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Everything posted by ernestoo

  1. Note that FTPS is NOT the same as SFTP...FTPS is like FTP over SSL, where SFTP is based on SSH. So you might consider enabling the saving of exports to the server's file system, to a specific folder that is synced to the other server using SSHFS
  2. Someone posted this today - they deleted their projects in Studio and then restarted it and started working fine...can u try this? Seems like an upgrade issue
  3. I wonder if by chance it's triggering any security rules - is there a stack trace in jasperserver.log after you try this?
  4. Hi Arne, unfortunately that is not possible to do with domain queries, Studio does not allow you to "glue" two results together into one - you will need to use SQL in a derived table (there's a tab in the domain designer for this)
  5. Unfortunatately I've never seen that error - it's strange that it's trying to run a query that divides by zero! Can you perhaps post the Domain schema file? You can export it from the Domain designer - if not you can do a repository export (logging in as superuser) and right clicking on the domain - note don't post it publically because it could contain some delicate info
  6. It's in <apache-tomcat>/webapps/jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/logs/jasperserver.logs - you'll need to SSH in. Tomcat depends on where it's installed and how
  7. Can you post your jasperserver.log file? There might be a better stack trace with an explnation to your error
  8. This worked fine for me with the following formula: IF(("Subcategory" == 'Aspirin') or ("Product Name" == 'Plato Grape Jam'), 'Painkiller', '') It seems in your case you are not "quoting" fields correctly and you are missing the "FalseCalc" part of the formula (ie after the last comma you have) if("field1"=='RAJ' or "field2"='RAM',"field1",'something')
  9. Hi Glen, the thing is that when you set the net.sf.jasperreports.json.source "by hand" you should not use the JSON data adapter (because it will effectively over-write it)...you should use --No Data Adapter -- I don't know how to select it but if you don't select one at all it will use no data adapter...I'm on JSS 6.0 btw
  10. Is it maybe the formatting of the date? See Setting Date and Datetime Formats in the Admin Guide?
  11. Hi Arne, As long as you are not looking to join fact table 1 + 2 together then we're in good shape. What you need to do is create 2 "data islands" for the join paths. If you notice our example Supermart domain only allows one island at a time (Like Sales) and the others get greyed out. In the domain designer you will use the table copy feature (which creates an Island)...explained in this video
  12. Hm...we tried this internally and worked fine...can you give us some more information? /sites/default/files/images/2014-12-08_11-50-08.png
  13. Hi there, sorry I don't have much time to explain but looking at this example should help you with a solution (Note that I couldn't get it to preview properly on JSS, only the server)
  14. Would appending &userLocale=en_US to the URL do the trick?
  15. Sure, try: concat(public_employee.position_title, ' (title) ' ,public_employee.first_name, ' ',public_employee.last_name) you can put 'strings like this' and tables like.this also make sure to sepratae, with, a , comma, your terms This is from the User Guide Section 7.3 The DomEL Syntax
  16. Somewhere it's picking up the locale of the browser as en_UK, I absolutely hate the ¤ symbol in java because of these kinds of issues- if you mean to always set USD then replace ¤ with $ and that will solve it.
  17. The ad-hoc report designer would still need the data to be converted for it to be displayed this way - we recommend that you use JaspersoftETL to pivot the data ahead of reporting, for example https://help.talend.com/display/KB/Converting+rows+to+columns At some stage something has to do this conversion - it's expensive to do it in the reporting layer
  18. Unfortuantely what you are looking for won't work with that type of data - we need to "pivot" it but there's no built in function for that; ultimately it's best if your data looks like this (key values). Could you do that in the query? The Category would be Fruit, Value is Value. User_idFruitValue1Apple11Banana12Apple02Banana2
  19. ah ok - if that's the case unfortunately the answer is no - I don't think you can export the totals into variables either...I am not 100% sure about this answer!
  20. I just mean that you shouldn't do select * from table and then try to use Jaspersoft variables to do count, sum, avg, etc...you should do it in the database like select sum(field) from table group by something Regarding Infobright you can read more here https://www.infobright.com/
  21. Sure you can create a sub-dataset and attach it to both the table and the chart - I think the query will only run once
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