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Everything posted by hussainian

  1. Hi! I've defined two data sources in JasperServer namely DS_A and DS_B. I've a report in JasperServer say REP. The data source DS_A was configured with the report while adding report. The report is called with URL e.g. http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&reportUnit=/REP The task I want to perform is that with a parameter say PARAM, if i pass A, the data source DS_A is used and if I send B, the data source DS_B is used. e.g. To use DS_A, the url will be like http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&reportUnit=/REP&PARAM=A and to use DS_B, the url will be like http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&reportUnit=/REP&PARAM=B Is it possible to do so. I mean changing the report Datasource with a parameter? Regards. AsadULLAH.
  2. Yes. This is exactly the table where the .jrxml file is stored.
  3. So whats the solution? And when I don't embed the font, why still don't work? I mean these ?????????.
  4. Certailnly if you'll query jifileresource from command prompt, you'll not get anything meaningful. Use some MySQL GUI Tool, just lik SQLyog which I use or anyother. Its community version is free. Regards. Muhammad AsadULLAH.
  5. Amazingly, the same thing, which was not working on iReport's stand alone version, worked on NetBeans' iReport plugin.
  6. Well the report seems getting the font added in JasperServer. The font I'm using is Traditional Arabic (TRADO.TTF), the PDF encoding is CP1256 (Arabic). The file after exporting to PDF is attched with this post. There are all ?????????? marks replacing the Arabic text. The reason I'm saying that the report seems getting the font is that when I set the PDF Embedded property TRUE, I get the exception that the font cannot be embedded due to liscencing issues. What is the reason that after apperantly doing all the things right (Font Arabic, PDF Encoding Arabic), the result is problematic? Post Edited by hussainian at 31/12/2009 05:49
  7. Hi! I'm currently displaying Arabic text in my JasperReport using the font "Traditional Arabic". The report runs, no problem. But when I tried to export it to PDF, the Arabic part of the Report was blank. Can anyone one please tell me the problem? Is it the Encoding issue? Also there is no Arabic font in the iReport's "PDF Font Name" list. How can I add an Arabic font there? Thanks. AsadULLAH
  8. I tried it out but it didn't work. I added my font with the name XYZ in the ROOT of jasperServer. and in my report, i wrote in the Font property: repo:XYZ Am I doing right?
  9. Hi! I want to use a font in my report which doesn't come with windows or JasperReports. I'm using JasperServer as my reports Server. Where should I add my font so that my report can access and use that font. I want that font for both viewing and for exporting to pdf. Thanks. AsadULLAH.
  10. Hi! I want to use a font in my report which doesn't come with windows or JasperReports. I'm using JasperServer as my reports Server. Where should I add my font so that my report can access and use that font. I want that font for both viewing and for exporting to pdf. Thanks. AsadULLAH.
  11. There is another question that I want to ask if a report fetches 10 pages from database, are these all pages loaded at the start or records are fetched from database page by page i.e. when the NEXT PAGE is clicked? Thanks. AsadULLAH.
  12. I changed the class name and got error. It means file is found. But then why the required task is not being accomplished. I've changed the task in the files attached now, making them more simple. Kindly check them.
  13. I changed the code. And now it is like <jasperReport xmlns="ht... scriptletClass="f1.f2.TestScript"> <scriptlet name="TestScript" class="f1.f2.TestScript"/> I've a jar file added in the iReport Classpath which has the Class file in the hierarchy written above. Still not working.
  14. <scriptlet name="TestScript" class="TestScript"/> Isn't it the scriptlet tag? Or I need any additional thing?
  15. Here are both. The thing I'm trying to do is that before report init, a stored procedure will be called, which will fill a table in databse. And then the query if report will fetch data from that table. By now, the report is empty which means that the procedure is not called and the table is not populated. Thanks for help.
  16. Hi! Instead of using Date type field, use the String Type field and write the following expression in it new String( (new SimpleDateFormat(*1). format(*2)).toString()) + "-- " + $F{NAME} *1: Put the format of the Date here. Its a string value which defines the format in which the date will be displayed after conversion from Date to String. e.g. "dd/MM/yyyy" *2: Here place the object from where the date is coming, any database field or any parameter. Hope this works. AsadULLAH.
  17. My report runs without any errors. But the Scriptlet Class doesn't seem to work.
  18. Thanks Sherman. Can you please explain the second approach a bit more?
  19. Hi! Currently I've an application where my own parameter form takes the interacts with the user and the values provided by the user are added to a url which redirects to jasperServer and the report is opened. I send the user name and password in the url in order to prevent the login screen and so that the url go directly to the report. But this thing seriously disturbs my own application's checks. Anyone can access any report by changing the url. The thing I want is that this login activity should be performed in my application and and once the report window, which is a popup, is closed, the session is closed from with in my application. The JavaScript call I make in order to call the report is like this: JavascriptContext.addJavascriptCall(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), "window.open('" + url + "', 'ReportWindow', " + "'scrollbars=yes,location=no,height=600,width=800,resizable=yes');"); Any solutions/ideas please. Thanks.
  20. Hi! I want to use a scriptlet class with my JasperReport. Can anyone please tell me how to add it to the class path? Also I read that use the fully qualified name in the Class attribute of SCRIPTLET tag. What if I don't have any package. I mean what if I place the Scriptlet Class file in the same folder where .JRXML file is placed? Thanks.
  21. I faced a similar problem where I was "Parsing, Compiling, Filling" my .jrxml file with a different version of JasperReports and "Printing/Exporting" the created JasperPrint file with different version. See if you are doing the same. AsadULLAH.
  22. Use this instead new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(new String[] {new String("Data")})) AsadULLAH.
  23. If I'm getting the question right, then I think that you should have a look at "Position Type" and "Stretch Type" properties of the Text Fields.
  24. Hi! I'm currently converting Oracle Reports to JasperReports. I want to know whether certain things done in oracle reports are possible in JasperReports or not. e.g. Three fields are being fetched from the database. Now on the bases of one first field, the other two are added or subtracted. I tried to do this thing in JasperReports using Ternary Operator in variable but got lot of errors, most of them comprising of casting issues and mathematical operations etc. Can anyone please guide me in this regard? Also is it possible to execute a SELECT query in any variable as it is done in Oracle Reports? Thanks & Best Regards. AsadULLAH. Post Edited by hussainian at 17/12/2009 10:32 Post Edited by hussainian at 17/12/2009 10:33
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