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  1. Hello, we just launched the new 6.2 AWS Version of Jasperserver. Somehow the Superuser Default Password, whcih should be the instance-ID is not working. Is it a known issue? How to solve? Thanks? Philipp
  2. any idea on this? would be really great and helpful to solve. Thanks a lot!
  3. var result = _.extend(HDM.getGeneralOptions(extraOptions), { xAxis: { categories: [] }, plotOptions: { pie: { slicedOffset: 0, dataLabels: { enabled: true }, point: { events: { legendItemClick: HDM._getLegendItemClickHandler } } } }, series: [], labels: { items: [] } });
  4. Hello, using Jasperserver 5.6 on AWS. I am trying to add DataLabels to the Piecharts in Ad-Hoc Editor For this I changed scripts/adhoc/highchart.datamapper.js as following var result = _.extend(HDM.getGeneralOptions(extraOptions), { xAxis: { categories: [] }, plotOptions: { pie: { slicedOffset: 0, dataLabels: { enabled: true }, point: { events: { legendItemClick: HDM._getLegendItemClickHandler } } } }, series: [], labels: { items: [] } });[/code] I uploaded the file and restarted tomcat7. but there is no effect in the charts. Any idea? Thanks a lot, Philipp
  5. Thanks. Ideally I would like to add my own custom SQL Function. Something like "Max(values) / Min(values)" or First(values). I am using SQl Server and would create a custom SQL Function.
  6. Hello, I am using Jasperserver 5.6 on AWS. Is there a way to add a custom sql function as an aggregation / summary function to the context menu of a measure in the adhoc. Without using calculated fields/measures in adhoc? (like this http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/adding-standard-deviation-ad-hoc , but this example does not work in 5.6 version) Thanks a lot for your help, Philipp
  7. I need to display pre-aggregated inside the Ad-Hoc Editor. For this I was thinking to create a calculated measure which give me just one special value out of a list. please see example attached For Example I would like to display just the value of "East Total" out of the list of "East 1, East 2, East Total". Anyone any idea ? Thanks a lot.
  8. thanks for the answer UNfortunateley this does not work. "<html><head><script language='JavaScript'class='jasperreports' type='text/javascript'src='https://www.google.com/jsapi'></script><scriptclass='jasperreports'type='text/javascript'>google.load('visualization', '1.0',{'packages':['corechart']}); google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart);function drawChart() {var data = newgoogle.visualization.DataTable();data.addColumn('string','Topping');data.addColumn('number','Slices');data.addRows([['Mushrooms', 3],['Onions', 1],['Olives',1],['Zucchini', 1],['Pepperoni', 2]]);var options = {'title':'How MuchPizza I Ate Last Night', 'width':400,'height':300};var chart = newgoogle.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));chart.draw(data,options);}</script></head><body><divid='chart_div' style='width:400;height:300'></div></body></html>"[/code]Do you have any other idea ?
  9. so far i cannot find the spiderchart functionality in the 5.5. version. Can you maybe provide an example? Thanks a lot, Philipp
  10. great news. Can you maybe share how HTML5 SpiderCharts can be used in Jaspersoft 5.5?
  11. Hello Teodor, thanks for your post. I have attached two screenshot of my browser. 1. When called on Jasperserver 2. When called with the Ireport Preview. 3. The Javascript Console Error Log ("Kein Element gefunden" = No element found) Do you have an idea? Thanks a lot, Philipp
  12. Still no solution :( How can I integrate this script? <script type='text/javascript' src='https://www.google.com/jsapi'>[/code]Do I maybe have to include this in the Header of the generated HTML file via the JRHtmlExporterParamter HTML_HEADER ? But how to configure this on the jaspersoft server? How to add the Java Code for setting the parameter via ireport? Thanks for your help! Philipp
  13. Hello Marianol, thanks a lot for your answer. But unfortunateley this does not help. I have already copied the file in the lib-Folder of the server. The HTML Component works fine with other examples (simple HTML, iframes or even Javascript codes). But when using the The weird thing is, that the reports displays correctly in ireport and also in the Jaspersoft App from Appstore but not when calling the report via browser from the server directly. I am using Jasperserver-Pro 5.2 on AWS. I also tried with a local installation: same problem. Do you have any idea? Thanks so much for your help. Philipp
  14. Update: The page displays correctly under iOS 7 with the Jaspersoft App but not with the Safari Browser. Any idea? thanks a lot, PPhilipp
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