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Everything posted by hussainian

  1. Hi! Is &CLAUSE allowed in JasperReport Query? If not, what can be the alternative? Thanks. AsadULLAH.
  2. Hi! I was confused where to post this question. whether on Jasper Server, Jasper Report or iReport. So I posted it on all forums. Coming towards my problem.... I have a report which takes a parameter country_code and displays the city of the given country e.g. select c.* from city c where c.country_code = decode($P{country_code}, null, c.country_code, $P{country_code}) Using this query, if I'll leave the country_code parameter blank, cities of all the countries are displayed and if I enter some code, cities of that country_code will be displayed. i.e. the report has two options whether to have a report of all countries or a single country. I want to add third option i.e. to have the report with cities of any number of countries e.g. User will select three countries and the report showing cities of those three countries will be displayed. Please tell me how to accomplish this task. Once the issue is solved, i'll tell why Jasper Server is also concerned in this problem. Thanks & Best Regards. AsadUllah.
  3. Hi! I was confused where to post this question. whether on Jasper Server, Jasper Report or iReport. So I posted it on all forums. Coming towards my problem.... I have a report which takes a parameter country_code and displays the city of the given country e.g. select c.* from city c where c.country_code = decode($P{country_code}, null, c.country_code, $P{country_code}) Using this query, if I'll leave the country_code parameter blank, cities of all the countries are displayed and if I enter some code, cities of that country_code will be displayed. i.e. the report has two options whether to have a report of all countries or a single country. I want to add third option i.e. to have the report with cities of any number of countries e.g. User will select three countries and the report showing cities of those three countries will be displayed. Please tell me how to accomplish this task. Once the issue is solved, i'll tell why Jasper Server is also concerned in this problem. Thanks & Best Regards. AsadUllah.
  4. Hi! I was confused where to post this question. whether on Jasper Server, Jasper Report or iReport. So I posted it on all forums. Coming towards my problem.... I have a report which takes a parameter country_code and displays the city of the given country e.g. select c.* from city c where c.country_code = decode($P{country_code}, null, c.country_code, $P{country_code}) Using this query, if I'll leave the country_code parameter blank, cities of all the countries are displayed and if I enter some code, cities of that country_code will be displayed. i.e. the report has two options whether to have a report of all countries or a single country. I want to add third option i.e. to have the report with cities of any number of countries e.g. User will select three countries and the report showing cities of those three countries will be displayed. Please tell me how to accomplish this task. Once the issue is solved, i'll tell why Jasper Server is also concerned in this problem. Thanks & Best Regards. AsadUllah.
  5. Thank you very much Sir. Mission Accomplished. :-) Post Edited by hussainian at 12/11/2009 07:04
  6. One more thing. I replaced my Date type parameters of report with String type parameters and in my JasperReport query, I used TO_DATE. e.g. in the where clause of the query, it was like Booking_Date >= $P{PAR_BOOKING_DATE} --This parameter is of Date type. I did it this way Booking_Date >= to_date($P{PAR_BOOKING_DATE},'dd/MM/yyyy') --Now this parameter is of String type.
  7. Its very easy. In JasperServer, create input controls with the names exactly as are the report parameters. And then add the parameter and their values in the url just as user name and password. For example, for a Parameter in the Jasper Report with the name PAR_USER, the url will be like... http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&reportUnit=/reports/samples/AnnDetail&standAlone=flase&ParentFolderUri=/reports&j_username=jasperadmin&j_password=jasperadmin&PAR_USER=Value Now use this url and you'll be directly taken to the report. No authentication, no dialog box asking for parameters. Hope I made clear. Please ask if any confusion.
  8. Hi! When a parameterized report is run, a link is there at the very top-left section. This link is used to display the input controls dialog while the report is on the show. I want to remove this link. I mean whether my report has paramters or not, this link should not be displayed. Can anyone please guide me what change I'll have to make and in which file of JasperServer? Thanks & Best Regards. AsadULLAH.
  9. Let me add one more thing that there is no relation between these two tables.
  10. Hi! I'm in a situation where I need some database fields which are not possible to get in the main query. I throught that the datasets will solve my problem. But i just read that a dataset can only be used in a chart or a crosstab. Is it so? What is the alternative? My problem is like I have a report showing some columns (col1, col2) from a table and company name (companyName) from another table. My query is select A.col1, A.col2, B.companyName from TableA A, TableB B where ........ The problem is that in a scenario, where there are no rows returned from tableA, companyName field in the report is also null. I want that whether there are rows returned from a tableA or not, my company name must be displayed. I guess I made my problem clear. Please give some suggestions. Thanks & Best Regards. AsadULLAH.
  11. Hi! I put the following url in the address bar http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&reportUnit=/reports/samples/AnnDetail&standAlone=flase&ParentFolderUri=/reports&j_username=jasperadmin&j_password=jasperadmin and go to the page where JasperServer asks me to input the values of parameters. I enter the values and my report is displayed with this url http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/flow.html Is there any way that I can embedd the values of the parameters in the url and instead of parameters page, the jasperServer takes me directly to the report? While doing this, one thing should be in consideration that the parameters are of date type and the report will only accept date type values. The thing I want to do is that in my own application's page, I'll enter the parameters and submit. At this submit, the first url will go. How to add parameters to that url? Thanks & Best Regards. AsadUllah. Please help.
  12. Or is it so that I'm not correctly adding the input controls? My report has two date parameters. Can you please explain the correct way to add input controls from jasper server for date parameters?
  13. Well! By the term error I mean that the report is empty. No record is being displayed. When I run the report in iReport it wroks right.
  14. Hi! How can I pass parameters to a report in JasperServer repository from my own application using java web service? Are JasperServer's input controls required to be setup in JasperServer first? In the Java Web Service sample with JasperServer, Date is handled as Text/String. How to convert that string in Date format? Thanks and Best Regards. AsadULLAH.
  15. Hi! I'm using the the Sample Java Web Service provided by JasperServer to run the reports. I've made a small change. Normally when a report is clicked, it goes to the page with a combo box showing the export options. But i put the following code to view the report directly as in JasperServer http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&reportUnit=<%=rd.getUriString()%>&standAlone=flase&ParentFolderUri=/reports" The problem is that when I click the report name, the JasperServer login page appears asking for login. I want to remove this page by either removing the Login Check or by autmatically logging in with hard coded user/pass. Is it possible? Please help me regarding this. Thanks & Best Regards.
  16. Hi! I got an error while trying to run a parameterized report from JasperServer. The Report has DATE parameter of format "MM/DD/YYYY" where as the format of the Date input control in the JasperServer is "MM-DD-YYYY". How to make both the same? Please help. This is urgent. Thanks & Best Regards. AsadULLAH.
  17. Well! I just run the jasper server web service sample. There is no option there to display the report in browser as in JasperServer. It just gives the exposting options. How to show reports in browser. I don't know much about the web services. So can you please more explain how to use it for me. Thanks.
  18. To add more to my question, I want to do this to seprate the reporting functionality from my main application. The only thing my main application to do is to provide the parameter values.
  19. Hi! I want to remove the Login/Logout functionality of JasperServer to use it in my own application. I mean it is understood that the person accessing the Reports in JasperServer has passed the authentication process of main application. Also I want to fix the datasource i.e. the prcoess we follow to add a datasource is already done when application starts. And the values of the parameters are provided by the user using the Web interface of my application. In short what I want to do is that I fill the parameter values in my web page, click on reun report button and my report is launched in JasperServer. Please help me im accoplishing this task. Regards. HUSSAINIAN!
  20. Well! The first problem has been solved. The jasper file I was using in my application was compiled with JasperReports Library 3.5.2, while the library I was using with my application was 3.1.4. Adding 3.5.2 to my application solved the Detail's Band issue. But the SAVE button functionality still not working. Please help me. Regards. AsadULLAH.
  21. Well! The first problem has been solved. The jasper file I was using in my application was compiled with JasperReports Library 3.5.2, while the library I was using with my application was 3.1.4. Adding 3.5.2 to my application solved the Detail's Band issue. But the SAVE button functionality still not working. Please help me. Regards. AsadULLAH.
  22. Hi! What kind of change you want in the query? I mean you cannot change the fields that query is retrieving from Database. The only change might be some conditions change. Which overloaded fillReport method you are using of JasperFillManager? If I'm correctly understanding the issue, then solution is Execute query in your application, convert your ResultSet into JRResultSetDataSource and then do this JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, parameters, jrResultSetDataSource ); I think the method you are currently using is JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, parameters, connection );
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