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  1. By: Francesco - francesco334 iReport problem 2006-09-11 08:22 Hello all, I'm new in iReport. I have seen a tutorial to use iReport from an XML Datasource: http://jasperforge.org/sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.ireport/wiki/UsingTheXMLDatasource The xml that I have tested in iReport is addressbook.xml The Record path is: /addressbook/category/person <addressbook> <category name="home"> <person id="1"> <LASTNAME>Davolio</LASTNAME> <FIRSTNAME>Nancy</FIRSTNAME> <hobbies> <hobby>Radio Control</hobby> <hobby>R/C Cars</hobby> </hobbies> <email>email1@my.domain.it</email> <email>email2@my.domain2.it</email> </person> <person id="2"> <LASTNAME>Fuller</LASTNAME> <FIRSTNAME>Andrew</FIRSTNAME> <email>email3@my.domain3.it</email> <email>email4@my.domain4.it</email> </person> </category> <category name="work"> <person id="4"> <LASTNAME>Peacock</LASTNAME> <FIRSTNAME>Margaret</FIRSTNAME> <hobbies> <hobby>Toy Horse</hobby> </hobbies> <email>Peacock@margaret.com</email> </person> </category> </addressbook> I have tried the example and all works. Then, I have changed the xml adding a different tag on the same level of the tag category,for example : <addressbook> <authors> <author>John XXX</author> <author>John XXX</author> </authors> <category name="home"> <person id="1"> <LASTNAME>Davolio</LASTNAME> <FIRSTNAME>Nancy</FIRSTNAME> <hobbies> <hobby>Radio Control</hobby> <hobby>R/C Cars</hobby> </hobbies> <email>email1@my.domain.it</email> <email>email2@my.domain2.it</email> </person> <person id="2"> <LASTNAME>Fuller</LASTNAME> <FIRSTNAME>Andrew</FIRSTNAME> <email>email3@my.domain3.it</email> <email>email4@my.domain4.it</email> </person> </category> </addressbook> and when iReport create the PDF document I see the value null in the cycle of the tags category. Seems that iReport doesn't read exactly only the path /addressbook/category/person but read even the tag authors that is not correct!! I can I solve this problem??? Than, the last question : in the first example of xml addressbook the category tag has the attribute "name". If I want only show the categories that have name="work", how can I do in iReport?? Thanks for all your response, Francesco $P{SUBREPORT_DIR} + new Boolean($V{CATEGORYTYPE}=="home") .getValue()
  2. By: spoorthi - spoo_anu Re: Report Instance ganeration and retrieval 2006-07-24 23:18 Dear all, Can any body expalin me how exactly report instances are generated, stored and retrieved from the database. I need table level explanation... with shivaraj By: T Kavanagh - tkavanagh Re: Report Instance ganeration and retrieval 2006-07-26 14:54 I'm not sure exactly what your question means... however.. A report is a JasperReport (based on jrxml). A report unit is a report inside of jasperintelligence (which includes such things as datasources, images and other resources). We have a jasperintelligence repository and this is implemented as a database (database "jasperserver"). All of the metadata around a report unit is stored in the database (ie all the resources: jrxml, datasources, images, etc). If you want to see what goes where in the db it is best to look at the database itself with a db viewer tool and look at a database that is populated with the sample data. Also, keep in mind that all forum activity is moving to jasperforge.org.
  3. By: spoorthi - spoo_anu Re: Isolating Jasper Server from MySQL 2006-07-23 22:25 Dear all, I want to isolate jasper server from mySQL at Jasper server installation time.So that i can install the jasper server system data base(MySQL, Oracle) later. Can any body tell me some solution to achieve this plz.. I am waiting for the solution at the earliest. with thanks and regards SHIVARAJ By: T Kavanagh - tkavanagh Re: Isolating Jasper Server from MySQL 2006-07-26 14:37 Shivaraj, You will not be able to not effect the database when you are doing an installation. However, you can use the jasperintelligence-1.0.1-bin.zip which is a "stand-alone" war file archive. In this zip you will find a jasperserver.war (this is the stand-alone war). You can follow the instructions in the jasperintelligence-warfile-install-guide.pdf to do the installation/configuration (ie drop it into Tomcat). Then all of the database configuration is done by hand. Please note that all forum activity is moving to jasperforge.org
  4. By: Sherman Wood - sgwood JasperIntelligence is moving! 2006-07-18 21:04 See the news at: http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=592538 Forum: http://www.jasperforge.org/index.php?option=com_joomlaboard&Itemid=215&func=showcat&catid=10 We will start referring JasperIntelligence SourceForge posters to the JasperForge forum, and will stop answering questions on the JasperIntelligence Sourceforge.net forums in the next week. We look forward to working with you in our new home! Sherman JasperSoft
  5. By: Sherman Wood - sgwood Windows and Linux Installers are available 2006-07-08 09:26 Linux and Windows installers are now available for JasperIntelligence 1.0. This 195MB download joins the Linux installer and standalone WAR file distributions that were previously released and includes: * iReport 1.2.4 with plugin that interacts with the server to edit and run reports via Web Services with attachments * JasperServer OS 1.0 - Scheduled reporting with generated email - Content repository for generated output - Integrated browser UI for metadata and content * JasperAnalysis OS 1.0 - OLAP ‘slice and dice’ user interface - Managed OLAP server - Secure remote communications via Web Services (XML/A) * Pluggable data sources for reports * Security enhancements - Folder and object level security by role or individual user - Improved integration with external authentication services like LDAP * Metadata repository import/export tool to migrate data between repositories - This tool is used by the installer to load examples * Example reports, OLAP views and data – SugarCRM (open source) and FoodMart data mart * Expanded documentation for all components (80+ pages) As before, the installers come with bundled Java 1.5, Tomcat 5.5 and MySQL 5.0. The installer can install these components, or use pre-existing instances. Enjoy! Sherman JasperSoft
  6. By: Sherman Wood - sgwood JasperIntelligence 1.0.0 Released 2006-06-28 01:27 We are pleased to announce this release that significantly broadens the platform into the following areas: * Scheduled Reports with email notifications * Content Repository for scheduled report output * OLAP User interface * OLAP Server * Custom Data Sources for Reports * Fine grained Security * Enhanced iReport plugin for JasperIntelligence * Expanded Documentation * Scheduled Event Viewer * Installers covering reporting and/or analytics Release notes are here: http://jasperintel.sourceforge.net/index.php?p_module=page&pageid=45 Downloads are here: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=162962&package_id=195243. We will get the installer versions out in the next couple of days. Sherman JasperSoft By: W. Stewart - wstewart RE: JasperIntelligence 1.0.0 Released 2006-06-30 09:04 Is 1.0.0 what I get if I check out the "trunk" from the Subversion repository? I don't see any tags/branches for 0.9.2. Is this correct? ... or is my Eclipse Subversion plugin, Subclipse, just not showing me the correct state of the project? By: Sherman Wood - sgwood RE: JasperIntelligence 1.0.0 Released 2006-07-01 06:56 We have not released the latest source into SVN just yet. The source is included in the src distribution for now. Sherman JasperSoft By: W. Stewart - wstewart RE: JasperIntelligence 1.0.0 Released 2006-07-01 21:25 Does JasperSoft have any documentation on their use of Subversion? With some open source projects the publicly accessible CVS or Subversion repository is *the* development repository. This does not seem to be the case for JasperServer. Is the JasperIntel Subversion repository on SourceForge just another release avenue, like downloadable .zip or .tar.gz files? Do releases via the Subversion repository lag behind those on the downloadable files page? Some clarification on this would be very helpful, since many people are used to seeing the "latest and greatest" in the code repositories of "Open Source" projects. By: Sherman Wood - sgwood RE: JasperIntelligence 1.0.0 Released 2006-07-03 05:33 We started developing with a JasperSoft internal SVN repository and have continued along that way, just due to time. Once we get the installers released, we will get the 1.0 source out to SourceForge SVN. In a few weeks, we will be moving the source repository and documentation to JasperSoft's new Forge, jasperforge.org, where JasperReports, iReport and JasperIntelligence will live. Sherman JasperSoft
  7. By: T Kavanagh - tkavanagh Source Code Build Document Added 2006-05-05 17:00 The JasperServer source code is in subversion and has been available for checkout for a few days. On the Documentation page of the http://jasperintel.sourceforge.net home page there is a new link "Source Code Build Guide" which is an html version of this document. In addition, there is a PDF version available for online viewing or download. By: Jeffrey Fredrick - jfredrick RE: Source Code Build Document Added 2006-05-08 23:36 a couple of things you might want to fix: 1. the "create database x" commands are missing the ';' at the end of the line 2. there is no FoodMart-MySQL-032006.sql in the scripts directory (at least not that I can see). perhaps this isn't yet in the public SVN? By: Jeffrey Fredrick - jfredrick RE: Source Code Build Document Added 2006-05-09 01:01 oh, and 3. under "Build JasperServer Source Code" you reference a couple of directories that I don't see locally, "jasperserver-repository-hibernate/build-db" and "jasperserver-unit-test". By: Sherman Wood - sgwood RE: Source Code Build Document Added 2006-05-09 12:03 Sorry - these instructions include changes we have made to the build process internally and have not released to SourceForge SVN yet. In the next release, the default top level "mvn clean install" will just build, not build the DB and run the test suite. Also the Foodmart database is part of the test suite for the OLAP functionality we are working on. Sherman JasperSoft By: W. Stewart - wstewart RE: Source Code Build Document Added 2006-06-30 09:27 > ... include changes we have made to the build process internally and have not released to SourceForge SVN yet. Does JasperSoft have any documentation on their use of Subversion? With some open source projects the publicly accessible CVS or Subversion repository is *the* development repository. This does not seem to be the case for JasperServer. Is the JasperIntel Subversion repository on SourceForge just another release avenue, like downloadable .zip or .tar.gz files? Do releases via the Subversion repository lag behind those on the downloadable files page? Some clarification on this would be very helpful, since many people are used to seeing the "latest and greatest" in the code repositories of "Open Source" projects. By: W. Stewart - wstewart RE: Source Code Build Document Added 2006-06-30 13:22 > In the next release, the default top level "mvn clean install" > will just build, not build the DB and run the test suite. ??? Here's what the latest build document says: (http://jasperintel.sourceforge.net/index.php?p_module=page&pageid=42) BUILD JASPERSERVER SOURCE CODE A "complete" build means building the source code as well as populating the jasperserver database with the schema that JasperServer needs. To do a complete build, you will do the following steps: cd jasperserver/trunk mvn install Description of build execution: The single mvn install command will download all dependent jar files (from Maven2 repositories), compile all source code, generate database schema, execute schema create within the database, populate the database with sample data (for testing), build the jasperserver war directory and the jasperserver-ws war directory. By: T Kavanagh - tkavanagh RE: Source Code Build Document Added 2006-05-10 21:45 Oh, and good suggestion on having the semi-colons ; at the end of the sql lines, since people will do cut and paste in order to run commands. By: T Kavanagh - tkavanagh RE: Source Code Build Document Added 2006-05-09 12:26 Jeffrey, thanks for the feed back. I ran through a test yesterday after posting the doc earlier and noticed that the source was before our most current refactoring. <p>I just updated the documentation on the web site. Sorry for the confusion. By: W. Stewart - wstewart RE: Source Code Build Document Added 2006-06-30 11:24 Unfortunately the docs/JasperServer-Source-Code-Build.htm distributed with the 1.0.0 source release still has the problems pointed out by Jeffrey; e.g.: cd jasperserver/trunk mvn install cd jasperserver/trunk/jasperserver-repository-hibernate/build-db mvn install cd jasperserver/trunk/jasperserver-unit-test mvn install
  8. By: spoorthi - spoo_anu Connecting -JasperServer & Oracle 2006-06-22 21:28 Hi, Am shivaraj currently working for infosys, presently am working on jasperserver.... my problem is simple am trying to connect the jasper server to oracle databse ... presently the jasper server system is using default MYSQL database for user-role management and for updation. Now am trying for making the jasper server to completely interact with the Oracle database ... For this i have made modification in context.xml --------altered connection strings hibernate.properties------- changed the dialect class For am getting the following exception SQL state some oracle....error -----Invalid table name Here the major problem is there is a table in mysql database called User used by the jasper server system. This table cannot be created in oracle, becoz it is a reserved word in oracle.If i create alternate table i need to modify it in the jasper server product core functionality itself .... which might be a critical approach.. Also tell me how i can get the source code for jasper server ? plz try to understand my problem specifically if possible try send the solution as early as possible.... with thanks and regards SHIVARAJ spoo_anu@rediffmail.com By: M d ric RIBREUX - medspx RE: Connecting -JasperServer & Oracle 2006-06-24 02:12 We gat exactly the same problem with postgreSQL. Actually, by using a table named "User", I was able to create a complete database but I've got the same error than you: jasperserver cannot run with such a named table... But perhaps the new release will fix it ! By: Sherman Wood - sgwood RE: Connecting -JasperServer & Oracle 2006-06-24 10:44 You can change the Hibernate mappings to deal with these DBMS specific naming issues. In 0.9.2, we used XDoclet to generate some of the mappings. In 1.0.0, which we are wrapping up now, the mapping files are not genrated and are in a separate JAR, so you can change everything for your particular DBMS. Sherman JasperSoft
  9. By: Sherman Wood - sgwood JasperIntelligence Announcement and Webinar 2006-04-24 07:42 Announcements Coinciding with the JasperServer 0.9.2 release, JasperSoft is announcing the roadmap for JasperIntelligence to make it a complete business intelligence solution. Check out: http://www.jaspersoft.com/downloads/jspressrelease/JasperIntelligence_d3.pdf and http://www.jaspersoft.com/downloads/jspressrelease/JasperServer_d11.pdf More details are at http://www.jaspersoft.com. Webinar On May 9, I am giving a free webinar giving a technical overview of JasperServer. See details and register at http://www.jaspersoft.com/nw_webinars.html Sherman Wood Director, Business Intelligence JasperSoft By: Seth Grimes - grimes RE: JasperIntelligence Announcement and Webin 2006-04-25 09:47 Sherman, your links are bad. The URLs are truncated at the underscore character. Seth By: Sherman Wood - sgwood RE: JasperIntelligence Webinar 2006-05-04 07:41 The webinar on May 9 is proving to be popular. Here is the agenda I have planned. Let me know if there is anything else you would like covered and I will try and include it in the hour. Introduction Aims of JasperIntelligence Usage Scenarios What is it now? Demonstration * Web user interface * PHP * iReport integration Architecture APIs Web User Interface Web services Security Developing and extending JasperIntelligence Roadmap (with some additional demonstrations "from the lab") Q&A Sign up at http://www.jaspersoft.com/nw_webinars.html (Sorry the "_" throws off SourceForge - you will have to cut and paste the URL into your browser. Cheers, Sherman Wood JasperSoft
  10. By: Sherman Wood - sgwood iReport plugin for JasperServer released 2006-04-27 10:43 (Now that SourceForge forums are back online....) Giulio Tuffoli, the iReport lead, has been working with us to create a plugin for iReport that allows iReport to browse the JasperIntelligence repository, downloading and uploading reports and other resources. This works with the JasperIntelligence Web services WAR. Check it out at http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=162962&package_id=184084&release_id=412356 Sherman Wood JasperSoft
  11. By: Sherman Wood - sgwood JasperServer 0.9.2 released 2006-04-24 00:46 Details at: http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=564993 Thanks, Sherman Wood JasperSoft
  12. By: Sherman Wood - sgwood Installer Updates 2006-04-12 20:01 Both Windows and Linux installers (v0.9.1) have been updated to better deal with existing MySQL installations. Sherman JasperSoft By: openross - openmax71 RE: Installer Updates 2006-04-14 07:20 I have try your new installer on gentoo linux , now no problem all OK. Thanks
  13. By: Sherman Wood - sgwood Windows Installer added 2006-04-09 21:53 A Windows installer of JasperServer has been released, which will allow you easily install JasperServer under Windows and see some example reports running. See https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=162962 Sherman Wood JasperSoft
  14. By: Sherman Wood - sgwood Update to Linux Installer 2006-04-09 10:39 With some testing after the initial release, we realized that installing over an existing MySQL installation had a problem. I have just uploaded a new version of the Linux installer which has been fixed. Sherman Wood JasperSoft
  15. By: Nobody/Anonymous - nobody Welcome to Open Discussion 2006-03-17 12:02 Welcome to Open Discussion
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