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  1. Hi, I am using a jr:table in my report. When I export my report to CSV I am have repeated headers. But I would like to have the table column header only once in my CSV and then the data. And I dont want to ignore pagination. I was able to completely avoid the table headers in CSV by using the solution mentioned at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14229157/exclude-column-header-but-keep-first-from-a-table-component-on-csv-export-in-j But I would like to have atleast one header so the user knows what data he is looking at in the CSV. The documented values for {suffix} in net.sf.jasperreports.export.{format}.exclude.origin.keep.first.{suffix}.{arbitrary_name} doesnot tell how to refer a table column header. Please let me know if this is possible ... Thanks Hari
  2. I gave a try with custom datasource and it seems to work fine... I have documented the steps at... http://hariharanwebmail.blogspot.in/2012/12/jasper-friendly-ghost.html
  3. Hi, I am trying to experiment with Jasper tool for a week now(newbie) on a reporting project.... I am designing my reports with iReports and deploying the same it to JasperServer v4.7... I use the .jrxml generated from the iReports to deploy to JasperServer by using web services... I am able to deploy simple jrxmls into jasperserver easily but got into problems when I wanted input controls (parameters) on the reports... In JasperServer webapp I am able to create input controls and use the "Controls and Resources" (screenshot attached) to link my JRXML with the input controls... I want to automate the user actions on the "Controls and Resources" screen so that report deploy happens automatically.... Can I do the same using the webservices or can I give information about input controls in JRXMLs somehow? Any suggestions welcome... Thanks Hari
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