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  1. Hello everybody! I have found very useful this wiki page by Alex: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/ireport-how-introduce-page-break-after-pre-defined-number-rows-table-component. The problem is that, applying this, the rows at the new page are printed at the top of the page. Is there any way to force this rows to be printed in another position? Thanks in advance.
  2. Hi everybody! First of all I would like to thank to all contributors the knowledge that they share at this forum. I have a problem with my report. I have to filter by a date that is provided by an input control that pops up when you open the report. The problem is that when I do that no records are retrieved from my data base. I've tried "hardcoding" the date. In this case, it works well. Checking the log file it seems that the date parameters are being retrieved correctly. This is part of the log file, where you can check the query and the passed parameters: AND SubmissionDate >= CAST(concat(year(?),'-',(CASE WHEN month(?) <10 THEN '0' ELSE '' END),month(?),'-01') as date)AND SubmissionDate <= ? 2014-12-09 09:28:03,679 DEBUG JRJdbcQueryExecuter,M2M_LOB_main subreports #2:396 - Parameter #3 (fecha_fin of type java.lang.String): Sun Aug 31 00:00:00 CEST 20142014-12-09 09:28:03,679 DEBUG JRJdbcQueryExecuter,M2M_LOB_main subreports #2:396 - Parameter #4 (fecha_fin of type java.lang.String): Sun Aug 31 00:00:00 CEST 20142014-12-09 09:28:03,679 DEBUG JRJdbcQueryExecuter,M2M_LOB_main subreports #2:396 - Parameter #5 (fecha_fin of type java.lang.String): Sun Aug 31 00:00:00 CEST 20142014-12-09 09:28:03,679 DEBUG JRJdbcQueryExecuter,M2M_LOB_main subreports #2:396 - Parameter #6 (fecha_fin of type java.lang.String): Sun Aug 31 00:00:00 CEST 2014 Here you can check an example of field "SubmissionDate" at the connected data base: 2014-08-01 09:43:54 I can't realize what the problem could be.Any ideas? Thank you very much for your help. Regards,
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