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  1. Hello Ajinkya, The link that you proposed does not helps me with my problem. What I want is to have a simple bar graph with each bar in a different color. I am sorry if I wasnt clear before. Cheers. Suvi
  2. Hello; Could anyone please help me how can i implement a bar char where every bar has different color ? I am sorry this may be very simple but I am unable to find suitable configuration option on the Ireporter Bar chart properties. Any help would be appreciated. Cordially, Suvi
  3. We have reports created which we want to publish to all. In otherwords, when i access a report directly from a link, the jasperserver asks me to authenticate first. Can we somehow omit this authentication ?? Which would permit everyone to see a report ??
  4. Hello, I would like to know, how can i create a cover page for my reports on JasperReports. The casper version that i am using is : 5.0.4 Thanks in advance. Suvansh
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