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Everything posted by ajinkya_c

  1. Hi, I am also looking for the same thing in report as well as dashboard. Let me know if you found any direct solution or customized solution for that. Thanks Ajinkya
  2. Hi, This kind of report you can try with crosstab in iReport. Becouse you can able to create subgroup column in crosstab easily than table. I developed such reports in crosstab becouse such report can easily managed with crosstab than table. Thanks Ajinkya
  3. Hi, For that you need to create Domain or Topic which created on top of the query. where you have to specify your dimensions and measures. If you provide that domain or topic to the user, they can able to create table, crosstab, chart using that domain using drag drop of dimensions and measure. And they can also save their analysis as report. Check with domain and topic to create Adhoc report which may be your requirement. Thanks Ajinkya
  4. Hi, If you are using any client tool to create report like iReport or Jaspersoft studio then reports are saved in form of .jrxml file on any given location. If you export these report to jasperserver then these reports store in repository database in xml formate. like report resources in one table , input controls in one table and xml in one table etc. when we access that report on web based jasperserver environment then it takes data from all these tables. When you compile .jrxml file created from iReport or Jaspestudio then it creates .jasper file. Hope this helps. Thanks Ajinkya
  5. Hi, Check with 2 files Decorater.jsp ViewReport.jsp I mention file names approximately , not remember exact one. Find out the code related to back button and save button from these pages, And comment out that portion, So that these button not visible in report. Thanks, Ajinkya
  6. Hi, What i understand from your requirement is you want to create table and insert data into it through jaspersoft. But as the jaspersoft is purely reporting tool which is used for BI analysis so i think this may not cater your requirement. You can check with procedure, function & trigger in query builder may be some alternate way you can calculate and add data to your database. Thanks Ajinkya
  7. Hi, Are you using photos as resource of the report or take it from database. May be your production server unable to find photos, like you you have photos on dev on perticular path and on the same path of prod not have photos. Check with these also. Thanks Ajinkya
  8. Hi Please go through below link: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/creating-charts http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/creating-multi-axis-charts-ireport-designer http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/bar-chart-how-display-labels-bars if these links not useful then please elaborate your requirement in detail. Thanks Ajinkya
  9. Hi, I think yes, these feature useful in webbased jasperreports server only. Thanks Ajinkya
  10. Hi, Try this Add report as a resource into main report. And use :repo.resource_name in subreport expression. This may solve your problem. Let me know. Thanks Ajinkya
  11. Hi, I also looking for same thing if you find then please let me know. Thanks Ajinkya
  12. Hi, This tutorial may be helpful to you: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/creating-charts-and-datasets-jaspersoft-studio Thanks Ajinkya
  13. Hi, Can you provide import script , may be problem in that script. Thanks Ajinkya
  14. Hi, The below url contains some useful links may useful to you. http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/jaspersoft-domains-and-topics-reference Thanks Ajinkya
  15. Hi, As I developed some dashboard in jasperreports server, my experiance is the dashboard in jaspersoft having not that much dynamic, it just a multiple reports arrange in a single frame with some additional funtionality. But what I am expecting from dashboard is, it should useful for realtime analysis like what if analysis , dynamic linking within same dashboard so that end user able to analyze current data as well as predictive analysis based on different parameters within dashbaord. Let me know if you find solution or you can raise this issue on tracker for enhancement request, So that next releases may fixed this feature in dashboard. Thanks Ajinkya
  16. Hi, While creating adhoc report you can add sql query in the domain. So use a query with group by week in domain. which database you are using ? Thanks' Ajinkya.
  17. Hi, Your requirement of multiaxis chart is not possible with Chartspro as well as HTML5 charts directly, I think their may be some custom way to do that i am also searching for that. There should be more templates of charts in charts pro and HTML5 charts becouse multiaxis chart available in normal 2D charts. I will raise enhancement request for that. Do let me know if you find any custom way for that. Thanks Ajinkya
  18. Hi, I am not sure about this but i think when you export it with xls then it may gives 35 mb. Try to export with xlsx so may be it reduces file size. As I am not sure this please let me know about your solution. Thanks Ajinkya
  19. Hi, Try open domain based report in iReport and the add date and logo into it, but it may loose some functionality. This is just possibility, I am not sure about this. Please let me know if you find any better solution on that. Thanks Ajinkya
  20. Hi, I tried to create HTML5 multiaxis chart but I not able to create becouse multi-axis chart available in only 2D charts not in charts pro and HTML5 chart. So can I used any custom way to use it with charts pro and HTML5 charts. And some of the famous charts like heat map which should be use in dashboard analysis also not present. I will raised enhancement request for that. But if there is any alternate ways then let me know. Thanks, Ajinkya
  21. Hi, Mapped your main report parameter with table parameters so that list selected in main report passed to the table datasource. Thanks Ajinkya
  22. Hi, Are you tried your conditions in "print when expression" of respective groups? Thanks Ajinkya
  23. Hi, Try to rotate categary axis lable by 30, 45, 60 ,90 anything suitable to your report. so that complete names visible on chart. I can't view your pdf so try to reattache it which gives clear picture. Thanks Ajinkya
  24. Hi, I just understand your requirement that means whatever changes in pointer that you made should replicate in table or crosstab of same report. I am not sure about this requirement but its great feature if this is possible then it helps in creating interactive live dashboards. Please raise enhancement request for that feature so that you get to know that feature already present or not. if not present then may be add in next realeases. Thanks Ajinkya
  25. Hi, You can try one thing just set label rotation to 0 save report, then again make it 90 and save it, and then check. Sometimes you need to check and uncheck property then it works. Thanks Ajinkya
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