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  1. Hi there, I have a json document/response that looks like this: [ { "users.name": "Zulma Andrews", "users.age": 41 }, { "users.name": "Zona Christensen", "users.age": 54 }][/code]There's no "name" for the main array so not sure what to put as the jsonql query expression - the fields are detected correctly but no data is returned...any ideas on what to try?
  2. Version 8.2.0


    Write Java applications which can interact with the JasperReports Servers via REST. This provides a friendly Java API, good documentation and test use cases. Also covers JasperReports.io synchronous and asynchronous reporting. https://github.com/Jaspersoft/jrs-rest-java-client Binary distributions here: https://github.com/Jaspersoft/jrs-rest-java-client/releases
  3. "JasperReports Server 6.3.0 Evaluation Sandbox" provided by TIBCO Jaspersoft (this file is titled README.txt and is included with the distribution) Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Configuration 3. Installing JasperReports Server 6.3.0 Evaluation Sandbox 4. Considerations 5. FAQ 6. Known Issues ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction You can use the appliance to build a real BI Evaluation environment in under 5 minutes by downloading a pre-configured automated installation of JasperReports Server 6.3.0. Choose your favorite virtualization platform to run the sandbox. The appliance includes all product documentation, including release notes for JasperReports Server 6.3.0. The "JasperReports Server 6.3.0 Evaluation Sandbox" provided by TIBCO Jaspersoft contains JasperReports Server version 6.3.0 with a 30-day license key for evaluation. A commercial license can be deployed to enable production use. The appliance can be imported into VirtualBox/VmWare ESX/VmWare Workstation host software and used as is after the virtual machine is started up. The virtual images are provided as is without a warranty of any kind. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Configuration Before getting started, ensure that your computer meets the system requirements: Hardware: - Minimum RAM: 6 GB - Free hard disk space: more than 5 GB Operating System: - CentOS 7.1 - List of installed packages/bundles: openJDK 1.8, tomcat, postgres-9.3 Supported Operating Systems: - Windows - Mac OS X (x64 only) - Linux Database: - PostgreSQL version: 9.3 - Installation method: RPM, see related documentation for information. - Repository Database Name: jasperserver - Default database user / password: postgres - Start/Stop command: start "service postgresql-9.3 start" stop "service postgresql-9.3 stop" - Configuration: /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.3 Application Server: - Apache Tomcat version 8.0.14 - Installation method: RPM, see related documentation for information. - Log files location: /var/log/tomcat - config file /etc/tomcat/tomcat.conf - Start/Stop command: start "service tomcat start" stop "service tomcat stop" - Configuration: /etc/init.d/tomcat JasperReports Server: - License file location: /usr/share/tomcat - Deployed webapp location: /usr/share/tomcat/webapps/jasperserver-pro - Log files location: /var/log/jasperserver - Import/Export location: /usr/share/jrs_dist/jasperreports-server-6.3.0-bin/buildomatic - Installation directory: /usr/share/jrs_dist/jasperreports-server-6.3.0-bin/buildomatic - Build Configuration: (location of default_master.properties): /usr/share/jrs_dist/jasperreports-server-6.3.0-bin/buildomatic - Jaspersoft Documentation: /usr/share/jrs_dist/jasperreports-server-6.3.0-bin/docs, Release Notes: /usr/share/jrs_dist/jasperreports-server-6.3.0-bin/releaseNotes.txt The default JasperReports Server configurations are applied, see Installation Guide for additional information: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-installation-guide/v61/introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Installing JasperReports Server 6.3.0 Evaluation Sandbox The sandbox is a CentOS x64 virtual machine image pre-configured with a JasperReports Server 6.3.0 environment. To install the software image: 1. Download and install VirtualBox, VSphere ESX or VMWarePlayer. Depending on your software use the appropriate link: - VirtualBox:. https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads for details. Mac users: also see http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3770 - VSphere ESX: https://my.vmware.com/web/vmware/info/slug/datacenter_cloud_infrastructure/vmware_vsphere/5_5 - VMWarePlayer: http://www.vmware.com/support/download-player 2. Download the virtual appliance from the Support Portal. The file will be compressed. Be sure to decompress it. See the FAQ for recommended tools. 3. If using Virtualbox, double-click jasperreports-server-6.3.0-6.3.0-sandbox_Virtualbox.ovf. If using VMWarePlayer, double-click jasperreports-server-6.3.0-6.3.0-sandbox.ovf. If using VSphere ESX, Open VSphere and go to the File menu. Choose Deploy OVF Template and point to the ovf file. Then proceed with the wizard. 4. Review your configuration. Increase memory and hard disk space if required. To increase memory: We integrate automatic JVM memory setup based on VM RAM size. It is located in /etc/jasperserver/memory_settings.sh shell script. This script is called from the tomcat.conf file which is located at /etc/tomcat/tomcat.conf. In JasperReports Server Settings make the following changes: - Autoconfig memory allocation for different memory size setup: #autoconfig_memory=`/bin/sh /etc/jasperserver/memory_settings.sh` - For Manual memory allocation settings uncomment next line: #autoconfig_memory="-Xms1024m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Xss2m" 5. Start the appliance. Once the appliance has started, log in into your virtual machine using the following information: Login: root Password: Jaspersoft 6. Open your preferred browser on the host system and enter http://localhost:8083 to access the start page or http://localhost:8083/jasperserver-pro to access JasperReports Server. Depending on your software use the appropriate address: - VirtualBox: Open Browser and type address - VmWare Workstation: Open Browser and type address http://VmGuestMachineIp:80 - VmWare ESX: Open Browser and type address http://VmGuestMachineIp:80 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 4. General Considerations for Evaluation - The image is preconfigured with 30 GB of hard disk size. - Currently virtual machine tools are not installed. In order to improve performance, install virtual machine Guest Addons (VM tools) inside your virtual machine. - You can resize the virtual machine's window if the Guest Additions are installed, a higher resolution allows a better experience with JasperReports Server. - The default evaluation period is 30 days. Please contact Sales (https://www.jaspersoft.com/contact-us) to extend the trial period or to purchase a license. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 5. FAQ Q) Can I install Jaspersoft Studio and other software on the image? A) Yes, the image can be customized and additional tools can be installed. If necessary, the system configuration can be adjusted. You can download evaluation versions of Jaspersoft Studio and other products from Evaluation Central: http://www.jaspersoft.com/getting-started Q) Can I use the image as is for production? A) The image is configured for evaluation purposes only. We recommend that if you want to use a virtual appliance provided by TIBCO Jaspersoft for production, you use instead "JasperReports Server 6.3.0 Production Server Sandbox". Q) How can I decompress JasperReports Server 6.3.0 Evaluation Sandbox after downloading it? A) Recommended software is: - Mac OS X: See App Store for suitable tools, e.g. The Unarchiver. For Mac OX X 10.9 and newer there is built-in support for tar.gz; no additional software is needed. - Linux: bzip2 (http://www.bzip.org/) - Windows: 7-Zip (http://www.7-zip.org/) Q) How long can I test JasperReports Server? A) The evaluation license is for 30 days. Please contact Sales (https://www.jaspersoft.com/contact-us) to extend the trial period or to purchase a license. Q) Does the image use NAT or Bridged access? A) If you use the VirtualBox image, by default you will have a NAT network setup, which can cause problems if you want use the Sandbox outside of the Host machine. In this case, switch from NAT networking to Bridged access, which will bind your virtual machine directly to your network. The virtual machine will require an available DHCP server in your network. If you don't have a DHCP server in your network, manually set up networking using the VM console. For additional information about network configuration, see: - VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch06.html#networkingmodes - VMWarePlayer: http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1006480 - vSphere: http://pubs.vmware.com/vsphere-50/topic/com.vmware.ICbase/PDF/vsphere-esxi-vcenter-server-50-networking-guide.pdf Q) Which ports are pre-allocated for terminal and web access for JasperReports Server? A) Ports 8083 is allocated for HTTP, and 2222 is allocated for SSH access if system runs in NAT mode. If these ports are already allocated go the virtual machine's settings and allocate free ports. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Known Issues In Virtualbox you might get the following error: "Error reading "/media/645A74515A74224A/Jasperserver/SW Images/jasperreports-server-6.3.0-6.3.0-sandbox/VirtualBox_jasperreports-server-6.3.0-6.3.0-sandbox.ovf": element "Section" has no "type" attribute, line 18." This is related to the version of Virtualbox. You can read more on the VirtualBox website: https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/12345 - The workaround is to use a different VirtualBox version or different visualization software. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Part Number: 0316-JSP621-5 Copyright © 2016 TIBCO Jaspersoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. Jaspersoft, the Jaspersoft logo, Jaspersoft iReport Designer, JasperReports Library, JasperReports Server, Jaspersoft Studio, Jaspersoft OLAP, and Jaspersoft ETL are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Jaspersoft Corporation in the United States and in jurisdictions throughout the world. All other company and product names are or may be trade names or trademarks of their respective owners.
  4. Great question! You can go here: https://github.com/TIBCOSoftware/js-docker
  5. [toc on_off::hide=1] Every Quarter we feature a special community member who has gone above and beyond with their contributions to the Jaspersoft community and products. Once again from the active Stack Overflow community we have Alexander Karabelnikov who at this time is the only holder of the JasperReports silver badge on Stack Overflow. We caught up with Alex over an email interview which you can find below. Interview with Alexander KarabelnikovHow did you originally start using Jaspersoft? It looks like you used it for more than one job, did you bring it along with you or was it already in the companies you moved to?I’ve been engaged in software development for more than 15 years, and as a rule, I try to stay somewhere on top of the “cooked pie” – this is the module for building different reports.Some time ago I used different frameworks to generate reports, such as FastReport, MS SQL Reporting Services, and Crytal Reports-based solutions. About 9-10 years ago, we had a project with Java as the base technology, and faced the need to choose an engine to build reports. Our team required a cross-platform framework to support different data sources, different output formats and ideally enabling us to use an API. Thus, I found my own "cherry for the pie"; based on R&D results, JasperReports was chosen. Today it seems as if it's been ages since that moment: I started with version 2.x and used the good old iReport Classic to build reports. Now it looks like a joke, but to be honest, I missed a lot the "iReport Classic" IDE, when it was replaced by iReport based on NetBeans. Since that moment I’ve never had a chance to regret making the choice for JasperReports. When we have new projects, including those at my new company, and it is necessary to choose a framework for report building, first of all, I estimate capabilities of JasperReports, and don’t remember any case when JasperReports had failed to implement the idea. As I can judge, JasperReports has been widely known in the Russian Federation and it is very popular, many development teams use this framework. You’ve already had experience with some of the technologies like NoSQL and Continuous Integration. These are relatively new so you’ve effectively lived through a shift in architecture, tools and methodologies. Any advice for how to survive the next shift?It is necessary to keep a close watch on IT-trends. Professional communities, vendors’ press releases, product-oriented reports, white papers, conferences, reading of blogs of acknowledged IT-leaders will allow you to be informed and to get prepared for the next shift, at least morally. New technological platforms are constantly arising, for example, Virtual Machines are being replaced by the new generation – Containers. New solutions for product monitoring are becoming available. Surveys of new products, of market leader solutions will allow you to be well “equipped” for the next shift or even a jump. What is the most challenging problem in software architecture today?I believe, performance is the basic challenge for modern solutions. Cloud technologies are available to us, servers are much cheaper now than were earlier, but requirements to systems are constantly increasing as well: user audience is growing, information volumes are increasing, expectations for solutions are growing (currently it is absolutely useless to have a simple text chat with a long response time). Use of asynchronous calls where possible, multithreading, memory management – these are basic tools for performance problem solutions. E.g., such "monsters" as Twitter, even develop their own JDK in order to have the tool under their full control, and expand capabilities, including those of tuning. Everyone is trying to extract everything from every processor core, to use memory and I/O systems to their maximum effect. How did you get involved with the Stack Overflow community and how did you get to become the only holder of "JasperReports" silver badge on Stack Overflow?I was using Stack Overflow for a long time for searching solutions to questions I had, but had no registration. And 5 years ago I got the idea to get registered on SO. The next consistent step of mine was to start helping other users. The beginning of my activities was likely to coincide with my active stage of using JasperReports under the project, and I decided to lend a helping hand in that sphere. I got deeply involved in that and since that time I’ve been trying to render help within the JasperReports tag: sometimes these are questions-replies, sometimes comments on some questions. In cooperation with the other community members, e.g. with Petter Friberg and Dave Jarvis, I am trying to maintain some sort of order in the branch, edit requests, retarget questions, etc. Unfortunately, I do not know the names of all my colleagues. I suspect that several nicknames stand for Jaspersoft engineers. It is very pleasant for me to read answers by Teodor Danciu. Any advice for users of JasperReports/ Jaspersoft Studio?The most important piece of advice for beginners: If you’ve decided to make a really good-quality product and if it is important for you to possess a powerful tool, do not be too lazy to invest your time to studying templates and documents related to the framework. JasperReports Ultimate Guide can be your excellent guide. When you’ve tried several templates and have got a rough idea of how it works, it is much easier for you to get help from the community for solving your tasks or problems. And finally a few general pieces of advice:• try to make your activities with JasperReports as comfortable as possible, try to reduce time for testing generated results with help of different tools. E.g., an excellent way to optimize activities on report compilation is to use the Maven plugin 'org.codehaus.mojo:jasperreports-maven-plugin' by Alex Nederlof (link how to use it: http://stackoverflow.com/documentation/jasper-reports/4943/compile-jasperreports-jrxml-to-jasper/19395/with-apache-maven). • use unit tests for testing and checking of reports. • a sign of "good manners" is the usage of external styles for reports, that will allow you to change the report design rather smoothly. • do not be afraid to debug projects using the JasperReports source code. That will allow you to understand how the framework works inside and will definitely help you generate better reports. Take advantage of the open source products!• use version control systems while working with complicated projects, sometimes it is so easy to lose your work. You can easily roll back to the release where "the report title looked better".• share your experience with others! Thank you Alex for all your contributions and this insightful interview!
  6. Hello, our very own Steve Park has a great tuturial on YouTube for this, watch it on the Jaspersoft Embedded BI YouTube Channel:
  7. Hello, our very own Steve Park has a great tuturial on YouTube for this, watch it on the Jaspersoft Embedded BI YouTube Channel:
  8. There were some properties you can disable this at either server level, report level or element level: For hiding the button for the entire report, you can add this property: <property name="com.jaspersoft.jasperreports.highcharts.interactive" value="false"/> For hiding the button only for a specific chart, you can add the property at the element level: <reportElement positionType="Float" x="30" y="0" width="499" height="236" uuid="c5501771-9b58-4c5d-9b28-88f7e687f98f"> <property name="com.jaspersoft.jasperreports.highcharts.interactive" value="false"/> </reportElement>
  9. [toc on_off::hide=1] Every Quarter we feature a special community member who has gone above and beyond with their contributions to the Jaspersoft community and products. For the third quarter of 2016, the award goes to the very deserving, Mr. Petter Friberg. Petter is a very active member of the Stack Overflow community giving high quality help to lots of people who need it, primarily with JasperReports. Learn more about Petter in an interview below! Interview with Petter FribergTell us a little about yourself, your background and how you came to be a user of Jasper ReportsI was born in Sweden, near the Arctic Circle where I studied Industrial Engineering. During my year abroad on Erasmus in the Netherlands I found a fantastic girl from Italy so I packed my stuff and headed towards the sun. Wife, house, children, cats, dogs, Volvo and a lawn mower so now I am stuck under it! My first job in Italy was designing packing machines, but I got bored with mechanical stuff that can break and started my own software firm, Jdd Software with a great programmer and friend. One of our first contracts was to develop front-end applications in Java for the banking sector and with it personal financial planning reports. To develop these reports we decided to use JasperReports for the following reasons: • Developed in Java, perfect integration in any Java project. • Open-source, you have access to source code, so you can easily understand what is going on and override or extend if you need something special• xml file structure, perfect to use on any versioning system• Integrated with other open source libraries to create pdfs, charts, barcodes etc. During this time, I learned to appreciate the JasperReports system and we found no limitations on what could be achieve, although sometimes we post processed the exports for particular feature requests. We also created a fairly advanced report creation system, where bank managers could set up their own reports; creating tree based structures, indicating title and lead text of sections and then including different jrxml templates in the section. These reports are used daily in many of the major banks in Italy. Over time, however my company moved to back-end of applications and we also started to develop integration software for unattended credit card terminals for the parking and hotel sector. It was not until I joined StackOverflow (SO) that I had the joy to fire up iReport again and installed the latest JasperSoft Studio. I was pleasantly surprise to see that Studio was built on my favorite IDE (Eclipse), so I immediately felt at home. Tell us about your involvement with Stack OverflowFor many years as most programmers, searching on our favorite engine we end up on Stack Overflow (SO). Normally we find what we need and carry on, however some strange incoming bytes from an msxml service made me decide to join and pass my first question. An SO user passed a comment indicating to me that three of the bytes were a BOM header and this helped me to figure out the rest. I got curious about the community, spending hours at night reading meta to understand how everything works and I started to answer some questions. First in Java but I quickly moved to the jasper-reports tag where I have more fun and the traffic is not so hectic. I also started to hang around in a moderation team chat room SOCVR and after a couple of months I asked to joined this team that are trying to moderate the site (editing post to improve them, closing questions that are unclear or not on-topic, helping other users to find answers on how the community works etc.). During the weekend we have fun developing bots (software scanning SO network and reporting result in chat) to help us find posts that needs attention. I am currently involved in the development of the SOCVFinder bot project. What are the most common problems that you find users having with JasperReports?In general on SO the biggest problem is that people just like to have some suggestion on how to solve their own problem (just like me on my first question), not realizing that the purpose instead is trying to build a Q&A library (Question & Answer) that is useful for others. This often leads to a negative first experience of SO, you do not understand why people down-vote and even close your simple, a bit unclear, opinion based question where you are just looking for some hints. My tip is, read the help section carefully before you ask or answer. In the japer-report tag one of the major beginner’s problems understanding that the detail band is iterated on the data source and when they use it in conjunction with the table component, they quickly get confused. However, the most common problem is probably fonts not rendered correctly in pdf, normal they are just missing a font extension but often the font is not supported (example ligatures) by the pdf library. I have tried to create two simple Q/A on this issue: How can I test if my font is rendered correctly in pdf? and one including the most common problems when exporting to PDF/A How can I export report to PDF/A-1a, PDF/A-1b? If you have issues in jasper-report and cannot find anything helpful on the internet, you are welcome to pass a question, remember to be clear, create a small example including a jrxml that we can test and show the current and expected output. Be patient, for me answering questions is a midnight job after work, dinner and children. Finally, I like to thank the Jaspersoft community for this nomination, I was delighted to see that my work to help jasper reports users on SO is appreciated and it pushes me to continue my effort. Thank you Petter for all your help to make our community great!
  10. MapR has contriubted an article on the matter: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/apache-drill-and-jaspersoft-studio
  11. MapR has contributed this wiki article on the matter: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/apache-drill-and-jaspersoft-studio
  12. [toc on_off::hide=1] Every Quarter we feature a special community member who has gone above and beyond with their contributions. For the second quarter of 2016, the award goes to a very deserving member, Mr. Hitoshi Ozawa, who has been a member for many years and a fantastic contributor to other open source communities like Apache, Liferay and Mulesoft. Mr. Ozawa is employed by the ERP vendor, Works Applications Co., Ltd. headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. Works Applications embeds Jaspersoft into it's innovative ERP application, HUE. We conducted a short interview with Mr. Ozawa below where he reveals his history with the product and introducing open source products to the Japanese market. Interview with Hitoshi OzawaWhen and how was your first exposure Jaspersoft’s products?I first came into contact with Jaspersoft when Jaspersoft held a talk in Redhat Japan's seminar. I was involved with several different open source projects before and this talk got me more interested in JasperReports because I was able meet actual people from Jaspersoft. The company I was with then became a Jaspersoft partner but we really weren't able to make too much progress because of many localization problems with the Japanese language. Localization means not only translating messages but adding/modifying features to make them more user friendly to Japanese users. We were waiting for Jaspersoft to localize the products to Japanese but it seemed like Jaspersoft was waiting for us to create a market here in Japan first. It was kind of a chicken and egg problem, unfortunately resulting in not having a chicken nor an egg. I later moved to a different company who had a Jaspersoft OEM license. The OEM license allowed me to localize JasperReports and allowed me to get more involved in the community and in the market. I fully localized Jaspersoft Studio and JasperReports Server, wrote Japanese documentations/tutorials, and began offering support services.JasperReports, furthermore, has extensive functions but I've found that most developers/users did not know how to use them because most documents seems to be written for high end technical developers. Through the community, I've found that other users often have similar problems with JasperReports. The community helps me detect defects and features clients may want. This enables me to fix the defects and add new features before clients ask for them in spirit of traditional Japanese "omotenashi" service. We had full support from Jaspersoft, but I became more involved in Jaspersoft community to help me improve my knowledge of Jaspersoft products and to keep my knowledge up to date. Jaspersoft employees correct me when my understanding is wrong and this keeps me from passing wrong information to my customers. Tell us a little about your company and if possible its use of the Jaspersoft productsI'm currently with Works Applications Co., Ltd. We are using JasperReports in our new ERP package, HUE. HUE Magic Layout allows users to upload report formats in pdf or in Office file formats from their web browsers. The uploaded file is converted to jrxml format. Field names are automatically mapped to datasource field using HUE's AI engine. HUE InstaReports allow users to edit report layouts from their web browsers in case layout need to be edited. With HUE Magic Layout and HUE InstaReports, users will be able to upload their existing reports and start viewing filled reports on web browsers. Have you achieved your original goals with the software? Any unexpected benefits?Most companies in Japan were very skeptical about using open source from other countries because of quality of software and service. Users often had to wait days to get a reply to a question. Bugs were not promptly fixed. My goal of introducing JasperReports to Japanese market is far from over, but I'm satisfied with the progress so far. Do you have any tips for anyone getting started with the applications?JasperReports has many features but not all are supported by Jaspersoft Studio nor by JasperReports Server. Also, JasperReports is very well designed and it's very easy to add or customize JasperReports.My recommendation is not to just use a check list of current features but to consult people who know JasperReports. This is because most features can actually be implemented using JasperReports without too much effort. As an example, one client wanted barcodes for a particular envelope folder and inserter machine. After checking the barcode specification, I've found that I'll be easy to add this barcode type in just few days. What do you see as the next big thing in reporting?I think more users are beginning to move from paper base report to web based. This means not just viewing reports on a web browser but more of an interactive report.Interactively here does not only mean being able to input data parameters and select data to view. End-users should be able to see data in the preferred context of the current end-user's situatione yet be able to customize it easily without programming. Users should also be able to manipulate big data instantly without waiting - waiting breaks user's attention span and reduces productivity. Is there anything else we should know?Works Applications is currrently expanding very rapidly and is seeking qualified people to join us. If you are interested, please contact us!http://career.worksap.com/
  13. What's New Overview VideoPlease note - functionality noted below may not appear in every edition of JaspersoftETL - for edition information please visit this page [toc] Spark Job designerThe Spark Streaming framework is supported in Talend Real-time Big Data Platform and Talend Data Fabric. With these products, users can create Spark Streaming Jobs to handle data being generated in motion. New messaging components such as tKafkaInput, tKafkaOutput, tKinesisInput, and tKinesisOutput, are available to the Spark Streaming Jobs. The Spark window operations and the Spark checkpoints are supported by the Spark Streaming Jobs. The tRestWebServiceOutput is added to allow users to send message streams to a given RESTful Webservice in a Spark Streaming Job. In Talend Administration Center, the Big Data Streaming Conductor module has been created to gather the script generation, deployment and execution phases of Streaming Jobs in an execution task. A wide range of component families are available in Spark Batch and Spark Streaming Jobs for accomplishing many different specific tasks, such as: The full-features tMap component and other Processing components Native connectors to Cassandra Components for Spark SQL and Elasticsearch Native RDBMS components Spark Tuning properties Hierarchical Avro files: The tAvroInput component in a Spark Job can now handle the hierarchical Avro schema. In a Spark Batch Job, the tAvroOutput component allows users to define a hierarchical key/value schema for the Avro file to be written. In addition to the Spark components used for data integration, the new Machine learning components allow users to leverage Spark to make predictive analyses. Discovery and reusability in Hadoop cluster metadataAn import wizard for Hadoop configuration has been created to import the configurations of various Hadoop services directly from different sources. This wizard supports importing configurations directly from the Ambari service or the Cloudera manager service. When users import configurations from local files, this wizard supports all of the distributions already officially supported by Talend. Users can create environmental context out of the metadata of a connection to a Hadoop service such as HDFS or Hive. Then this context can be used to define the parameters of the Hadoop connection to be created. Upgraded support for NoSQL and Hadoop distributionsNew versions of the following Hadoop distributions are supported: Cloudera 5.4 (YARN) MapR 4.1.0 (YARN) Hortonworks Data Platform V2.2 EMR Apache 2.4.0 and EMR 4.0.0 (Apache 2.6.0) Cassandra: Cassandra CQL3 and the Datastax API are now available to the Cassandra components. MongoDB: MongoDB 3.0.X. is supported The MongoDB components now support more operations such as "Bulk write" or "Write concern" and have been enabled to work with different authentication mechanisms including Kerberos and SCRAM-SHA1. Hadoop components enhancementsThe support of the Tez framework has been added to the Hive and the Pig components. With HiveServer 2 in the Standalone mode, the Hive components now support the Kerberos authentication. From the Hive components, the SSL connection is now available to HiveServer2 in the Standalone mode of the following distributions: Hortonworks Data Platform 2.0 + Cloudera CDH4 + Pivotal HD 2.0 + Support for Kerberos has been added to the HBase components and the HBase connection in the Hive and Pig components. The tHDFSOutputRaw component has been created to write data into more formats than the Text and the Sequence formats. New messaging components in the Data Integration JobsThe following Kafka components have been created to help users visually create a topic and consume or publish messages: tKafkaCreateTopic tKafkaInput tKafkaOutput Memory Test ExecutionUsers can now monitor the JVM memory consumption and CPU usage via curve graphs during Job execution Enhanced look and feel and user experienceThe Studio has undergone a number of changes to enhance the look and feel and user experience. The Studio user interface and component icons have been redesigned for enhanced look and feel. The Studio login process has been streamlined: For the first startup, fewer steps are required. After the first start up, users can directly open the same project without seeing the login dialog. Users can now drag and drop an output component from an input one on the design workspace. Enhanced component search: Users can now search for a component by providing a descriptive phrase as the search keywords, without having to know the component name. The maximum number of entries in the search result is configurable. The Palette now shows recently used components to ease component search in Job design. The maximum number of components shown on the Recently Used list is configurable. Java 8 supportThe Studio now supports Java 8 only. Components updatesDatabasesTeradata SCDTeradata SCD (Slowly Changing Dimensions) is now supported through the new component tTeradataSCD. VerticaVerticaELT and SQL TemplatesVertica ELT is now supported through the following new components: tELTVerticaInput tELTVerticaMap tELTVerticaOutput SQL Templates for Vertica are now supported. VerticaBulktVerticaBulkExec and tVerticaOutputBulkExec now support bulk-loading data to a Vertica database based on the defined schema columns. Batch modeThe following components now support batch mode when using an existing connection: tAS400OutputtAmazonAuroraOutputtAmazonMysqlOutputtAmazonOracleOutputtDB2OutputtFirebirdOutputtGreenplumOutputtInformixOutputtIngresOutputtInterbaseOutputtJDBCOutputtMSSqlOutputtMysqlOutputtNetezzaOutputtOracleOutputtParAccelOutputtPostgresPlusOutputtPostgresqlOutputtRedshiftOutputtSQLiteOutputtSybaseOutputtTeradataOutputtVectorWiseOutputtVerticaOutput.OracletOracleSP now supports mapping the source database type to XMLTYPE. PostgreSQLPostgreSQL v9.x.x is now supported. Cloud componentsSalesforcetSalesforceWaveBulkExec and tSalesforceWaveOutputBulkExec, which let you load data to Salesforce Analytics Cloud, have been added to the Studio. tSalesforceWaveBulkExec and tSalesforceWaveOutputBulkExec support reusing an existing connection and retrieving the upload status. NetsuitetNetsuiteInput and tNetsuiteOutput, which let you read/write data from/to NetSuite, have been added to the Studio. tNetsuiteOutput supports retrieving data rows with errors via a Reject row connection. MarketotMarketoInput, which supports three lead selector types when retrieving lead records from Marketo. tMarketoOutput, which supports providing the status (CREATED, UPDATED, FAILED) and the optional error text. OthersFour tRedshift* load/unload components, which let you load/unload data from/to Amazon S3. Seven tGoogleDrive* components, which let you create, upload, download, copy, delete, move and list files and folders on Google Drive. Six tAmazonAurora* components, which let you read/write data from/to Amazon Aurora databases. tS3Put now supports server-side encryption. Messaging componentsStatic transport discovery mechanism is now supported for the ActiveMQ server in tMomXXX components. tMomInput and tMomRollback now support backouting the messages to backout queue when the backout count reaches the configured threshold.
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