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  1. The Fusion Chart library contains .SWF files for creating combo charts (MSCombi2D.swf, MSCombi3D.swf). These files are installed with the iReport Professional software (...JaspersoftiReport-Professional-5.0.0ireportproFusionCharts_EnterpriseCharts). The Fusion documentation indicates that a series can use a different chart type by adding the renderAs property to the XML (http://docs.fusioncharts.com/charts/contents/index.html?ChartSS/MSStColLineDY.html). My question is how can I use this template in iReport and how can I specify a value for the renderAs property?
  2. I think the ".PDF" would only be required if the resource ID contained it, which is the default behavior, but I removed it from the ID. I'm thinking the issue is related to the fact that I am running in multi-tenancy mode, which is why my path includes the "organizations/...", so I may have the path wrong. There is very little information on how the paths change when running multi-tenancy.
  3. I uploaded a PDF document to the JasperReports Server as a Content Resource. When I browse the repository, I can view it just fine. Now what I want to do is add a hyperlink in a report that opens up the PDF file in another window. The URL that is generated when I click on the document looks like this: https://MYSERVER/jasperserver-pro/fileview/fileview/organizations/10203/Productivity_Reporting/Reports/Productivity_User_Guide? I tried to create a hyperlink with a type of Reference and used the URL above. However, when I run my report and click on the link, I get a generic error "Internal server error occurred. Please contact your system administrator." There is no error number or details. I also tried to use the ReportExecution hyperlink type but it generates an invalid uri message. How should content resources be referenced in a hyperlink?
  4. It seems that the dashboard is hard-coding the selected value for an input parameter based on what is selected in the Dashboard Designer when the dashboard is saved. I would like to have it just select the first item in the list every time. The designer does not provide any properties for these components so how can I tell it not to hard-code the value? I read in a couple other questions where they suggest setting the same default in every iReport in the dashboard. However, that does not work in this case because iReport does not let you use a query to populate the default value.
  5. So how would the subreport be referenced if it is in a separate folder? I understand that "repo:subreport.jrxml" is the standard way to reference it but that doesn't seem to work if it is in another folder.
  6. I have been racking my brain trying to understand how to use subreports. I come from the Microsoft Reporting Services world so some of the concepts in JasperReports is a bit foreign to me. One of the main reasons I would like to use subreports is to support reusability. I could define a report segment once and then use it in multiple reports. If I am just using iReport, the concept seems to work great. However, if I plan on using the reports in the JasperServer, it seems to fall apart. In order for a report in JasperServer to access a subreport, it must be embedded in the resources folder of the report as a .jrxml file. This appears to then be a "copy" of the original report. This means that if I need to make changes to my report segment, I need to copy the changes to every report that is using it. It seems that one of the key uses of subreports is nullified when working in the server environment. Am I missing something? Please help this newbie out! -Jason
  7. I have a line chart that has 3 series. I want to increase the thickness of one of the series to be greater than the default size. I know that the FusionChart component has a property called lineThickness which lets me set the thickness in pixels. However, I do not know how to configure it in my jrxml file. It seems that the advanced properties dialog is for setting chart-level properties and not series-level ones. Any help would be greatly appreciated. -Jason
  8. I found the documentation. It is located in ireportireportproFusionCharts_EnterpriseContentsindex.html I found the property I need "includeInLegend" but now I need to figure out how to set that property in the jrxml file and see if I can use an expression to set it based on data values.
  9. I built a line chart in Charts Pro that renders 4 series on the same graph, each series coming from a different column in my query results. Depending on the parameters passed to the query, one of the series may not have any data (all nulls). I would like to hide the series in the chart so that its label does not show up in the legend. Is this possible? See the attachment for an example. As a side note, where can I find full documentation on the FusionChart version that Jaspersoft uses in JasperReports 5.0?
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