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Everything posted by svenn

  1. Try this 1. Set up a group in your main report. I call the group graph. 2. Do not group you graph value on anything 3. Put a reference to your subreport in the graph group header 4. Set the print when expression in the graph group band to new Boolean(($V{PAGE_NUMBER}).intValue() == 1 )
  2. I don't think iReports supports the execution of multiple queries.
  3. Look at Jasper Server. http://jasperforge.org/projects/jasperserver
  4. If your fields are on the detail line you should not see one detail per page. Check your design. If your still stuck you can post your JRXML file.
  5. You set up a group but you do not group it on any field from your data source. It gives you extra bands to work with. If good for stuff like conditional frames.
  6. Interesting Hangman. I hope there is a more centrial solution as we have 28 reports that will need to be modified if the only solution is making the fields wider so the reports display properly under Linux.
  7. We are having similar issues except going the other way. We develop and test our reports on Windows then run them in production under Linux. They render fine in Window. When we run the same reports on Linux we experience truncation issues on some of the fields. I expect it is a font issue but have not been able to confirm this.
  8. The way it use to be done would be to include a check box image in your report. If you want to show a box checked or un checked you can use a expression to control which box you display in your field based on a condition.
  9. select RazonLlamada, count(*) as mycountvalue from TbLlamadas group by RazonLlamada
  10. You can write a Scriptlet which when called from you Jasper Report opens up a connection to your data base and does an SQL insert or update.
  11. The project you've linked to does not like it is active. If R produces an image you could call the R API and generate an image that you could then imbed in your report.
  12. You could set up a dumb master report. Next set up a subreport section that has a conditional statement . Then set up several different subreports with the various types of graphs you require. The report will be passed a parameter which will control which type of graph is displayed.
  13. Cleanest way would be to create a text field large enough to hold all your data "We, " + $P{parameter1} + " agree to make an amount of " + $P{parameter2} + " bla bla bla .....
  14. You could convert the BigDecial to a String http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/math/BigDecimal.html Post Edited by svenn at 01/28/2010 16:53
  15. Unselect "Strech With Overflow". Your field value will then be trucated when it reaches the field lenght that you have defined.
  16. Jasper basic charting lib is JFreeChart. There is most likely a property that controls this but that has not been exposed to you by iReports. What you can do is create a class that extends JRAbstractChartCustomizer. You can then modify values in your chart.
  17. You could unselect the property. That would cause your field to be cut.
  18. There is no such fuctionality to display the SQL. In each band you also have to make sure that the items in each band that fall within the same column start at the same X co ordinate. Have you tried exporting the report to a different format to verify if you are actually getting more columns than expected? Try exporting it to pdf for example.
  19. Try posting your question to one of these forums http://jasperforge.org/projects/jasperserver/forum This forum is for iReport development
  20. The image that we are using is 72 dots per inch. Could it have something to do with the image type? Our old logo was a gif at 96 dots per inch and it seems to scale a lot better than the jpg images.
  21. Check out this link. How to use the list component. http://therobinsonfamily.net/?p=30
  22. You need to either provide your own front end or use Jasper Server.
  23. $V{REPORT_COUNT} will give the line number but you still need something to drive the creation of each row. If you are using a database engine you could implement logic in your SQL to drive the creation of each of your detail lines. Ie Oracle Select 1 from <some table> where rownum <= Row_Count
  24. $F{TextFieldTest}.equals( "TEST") ? "True" : "False"
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