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  1. Hi, We are developing a report with ireport 5.2.0. The report is based on an ordered SQL query. It is a collection of linked reports that go together to make a suite of reports, one per top group. The data within the group is variable in length, so there is no fixed end point, just that the next row read will have a different group key code. The report is to be printed and it is important that the report is printed in the correct order for duplex printing. The report has three groups, and it iterates round until the group breaks and then passes back to the outer group. Group 1 - one per report suite group 2 - several within group 1 group 3 - one or many within group 2 What we are trying to do is to put page nymbers on the bottom level group - group 3. There may be one or many key group codes within this group and each page should have a page number on it. We are unable to get the page numbering working correctly. We have set up variables to 'count' the the pages reset at group level but the results of this are not giving us what we want. Example, if the groups breaks on a group 3 code, then a footer is printed but sometimes the footer is printed with only a header - in this case the page number does not increment as we have gone over the group. In other cases it doesn't recognise that the last page of the group is the last page of the group, so doesn't print the page number. We are using the built in page_number variable to control another aspect of the report so we are not able to use this for the group 3 page numbering. We have had three experienced iReport developers looking at this and none of us have been able to get the group page numbering working to a satisfactory level. Does anybody know of any techniques that we could use or is there anything external that we could call?? Thanks.
  2. Hi, I have a report that I have built in iReport 5.2.0 that is based on an SQL query. The data returned is structured and the report reads it and responds. The report has three main groups and a report is complete when the outer group changes. The problem that I have is that the report is to be printed and as such I need to ensure that each report (and group) finishes on an even side to allow duplex printing so I am inserting 'Intentionally blank' sides. I am also using optical scanning to control enveloping so I need to use page numbering for that, eg I need to know the first page, subsequent and last page which I have managed to do. I have tried various page number counts based on my groups and they work but not consisitently. I have a scenario where I can have a group header and a group footer with no detail band on a page and in this case, I cannot get the page number to increment so am getting duplicate page numbers. This then throws out the rest of my numbering as when checking for even pages I am getting a false result. The built in PAGE_NUMBER variable does increment but I am using this variable to determine the end of the main group so am setting reset page number on that group only. I really need to find a reliable way of counting my pages if anyone can help.
  3. Ok so I now have a way of doing this. The answer was to add another group, duplicate of sub group2 (but different name) and move the footer to that group and not have a header for it. This means that I can have different properties for the groups. So the structure is something like main group sub group 1 duplicate sub group 2 - no header sub group 2 - header - always print details sub group 2 footer - always print duplicate sub group 2 footer - print when page count is uneven this gives me an 'Intentionally blank' page with no header, keeps the paging correct for duplex printing.
  4. Hi, I am using iReport 4.5.1 to create a variable length report for printing. As it needs to be printed, each group must start on a new page but as it is varaible length the number of pages in each report is dynamic. If the page count is uneven a new page is forced. The new bage cannot be blank but must state that it is 'Intentionally Blank'. The report is based on an SQL query that is ordered to create the content of the report. The report has three groups, main sub 1 sub 2 and the following bands page header sub group 2 header detail bands sub group 2 footer 2 - always print sub group 2 footer 2 - print when page count is uneven main group footer 1 - print when page count is uneven page footer The problem I have is when sub group 2 footer 2 needs to be displayed, sub group 2 header is also displayed. As this is the 'Intentionally Blank' page, I would like to suppress sub group 2 header. Does any one have a method that might help me do this? Thanks.
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