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  1. Thanks for the tip. The solution was to uncheck the "Visible" checkbox on the server input parameter. This has the side effect of never showing the input parameter (even if the user is running the report from within the JasperServer UI) but I can live with this caveat. If this ends up being a report that is run manually I will create a second copy of it and change the input variable options accordingly.
  2. I would like to create a direct link to a report that is run on JasperServer from another web application. I was successful in doing this with a report that requires no parameters. When I created a report that requires an input parameter I always get stopped at the input controls screen. Here is my URL. The report accepts ShipmentId which is populated in the textbox after the page loads. http://flint:8081/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&reportUnit=/reports/Shipment_ID_Tag&ShipmentId=17&j_username=jasperadmin&j_password=jasperadmin&output=pdf[/code]Any help would be much appreciated.
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