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Everything posted by hussainian

  1. Hi! The thing I am doing is displaying Jasper Report in an JApplet in web browser. Eeverything is working fine except two. 1. The detail section of my report is not showing up in the applet. I'm sure that there is no issue with the report filling as the values of query fields put in other sections like page header are showing up. Only the detail section is missing. Can anyone give some idae about the cause? 2. The SAVE button of the JR Viewer in the applet is not working. Any comments? Thanks & Best Regards. AsadULLAH!
  2. Hi! The thing I am doing is displaying Jasper Report in an JApplet in web browser. Eeverything is working fine except two. 1. The detail section of my report is not showing up in the applet. I'm sure that there is no issue with the report filling as the values of query fields put in other sections like page header are showing up. Only the detail section is missing. Can anyone give some idae about the cause? 2. The SAVE button of the JR Viewer in the applet is not working. Any comments? Thanks & Best Regards. AsadULLAH!
  3. I just restarted work on this problem. Ok let me tell yoy my problem. I've a table FUND and i want to get its FUND_CODE column. To get all fund_code, I'll write Select FUND_CODE from FUND and to get some specific fund_code through parameter, I'll write Select FUND_CODE from FUND where FUND_CODE=$P{PARAM_FUND_CODE} Now the I'll enter fund code in the parameter prompt. But if I'll want to display all the fund_code, the WHERE clause is extra. My question is how to handle this situation. How adding another Parameter will solve this issue? Thanks. AsadULLAH.
  4. Hi! I'm facing a problem. I've a report which has some bold text. When I print the page directly from report viewer, it is ok. But when I export it to PDF, font size remains the same but the boldness is not there and all the text is printed in simple style. What is this problem? Any idea? Thanks. AsadULLAH.
  5. Hi! In my oracle database, there is a TEMP table which is populated at runtime by a call to stored procedure. Can anyone please guide me how to call that prcocedure in my report and then to get the TEMP table's fields to use in the report? Thanks & Best Regards. Asad Ullah.
  6. Hi! I have a scenerio. My report has two sections. One Sales and the other Purchase. Both have different column headers. The presentation of data is such that first comes the Purchase headers and its detail then the Sales headers and then its detail. Both sales and purchase have seperated quries. What I want I know is that whether is it possible to produce such report using JasperReports? The sample layout is given below: SALES Col1 col2 col3 col4 -------------details------------------- PURCHASES col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 col6 col7 -------------------------details--------------------------------------- ----------end of report------- Thanks & Best Regards. AsadULLAH.
  7. Hi Jhonny! Can you please tell me how did you make a call to procedure from iReport. Also tell me whether your problem solved. I'm in the same situation i.e. Stored Procedure with Temp table. Thanks & Best Regards.
  8. Hi! What I'm doing is that in a servlet, converting JasperPrint object into output stream and then calling that servlet in an applet. That applet convert the stream back into JasperPrint and displayes it in applet in the browser. Code of servlet is as follows: response.setContentType("application/octet-stream"); ServletOutputStream ouputStream = response.getOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(ouputStream); oos.writeObject(jasperPrint); oos.flush(); oos.close(); ouputStream.flush(); ouputStream.close(); The issue is when in the applet, I get it back to JasperPrint using JRLoader.loadObject, I get exception Error Loading Object. Please suggest some solution. Thanks.
  9. Hi! In my oracle database, there is a TEMP table which is populated at runtime by a call to stored procedure. Can anyone please guide me how to call that prcocedure in my report and then to get the TEMP table's fields to use in the report? Thanks & Best Regards. Asad Ullah.
  10. Ok. Can you please tell me what is this JR Forum?
  11. Hi! What I'm doing is that in a servlet, converting JasperPrint object into output stream and then calling that servlet in an applet. That applet convert the stream back into JasperPrint and displayes it in applet in the browser. Code of servlet is as follows: response.setContentType("application/octet-stream"); ServletOutputStream ouputStream = response.getOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(ouputStream); oos.writeObject(jasperPrint); oos.flush(); oos.close(); ouputStream.flush(); ouputStream.close(); The issue is when in the applet, I get it back to JasperPrint using JRLoader.loadObject, I get exception Error Loading Object. Please suggest some solution. Thanks.
  12. Hi! Is it possible to directly call a JasperPrint file in a browser with URL? I mean just as we do to call an HTML file e.g. http://localhost:8080/TestApp/index.html Can it be like this http://localhost:8080/TestApp/TestReport.jrprint? Thanks. AsadULLAH
  13. Hi! I've developed a sample web application using JSF. I'ave a JSP page say index.jsp. It has a SUBMIT button. When I click this button, some backend java process takes place and a report is displayed on the screen in JasperViewer. Let me make it clear that the report doesn't open inside the browser but in a separate window of JasperViewer. Its working fine as far as I'm running this application at local host. But when I call it from a remote location e.g. another PC in LAN, after the SUBMIT button is clicked, the Report's JasperViewer window doesn't open at the client side but ip opens on the server machine. Can anyone please tell me what changes to be made in order to force reoprt opening at the client side? Thanks. AsadULLAH. Post Edited by hussainian at 12/10/2009 10:31
  14. Hi! Is it possible to directly call a JasperPrint file in a browser with URL? I mean just as we do to call an HTML file e.g. http://localhost:8080/TestApp/index.html Can it be like this http://localhost:8080/TestApp/TestReport.jrprint? Thanks. AsadULLAH
  15. I went through that question/answer but couldn't get it. Can you please explain it w.r.t to my issue? Thanks & Best Regards. AsadULLAH.
  16. Hi Teodord! The solution you given above means that there will be manual coding behind these clicks which will filter or sort the report. In JReport, this functionality is built-in. I mean when you run a report in JReport, you get this functionality by JReport. The only thing you are to do is just to use them. Means these are embedded above the report in the same web page. I want to know that whether such functionality available in JasperReports? Or iReport gives such functionality. I'm emphasizing on the term BUILT-IN i.e. programmer must need not to write even a single line of code for these facilities. Hope I've made my question clear. Thanks & Best Regards. AsadULLAH.
  17. Hi! When we view our report in JasperServer,there are some buttons in upper-left corner of t he report for exporting the report in other formats and in the top-middle section, there are controls for navigation through the report pages. The thing I want to know is that whether these are by the built-in functionality of iReports or are addded by JasperServer through extra programming. More about my question is that in JReport, such facility like exporting, filtering records and navigation etc. are built-in. So any such facility available here? Thanks & Best Regards.
  18. Hi! In JReport, there is a built-in view in which exporting, filters, zooming facilities. I want to know whether any such built-in facility available in JasperReports. JasperServer also gives a similar view. But I don't want to use JasperServer. Thanks & Best Regards.
  19. Hi! Its better that you add some detail. I mean your scenario etc...
  20. Hi! I need some help regarding report parameters. I'm filling my report with the record from a table which has, say 10 rows. Each row has a unique id. I've added a parameter which takes this ID at run time and displays corresponding record from table. Now this is it. Using this approach, I can't see the all records of the table in this report. The thing I want is that when the prompt appears, it should have the option whether to display one record for which the parameter value has been entered OR to display all the records of the table without entring the parameter value. If I close the parameter dialog box without entering any value, the generated report is blank, which is logically correct. What am I suppoesd to do to change this behaviour. Or is there any way that I may set such default expression that pressing the Default button show me the full records. Thanks & Best Regards. AsadULLAH.
  21. The problem solved.The simple select string was "Select t1.field, t2.field from table1 t1, table2 t2. It was problematic due to iReport behaviour.
  22. Hi! I've a situation. I explain it with an example. Please help me. I've two fields in my report, both belonging to different tables. The tables don't have any relationship between them, I mean no PKs/FKs. How can I get both fields in my report. I've read in a book that there is one and only one query for a simple report, means a report with no subreports etc. Hope I've explained the thing right. Thanks & Best Regards ASADULLAH
  23. Hi! Well my question has two parts. 1. While trying to add an input control for a parameter in my report, I get a validation error that "A resource already has this name". I've spent a lot of time on this issue but yet not solved. Please help me regarding this. 2. Is it possible to deploy our reports on JasperServer without iReport? Also I want my report to be viewed without the jasper server header. How can I remove that above part. The thing I actually want to do is to integrate the JasperServer wiith my web application. Thanks.
  24. Hi! Can I parse a JRXML file into a JasperDesign file and compile a JasperDesign file into a JasperReport file in a Servlet? The task I want to perfor is to get run time parameters from a JSP page throuhg text fields or drop down menus etc and pass them to a servlet. Then the servlet will compile the report. I have the following code copied from a book. This exactly does what I want that is displaying my report into a web browser. ServletOutputStream servletOutputStream = response. getOutputStream(); InputStream reportStream =getServletConfig().getServletContext() .getResourceAsStream("/reports/FirstReport.jasper"); try { JasperRunManager.runReportToPdfStream(reportStream, servletOutputStream, new HashMap(), new JREmptyDataSource()); response.setContentType("application/pdf"); servletOutputStream.flush(); servletOutputStream.close(); } catch (JRException e) {} Thanks.
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