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  1. Hi, I am not sure but you can check y axis scale property, where you can set scale of Y axis at lower level so that you can see difference between bars. Let me know if need help. Thanks, Ajinkya
  2. Hi , Can you provide any screenshot which may give more clearification and if problem is that you can not able to see crosstab properly on report then you may increase report width at maximum so that crosstab able to see properly on horizontal report as well. Please mention exact issue. Thanks, Ajinkya
  3. Hi, you can create report with iReport and deploy on jasperserver or you can directely create report on jasperserver through domain. 1. Static reports based on iReport 2. Adhoc reports based on Domain These two main way of report generation and another way is to create OLAP based report through jasper analysis workbench. Based on your reporting requirtement you can choose any one of them. Thanks, Ajinkya
  4. Hi Emily, You can do drill down in jaspersoft using hyperlink but hyperlink work with jasperserver based reports which you can publish through iReport or jasper studio. You can pass parameters to another report or same report through theough hyperlink and then pass these parameters to your input controls and then it works as drill down report. Thanks, Ajinkya
  5. Hi Sanjay, I think this can be achievable using crosstab and filter, You can add filter for required columns for which you may use union query. Thanks, Ajinkya
  6. Let me know if you find any solution or workaround for this. Thanks, Ajinkya
  7. Hi, This can be possible with optional prompt. For example if my database is oracle then i create my optional propmt(input controls) like if i provide startdate and enddate then it takes these value to the where conditiion, if user not provide values, that is startdate enddate null then my where condition is like Startdate=(next_day(sysdate,'SUN')-7) and Enddate=(next_day(sysdate,'SUN')). similarly use date function of respective database to findout sunday dates. You can manage these two where condition based upon starttdate and enddate input control null or not null. Use P!{} parameter for optional where condition. Hope this may help. Thanks, Ajinkya
  8. Hi, You can add preselected condition direct in query. like where col1=Naveen OR col1=sharad OR col1=$P{Multiselect_Parameter} this might one way to select predefined solution. Thanks Ajinkya
  9. Hi, This type of requrement i think should be handle at etl side where we can use previous and current record easily or you may need to use stored procedure for that. Thanks, Ajinkya
  10. Hi If you found this is an product related issue then raised it on tracker as bug. Assign bug to someone based on priority. Some one help you to solve your product related issue in tracker. Regards, Ajinkya
  11. Hi, I don't understand your requirement but i think you might want the functionality of group band where no of rows separated by group of data. Can you please elaborate your requirement. Thanks, Ajinkya
  12. Hi, Create parameters which holds multiple values like parameter with datatyoe java.util.collection or java.util.list and asssign the value of parameters as field. So that you will get all the values of field to parameter and map this parameter with your other dataset parameter. Hope this helps. Thanks, Ajinkya
  13. Hi, Try to use an EmptyDataSource...from that it looks may be issue in datasource. Just open query designer and and try to fetch sample rows (read fields) if your query is ok then it shows sample rows in query designer. Try this out may you find something over there. Thanks Ajinkya
  14. Hi, Try Startdate with alias a.startdate that may be the issue. Thanks, Ajinkya
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