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Everything posted by ernestoo

  1. Changed Assigned User from - to @User_306070 Still issue in 1.3.3 Pro
  2. Are you picking the right timezone when you log in via the browser? Also, this page might help: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/timezones-jasperreports-server
  3. The new Android application can show dashbaords and so can the browser of the iPad, however, the iPhone application does not support this at this time
  4. Strange. You might consider not using the "wizard" based query creator, instead right click on the root report element and "Add Dataset" - choose "Create and Empty Dataset" Once you've done this right click on the dataset and click "Add Query"
  5. Don't use a date type input controls - you can create a cascading input control that selects year, then based on the selection selects months, days etc. cast year, etc in your database to get strings
  6. Create a new variable, set "reset group" to your group, calculation to "First" and the field as the variable expression - that do the trick?
  7. You'll have to include the appropriate jars in your classpath, you can download them here
  8. Are you using a report you created in iReport from a SQL query or an ad-hoc report you created in the web browser? If it's a report created in ad-hoc then by default there's an ad-hoc cache that is used. You can clear the cache by logging in as superuser and clicking Manage -> Server Settings -> Ad-hoc cache You can also disable ad-hoc cache: file: applicationContext-adhoc.xml:
  9. What is MongoLab?MongoLab is a hosted MonoDB service that offers one free database to developers wanting to learn the technology. It's a very elegant way to start learning or developing a small application. I started using this earlier in the year and had created a couple of collections on it. What is the MongoDB Aggregation Framework?Traditionally in SQL databases you have the concept of a GROUP BY and an aggregation function like average or sum. In MongoDB, aggregation wasn't ever as easy, in order to do any aggregation you'd have to write your own complicated MapReduce jobs. Along comes MongoDB version 2.2, which includes the aggregation framework. So consider this SQL statement: SELECT sum(duration) FROM calls GROUP BY disposition And here it is translated to MongoDB, I've attempted to color code the translations: }runCommand: { aggregate : 'calls', pipeline : [ { $group : { _id : '$disposition', durations: { $sum : '$duration' } } } ] }} Easy enough! There's much more to this of course. Here's a great reference: http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/aggregation/ MongoLabs and Aggregation FrameworkSo to use this on MongoLabs you'll have to start a new database, old ones are on an older version, according to this helpful article All free/starter databases created after Nov 30, 2012 will be running 2.2.x will have Aggregation Framework Support Why Do I care? Well I had some mongoDB Jaspersoft samples that would bring in an entire un-aggregated dataset into memory and then use the JasperReports library to do aggregations in-memory. This is fine and dandy if you're dealing with tens of thousands of records. When you move into millions of records this becomes a bit harry and I'd rather my database do the work! So using my example query from above, I was able to create this very cool looking report in iReport:http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-HzfF8TdDjGs/UMHe79U7pGI/AAAAAAAACtc/fnzJR9libs0/s640/Screen+Shot+2012-12-07+at+11.35.15+AM.png Where can I learn more about Reporting and Analytics on MongoDB?First place to look is the Jaspersoft community wiki: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/mongodbMy colleague, Matt Dahlman has some excellent examples on his blog: http://mdahlman.wordpress.com/tag/mongodb/
  10. I found a way to get the locale in a JSP page You need to import a class first: <%@ page import="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.common.JasperServerConstImpl" %> Then you have access to the Locale: <%=session.getAttribute(JasperServerConstImpl.getUserLocaleSessionAttr())%> I tried this in the "about" box and once logged in was able to see en_US
  11. IntroductionThis page is meant to give an overview of the auditing features of JasperReports Server. Note that this is only valid for an Enterprise license. Audited EventsLoginEventExampleusernamejasperadminorganizationorganization_1loginFailureBAD_CREDENTIALSexception[toc]Run ReportEventExamplereportParam*Product_Name (Squash)reportRenderingTime267reportRenderingStartTime2012-12-03 16:00:25queryExecutionTime162queryExecutionStartTime2012-12-03 16:00:34reportExecutionTime3844reportExecutionStartTime2012-12-03 16:00:44dataSource/datasources/SampleJNDIsqlQuery*select accounts from table where name="sample'domainQuery* exception*note that the extended values for these events are int the "Prop Long Value" column of the Audit tables Copy ResourceSave ResourceUpdate ResourceDelete ResourceSave ResourceSchedule ReportAd-Hoc EditingEventExamplefilteremployee.employee__position_title in ('HQ Human Resources')fromCacheYESadhocActioneditAdhocFilter, removeColumn, insertColumn, undoAlldatasource/Domains/supermartDomainsqlQuery*select department from table where department = 'HR' domainQuery*<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?--> <query xmlns="http://www.jaspersoft.com/2007/SL/XMLSchema"> <queryfields> <queryfield id="employee.employee__department_description" /> mdxQuery adhocStepId17 (this is a running count of steps user took) *note that the extended values for these events are int the "Prop Long Value" column of the Audit tables See AlsoEnabling JasperReports Server 5.x Audit Feature
  12. The JasperReports library lets you import any class you want and use in your jrxml expressions, would it make more sense to simply decrypt the data at the report design layer?
  13. A bit confused, have you seen the JasperReports Server Repository Plugin for deploying JRXML to the server?
  14. Why?You've developed some cubes in MS SSAS and you want to consume them in Jaspersoft. This has always been possible from iReport to create static or parametrized reports and publish them to the server, in version 5.0 the ability to connect to JasperReports Server through the ad-hoc interface is enabled. PreparationYou should first set up your Microsoft SQL Server to accept XML/A connections through IIS - this is not trivial and is largely outside of the scope of this article. One of the most useful sources of information was this article: URLVersionhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg492140.aspx#bkmk_editSQL Server 2012http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg492140(v=sql.105).aspxSQL Server 2008R2You should have 2 types of authentification Enabled: Windows Authentifiaction (to have ability to connect from Visual Studio) and Basic Authentification - Jaspersoft uses this to send user/password to the MS-SSAS server Testing the connection: you should use iReport to test the connection to the server, this is the first test and if it doesn't work you won't be able to connect to the Cubes via the server either. In iReport, create a new connection of type 'XMLA Server' and input your URL and password. The URL if you set the server up correctly should be in this form: http://my-web-srv01/OLAP/msmdpump.dll Once you do this then press the "Get metadata" button. If all goes well you'll see a screen like this: Only after this is working, move to the next step! Making the Connection from the ServerAfter you've tested the connection with iReport, move on to the server. Find the folder you want to create the connection in, then right click on it and press "OLAP Client Connection" The next screen should be filled out as follows, note that the red letters correspond to the letters from the iReport screenshot above, this was very helpful in discovering the information needed to fill out this screen NOTE: the Data Source (in this case WIN-B3GSCF9OA47) should map to the IP address of the server. Test this ahead of time by trying to ping it. If this doesn't work then add the host to your hosts file Now save the connection and attempt to create an ad-hoc view from it, the tool should read the catalogs: TroubleshootingAbsolutely make sure that you can ping the server using it's fully qualified domain name (not it's IP).Make sure Basic authentication is enabled on MS SSASMake sure you can reach your server in a web browser, you'll get an error but it should not be a 404 error or a time out (http://my-web-srv01/OLAP/msmdpump.dll)What does the log of MS SSAS say? Is there a failed connection attempt?Anything in the jasperserver.log? If not you can try to add: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.olap.service.impl.OlapConnectionServiceImpl=DEBUG andcom.jaspersoft.ji.adhoc.action.tree.OlapConnectionTreeProvider=DEBUG[/code]to log4j.properties to get more logging on the JasperReports Server side Be patient if you're on a remote connection, XML/A is not very fast and transfers lots of information over the wire, latency between Jaspersoft and Microsoft is relevantYou can disable cache or change some related settings in the file ../WEB-INF/applicationContext-olap-connection.xml, this example effectively disables cache: <!-- olap4j caching config --><!-- see javadoc here http://www.olap4j.org/api/org/olap4j/driver/xmla/cache/XmlaOlap4jNamedMemoryCache.html --><property name="OLAP4J_CACHE" value="org.olap4j.driver.xmla.cache.XmlaOlap4jNamedMemoryCache" /><property name="OLAP4J_CACHE_NAME" value="JasperServerXMLACache" /><property name="OLAP4J_CACHE_MODE" value="LFU" /><property name="OLAP4J_CACHE_TIMEOUT" value="1" /><property name="OLAP4J_CACHE_SIZE" value="1" />[/code]See AlsoJasperReports Server OLAP User Guide, Working with XML/A Connectionshttp://www.olap4j.org/api/org/olap4j/driver/xmla/cache/XmlaOlap4jNamedMemoryCache.html
  15. The HTML code is put into an expression so it might be a field that comes from your database, or hard coded or really anything can "write" the HTML code
  16. This seems like a bug, can you post this to the tracker with a JRXML example?
  17. Have you tried using the HTML component? The JR library has an example: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/genericelement/index.html#genericelements
  18. I think you've ignored the concept of evaluation times in reports. Is the chart in the detail band? Is it set to Evaluation time "Report" ?
  19. Unfortunately, CandleStick plots don't support item level hyperlinks, this is some text from the JR Ultimate Guide: Individual chart items, such as a slice in a pie chart or a bar in a bar chart, can have associated hyperlinks to allow navigation to another document or section within the same document, providing a certain degree of interactivity with the end user in the form of drill-down and drill-through reports.Chart item hyperlinks can be specified for charts that rely on the following types of datasets: Pie, Category, XY, XYZ, Time Series, Time Period, and High-Low. Pie datasets hold item hyperlink information in the <sectionHyperlink> tag, while all other datasets use a tag called <itemHyperlink>. Listing 13-11 gives the JRXML syntax for chart item hyperlinks. It seems that the options are there in iReport but if you notice, they don't actually generate any JRXML because it would be invalid.
  20. Have you considered doing Sub-reports and tying them to a "Print When Expression" ?
  21. Unfortunately this is a bug in 4.7.0 that has been addressed in 4.7.1, a workaroud: - open WEB-INF/lib/velocity-1.7.jar with a zip tool - find a file named velocity.properties in the archive under org/apache/velocity/runtime/defaults and extract it - edit it and change runtime.log to a path where write access is granted - create a folder hierarchy like the following: WEB-INF/classes/org/apache/velocity/runtime/defaults - copy the modified velocity.properties file to the folder created above - restart
  22. It's going to require some customization, I haven't tried it jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/jsp/modules/reportScheduling /jobOutput.jsp <input type="hidden" id="outputLocation" name="${status.expression}" value="${status.value}"/>
  23. Best examples for mongodb are here: http://community.jaspersoft.com/project/mongodb-coconnectors theres nothing specific in the API for mongodb, it's treated like a regular report unit
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