comments or update the security configuration to allow them. These restrictions were added to comply with security guidelines for web applications. Removing the restrictions may make the application more vulnerable to attacks.
  7. Hi, Please refer below link: All jasperserver versions installer are available here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jasperserver/files/JasperServer/ Regards, Ajinkya
  8. Hi, Creat datasource in main report with same query and parameters which you have in subreport. Take any field of that datasource in your print when expression of group & write condition that print this group if field is not null. This may workarround which i am thinking about your requirement. while doing that main report executes datasource query for group print when expression only, so performance of report degrades. Regards, Ajinkya
  9. Hi, Write same subreport query in one datasource & take count of field in that datasource if it zero then hide group band. This is also possibility not a sure about this. Regards, Ajinkya
  10. Are you using :repo.subreport and add subreport as resource in main report?
  11. Hi, Try $F{Turnover}==$P{fieldToShop} in value expression. May be work. Regards Ajinkya
  12. Hi, Please refer url: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/html5-charts-ireport http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/jaspersoft-charts-reference may be helpful. Regards Ajinkya
  13. Hi, You can try to write condition in print when expression of group where condition is if report count of subreport not 0 then print that group so that it hides band when subreport is empty. I am not sure about this but may be possible solution that you can try. Regards, Ajinkya
  14. Hi, You can also make a drilldown report by using hyperlink report in iReport where you pass parameter through hyperlink to same or differenr report. So that you can easily use $P{LoggedInUsername} which is in-built parameter in your query where condition. I am not sure that which is best way but this is one possibilty of your requirement. Please let me know if you found better solution. Regards, Ajinkya
  15. Hi, The two requirement that you mention about parameter possible correctely with jasperserver. But as you mention that you want it in iReport then, 1) using java.util.collection as datatype and $X{} in query you can achieve this, when you run report then you can add multiple values by comma(,) separated there is no list of values from database but previously used values available in list. If you use same parameter in jasperserver as multiselect query list values then you will get proper dropdown from which you can select multiple values. 2) The second requirement is not possible with iReport only you have to export report to jasperserver with input controls, But you can use multi select list values or select list values in jasperserver where you have to write query which give list of values from database. Regards, Ajinkya
  16. Hi, When you pass parameter from url and then you get input control page with all input control fill with url passed parameter. I think you should set all parameters optional or unchek prompt property by edit report input control. so that no need to click on apply button. Try this may helpful. Regards Ajinkya
  17. Hi, I also found the same problem earlier, Multiaxis chart possible only with charts component. It is not possible with ChartsPro and HTML5 chart component, So if you found any custom way to do this then let me know. Regards, Ajinkya
  18. Hi, You should try to export main report & subreport separately on jasperreports server then if both the reports execute without any error, Then try to execute subreport in main report. Also mention the steps that how you use subreport in main report. Regards, Ajinkya
  19. Hi, If you have fixed no of multiple file then you can use multiple datasource of each csv file with same field name. but if no. of files not fixed & daily csv file is increamental data of same main csv then better way is to concate the multiple csv file into one by using any ETL you can do this type of automation. Thanks Ajinkya
  20. Hi, The main report datasource & table datasource are different so the query of main datasource & table datasource execute separate. Please check your query manually may be your query execute with no records, Execute your query manually by passing same parameter which you passed in jasper report. Becouse some parameter may having data for table datasource & not for main datasource, this could be possibility. Regards, Ajinkya
  21. Hi, As you mentioned that this error not duplicate in firefox then i think ie8 may not execute javascripts file properly so you may check ie8 options to run these scripts properly. Let me know if you find solution for that. Regards, Ajinkya
  22. Hi, In table 1, you add parameter same as main report parameter then i think you not mapped parameter. Right click on table component and mapped parameter of main report with table datasource parameter then your table datasource get value of main report parameter. Do same with table 2 if table 2 datasource uses parameter from main report. Regards, Ajinkya
  23. Hi, Docs of the installed version you can find it on the jasperserver folder where it is installed. There is docs folder inside you find basic pdf's of the installed version. Regards Ajinkya
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